I would like to offer a recommendation concerning the direction of prospective research.   The Obamas are always yapping that I insulted the people who started AIDS and thusly had what was done to me, completely unprovoked, when I was too young to know who they are, coming.  This is a whole, successful, unrivaled school of thought from Trump University known as Obama-logic. You didn’t know I’d insult them for that? You must not have very skilled researchers.   The murderers have lisped if you care so much about the aw poors we’ll put you to work entertaining them and cleaning them up, no you won’t, that’s not my field and I am an elderly, disabled man.   What I cannot do is stop the murderers. They poisoned me in the mouth and murdered Saoirse Kennedy as an upload into my testimony while cooing nicely we are your friends. Very few experiences are more suffocating that not getting a normal erection in the night or feel sensation at the sight of a beautiful woman in rapture.  Know why they did that? Because I refused to pounce one of their panting porno starlets when she said I blew it. A man who isn’t man enough, the British sorority cackled, should be unmanned. This was the art of Penis Gabriel at Amnesty International, plying the tension of an impacted convulsive injury through sexual violence directed at the prey, to karma mechanic the desire of afflicted queers to both get revenge and not start a nuclear war, honorary non-violence from the kingpin of syphilis!  911 to the rescue with anthrax. All my work has been met with deadly reprisals from law enforcement which tips their hand in atrocity. Speak well of us, they lisp, or else. United States Government-sponsored unprovoked murder and torture are routine. That is why the Soviet Union could safely fold. Their practices have been assimilated.

         Whether I struggled in math because the parochial savage kidnapped and brutally tortured me as a gradeschool child or they tortured me again later because I struggled in math isn’t so much the issue but that they justify torture and mutilation by the correlation.   The discovery, by the hidden Walrus script in Pittsburgh (1993) after Mt. Desert Island (1988) that the Beatles were behind the AIDS attack was sobering. All of the information about the atrocity as it developed in other words was being streamed to the captains of the attack operating their delusion machine from Warhol Museum.   They had the victims’ trust, especially in Seattle, and rigged it to say that they get to do it because I cudda saved John Lennon, the meaning of which was completely lost on me, the specific, celebration inspiring, pusillanimous pseudo factoid from the desk of McCartney at Pentagon Disney they cherish as their greatest act of genius.   The idea of it has become the favorite song of their love slaves. The child mutilationists at University of Pittsburgh, the NAACP and State of Iowa Secret Service cannot wait to invalidate every professor of learning that isn’t in pre-Calc Society so they can jump down in a hail of spray, “Reagan didn’t know!”

         Trump got the NAACP to do this and now they can’t bear the backlash, ain’t that sad?  Trump is the monster from the Id of the Seattle Left, whose craven exposition on licky chops adventure into the science of deceit deployed on the make for spoils has found them out.   They would ripper backknife any poet on the block for a blow from one of the Epstein menagerie, right down to Jay Jay. They don’t call them Tricky Dixons for nothing. America is a circus of barf.

     The X-terminators, Billy Graham Society, friends of Queen Elizabeth whose Lord Secretary’s daughter married Penis Gabriel of Charterhouse School and the butchy twee band Genesis worked with John Wayne poisoning our campuses with LSD.  Stories of Tavistock Institute, Laurel Canyon and MK-Ultra have been around. We live in a society of every manner of terror, from serial killers to blockbuster films like Friday the 13th, slasher hatter billboard box office precedent smash thrillers, yet, when one of these is made worse than real by megastars, the victim is forbidden by law to scream.  It’s absolutely true, if I screamed I would get in big, big, big, big trouble. Many years ago, I got on a bus from Pittsburgh because I was paralyzed with horror that I would scream. I travelled day and night to Iowa and ran down to the Des Moines River. There, I began to scream. For hours and hours I screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed. They finally arrested me for public screaming.  I was in the downtown Emergency Service Center of Seattle when the rabid attacked us on 911.

       Reagan’s plastic leer over-wows.  The Left, purportedly, called the Nammies by babykillers, why I know what I’ll do, summoned HitlerReagan, I’ll show you the real babykillers with abortion, towards which end he abducted what Karl termed a magical agent of humanism.  Progressive politics, he mumbled, why I’ll give you progressive dementia. Sending Caspar Weinberger into retardation studies as part of a scientific eugenic strategy session, they East/W...Circuited Chin i Chin Chin to the brain-damaged golem.  Let this be thy salvation, Central Catholic upliftedly intoned.

        They marked the garage in which I was held captive SCOTT SECURITY, in an invisible drive called Snively Road, next to impossible to find even with a map in the East Liberty District where Errol Flynn (Nazi traitor) had a pal named Gene Kelly.    

         Returning briefly to the social studies of the Reagan partner in atrocity, Penis Gabriel, we arrive against very quickly to his association with Warhol of Pittsburgh, and likewise to Billy Graham by way of Queen Elizabeth, who posed for a photo as a juvenile giving the Hitler salute, a trait she never abandoned.   In this confederacy of Heil Jesus behind the abomination, we arrive quickly to stories from Franklin Graham and the Gurdjieff claque suspected of involvement in Jonestown. Graham called one of his Chaplains by the nickname Hitler which Graham explains with a swagger for having been so proficient killing people taken prisoner.   The dude insists his new nick be Lazarus on account he is back from the dead. Hitler is back from the dead, and wants to be called Lazarus, but it’s not Heil Jesus to get your own way, Penis Gabriel come up with a better’n, and now advocates for an Augustinian altar boy in Pittsburgh, the Pitt of Learning, named Kasper, the friendly ghost of Lazarus.

          Kasper brutally gassed me, as did a gang called the Pitmans, in a place called Kings Estate, to the rabid, nothing matters less.  Oi, they yap, feeding on Saoirse.    

          John Wayne’s favorite nutter in the film Green Berets, which opens with a paeon to Germany brays that Vietnam will make LSD look like koolaid or something like this.   We know that a Wayne rifleman type took queerbait to a deep hollow cliff hidden in Penn Hills and laced with a Wecht spectro-chemical impacted a sarinesque trauma to raise the satan within for the pussywhip play of the taking by Sheen’s Catholic Worker Hollywood of Don Timmerman (Don’t I’m her man) swapo swop of Ms. Go/to (hell), lights, camera, seizures, all planned out to sell cudda, Reagan didn’t know.  This T. acid was laced upon the golem by a rifleman who pulled out a mauled book in the park in 1972 called, “Why Not Swop.” Then came Sheen on cue, to announce with barking glee, “Why Not?”ps://www.dispatch.com › East-Liverpool-incinerator-fined-by-Ohio-EPA

Jun 25, 2015 - In a settlement, Heritage Thermal Services will pay the fine for releasing 761 pounds of ash into the air around its East Liverpool incinerator in Columbiana County. ... Days after an eastern Ohio hazardous-waste incinerator malfunctioned and sent an ash cloud over surrounding ...

       More moral uplift from the West Wing of the Karl farm.

       Karl roves you, rovey doves you.