As I have explained, the Green Party or New Axis is an alliance of linkage that forges appearance of opposition (Yojimbo or feud decoy) while operating a pincher or vice grip from both the Marxist side of psychology (deluded and deluding freshman brilliants, Salvation Army insiders, etc.) with the upper tier of Romans.  Their concept is an Ark based on Social Darwinism.

     This essay is to explore the social ties in how the police psychiatrists from Duquesne University worked together with the Green Axis in the murder of my father Ryland Crary, while operating a museum larceny operation that involves my own slow murder and several poison crimes by operators like Steve Tangney working out arrangements with Warhol group attackers who brutally molested me and impacted horrible, trancelike traumas.  The sadism of these killers is truly vile.

      Seattle and Pittsburgh have worked closely on these outrages, often masquerading as the will of Lennon and Jewish Defense League.  The mayhem on Penis Gabriel’s SO was a brutal mock up of the persona created by Leslie Katz and her partners John Shulman and Robert Fripp about me.  Shulman’s arrest is recorded in the Sept. 2020 issue of Smithsonian Magazine, although the mass murders involved in Penis Gabriel’s brutal and horrifying playwriting of a war machine are left out.

      Examining The Necessity of Art, left by Dialectical UW-ists at Sound Mental Health to in place to appropriate by cunning and shark-like slasher murder the arts of the target individual James MacRyland Crary, who Seattle chemically castrated to announce they were all finished overdubbing him and using him for pornography with the help of Ming Na Wen, we find the Marxist theme of the extreme franchise’s other half, pounding away at the labor issues, rare art for food, and poison in duh mouff (leading to incurable constant rattling in the ear, among other hazards) that spell out the campaign and biological methods used by Penis to justify Ry’s murder and to promote how they use my having been kept in a semi-coma for extrusion of souvenirs for his Somalian, I mean Senegalese pirates and various other lopers in the Green Party Axis.

      It’s not clear whether their attorney Amanda Harcourt meant name-drop when she said that about Joni Mitchell when lying to my face or bomb drop when she really meant Yoko Ono.

      There is, in other words, a strategic alliance behind Ry’s murderers (he was a WW2 Naval Veteran and Peace Corps leader, with names locations around Donohue and Nyguna Kabugi) and the brutal targeting of the neuroplasm impacted by Penis and Wattenmaker for Warhol’s black market culture by Rosa, whose classmate Tangney was at the rival parochial school and Sound Mental Health where I was held inactive and hostage over a decade, rewarded for good behavior with poison in duh mouff.  In a word:  mayhem was committed and rewarded, by museum grand theft and larceny gangsters, led by the foreign deviants in King Crimson, cloaking their rivalry by impacting deafness giving me the appearance of terrible confusion and incompetence, a ghoulish crowd who went about punishing by rape a deaf girl who called them liars, punishing her after she taught me sign language against the Union’s iron line.  King Crimson arranged the merchandise as a discourse with museum insiders and Warhol whose faction attacked me blindside and tortured me as a child, a lifelong ordeal by their own agency’s special publication admission (see Richard McGarvey’s section of The Guttersnipe Proposal for a Group Project, and related materials by Greg Starsinic and Ringo Starr)..

       The Federal Bureau of Investigation appears to be criminally insane.  Their maniacal assessment of the horror hate crime and mayhem seems to be that it is what it is and the best thing for everyone is to keep me at it, poor and isolated, while the profiteers get jollies, even when it means letting them murder several more Kennedys.  After all, who would pry off the Dialectical UW rottweilers if I were given a damage award?   I suppose they feel it is too dangerous to be displeased when Lewis Lapdog of Harpers Magazine covers for the murder of a Humanist and his deafened boy’s further serial mutilation.  In any event, their grace appears to be not to make good on threats to assassinate yet or arrest me for being concerned.

       That’s a crime in Pittsburgh and Seattle, being concerned.  You can get in big trouble with important people.