Ask the mommies in Yemen if you think we really have 12 years to save the world from the house fire that General Electric ignited by burning Iraqi oil fields that the fiendish AIDS attackers clocked to the publication of the book, “Perfect Storm,” as part of Yoko Ono’s disposable planet Operation:  Medicine Man of the Bush crowd promoting Obama as racial salvation for the West. The countdown to Greg Karl’s World of Ash Jesus supermovie for the end of flesh in the lost wax method of spiritual purification is on Penis McCartney’s guru stopwatch, and the detonator button is the only one it has.

        They kidnapped an Abey baby in a stolen Lincoln cont but that don’t mean cuz Moshe was on a train to Auschwitz and Leroy got a grievance mile high.  Justice in Change (Justin Chang) gives us Africa’s Zuma in United States-burgh, just being fair, like as though Hitler said, we need a stack of Germans in there, let’s be fair, and the help was eager.

        UW riff raff porking for Mellon from Warhol never tire of threatening me with money over the making of Alfred Hitchcock’s Accident Prone (AHPR). 

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