Gangs like HARPERS Magazine would have a lot to explain in 2020 if James Crary of Pitt News in 1986 who tried to get help and warning out about AIDS being a premeditated attack were heard somewhere, and understood about the evidence proving this formulation.   Obviously, Michelle Obama will use violence to prevent this eventuality. It’s hard, however, to understand, if non-violent journalism defeated their ruthless and unprovoked combat, what the news would say. Hard, not impossible.

        Suppose the situation were a little bit reversed and that we lived in a world remotely, ever so slightly resembling the one that UW says we do.   Suppose a crime ring, or a nation like North Korea, managed to take Sean Lennon hostage, cut off his ears, forced him to denounce the USA, slowly, in front of the world over a period of years mutilated him, sexually humiliated him, until everyone would be glad he was dead just to be shed of the horror the extermination of an individual provoked.  Or suppose this was the assassination of JFK all over again to thrill Yoko Ono. After all, does not Ono hold the trump of the claim made by Ming Na Wen that a Pittsburgh drug varmint cudda saved him? Is this not the plan that was used to justify Mt. Desert Island as therapy?

        The Police will scramble the rhetoric to claim that Mt. Desert Island was defense of Reagan’s judgment in the matter and grip on both reality and power.   The Police will suppress the script and material evidence as they always have done. The Police will say that Antifa, the Anti-Fascists who openly dress up on the streets of Tacoma as Isis warriors were shrewd detectives who knew that Jimmy Creary was a zombie dictator trying to control Leslie Katz, and that the bearded women of their proclivity had a right, a duty, to poison the defsukke in duh mouff!    If you wash, they’ll be offended.

        Dia Galas, anthrax Galas, their thrill killer, too real, too homicidal to pigeonhole as a mere Beatlemaniac, posed before the World Trade Center with a stiletto promoting her hateful plan to bomb the World Trade Center as a threat to warn the world that her tagteam with the Zappas, (who abhorred drug use, but insist that Lennon be exonerated by loveslavery to his druggy example), meant business about AIDS, in defense of Mt. Desert Island, organized by Zell of Temple where I lived with Obama’s Army Command in 1980 when a namesake of Dia called me on Dec. 8, 1980, years before they used AIDS for a weapon.  It wasn’t even known. So we know that a deranged, pro-Ono faction of Antifa was in fact behind 911 and in fact use their social graces as a weapon to hide this fact in group solidarity. They are not above helping the AIDS attackers suppress the truth on behalf of the Police Department because by helping Ming Na Wen and Ringo Starr run riot over the Kennedy kids they are positioning the Third Reich’s moral dilemma and ultimatum to the West, what Penis J. Sinfield called, a warp strung across time.

          The script was a form of British military Impressment into involuntary service.  They want to give the dole, the Welfare State to what Herbert Agar called the saving remnant, only playing it (meaning the Holocaust) again Sam, in meaninglessness, crows Woody Allen, shooting Miami then lighting Australia on fire, the same gang, defending Leslie Katz, trophying her life as the Spiritual Representative of the Will of Yoko Ono, on what one of the Moles calls, a “Disposable Planet.”   They gassed me and watched to make sure I didn’t come to too soon for them from Penis Gabriel’s candelabra groined kooky tomb of gas chambers at R18 and Neva Corporation where the penny of injection slashered Shannon Harps over a copyright penny in a Star of David for the good kind like Obama.   

       The psychological warfare situation designed by UW ghouls in Antifa was premised on the idea of cloaking lesbian confederates, aristocrats of wealth and taste, in their Onassis yachts enjoying freedom of the seas around Monaco and Argentina, under the guise of Asian spirituality.  This allowed a crass hate-ridden alibi to be presented from Swarthmore and University of Colorado led by Lesbians Hostile to Jimmy Creary, but friends with the Dalai Lama (Tami Simon) and this group psychology put Texas Queers on the map with George Takai and others from Star Trek, like Melvin Belli, in on this with the Reagans from the beginning when Belli defended Jack Ruby, on the forefront of the Beatles’ Warhol Magazine mystique with Midori Goto the pro-assassin scold casing her prey with revenge for Hiroshima.

       Nuclear Riback, back in Pittsburgh Federal Reserve, who the FEMA and Pentagon Disney military powers in Westmoreland County with Mel Gibson, apparently also, like Katz, from Australia, lewdly announced to Jimmy Creary, “to play you has me tiered.”  That’s how he spelled “tired”. Then he called me a puppet. “To play me” meant Riback and his alibi caseworker Carbonell squeezed an impacted neuroplasm for “natural language” showing the voice-overs Ming Na Wen’s faction had impacted for the Warhols and Neva Corporation, proving their favorite Gail Burstyn’s demonic possession theorem, the real enemy within, the evil in a stolen Lincoln “cunt” allowing them to move in on me in the Jewish Neighborhood where I grew up deaf while Sony “constructed a persona” of me for the attackers from a “world of ash,” a rumor-mongered, rock mogul financed reputation that I couldn’t fight because not even aware of, one in which I was various things they said, dropping any old lie into the bucket of pig’s blood they poured on my head, claiming they were offended to explain poisoning the defsukke in duh mouff!  Giving the queerbait what it really wanted, riding Rosa Trump-Martinez and her African friend home from school to the rabbi loft where Obama’s page resided.

Don’t play nice and put shit in my latte, Red Elm.