The power structure in the United States operates in complete absence of jurisprudence.  Assassins were permitted to bring the World Trade Center down and Fox Media produced absurd lies about the whole situation.  The British were behind the crime. The murderers cover themselves by claiming to be Extermination tripping and thus weasel out of police review concerning their stalking and targeting in an example-murder justifying Exterminaton.   This is typical of Europe.

      AIDS was the Italian job of all time.   We have seen for a long time what sort of power structure was in play when I was a battered child.  They are movie producers. None of the cars I was kidnapped in were stolen, they were stage props. This is the reality show that the rabid put on.  I had to bide my time to escape. We now know that Seattle and Philadelphia Black Panthers, operating through the University system and pirate control of internet crime worked with HitlerReagan on the attack.  Obviously they are trying to make their names by targeting an innocent person in a gang production facility. That’s their devious idea of leadership when in reality they provided absolutely none. The murderers made it impossible to accomodate them by making clear their Nazi loyalty. They even called their Spirit Foundation by the crytonym of Kasper.  The violence and butchery of the British, the cunning and loathsomeness of their psychotic rock stars, will live forever in infamy.

      Among those involved in this atrocity, as partners, are Nicholas Dibarno and Sean Lennon.   Lennon believes he can still make himself a hero by raping a retarded deaf girl, slashering an innocent woman, poisoning Saoirse Kennedy and other acts of Italian job society defending Gail Burstyn and others like her who worked with Warhol on abomination.  This is the British mission, to censor, to lie, to slander and to force suppression of American history in tribute to their venture of conquest in friendship with Hitler’s escape.

      As they say in Philadolphia, that’s just how it is.