The incarnation of the mindset that sees the eternal Trumpytune in every white has given our society one of its worst ever fiascos. They even ravage the deaf white sucks who have never lived above the poverty line to benefit Trumpytune himself. The politics are simple and yet kept out of reach like a cookie jar. It may sound contradictory but a white racist told me that if you help black people they will only turn on your and yet his closest allies in the city of Pittsburgh were in the NAACP; you might ask yourself how can that be possible well that’s as I say the politics of simple and yet kept out of reach like a cookie jar. it’s called the Green party an Axis renewal hosted with the taboos in black lab matters for example the idea that a white person could not translate a black poet effectively; these nasty pseudo-ideals derive from the idea that the people making these purist extremisms oare not themselves working intimately with white racists on causes that serve them both when in reality that’s precisely what black fascism coming from Africa is doing in their work with people like Donald Trump; black fascists from Africa have walked all over the United States while working with Peter Gabriel it’s called the Green party the green party is building an ark their fascists are the ones who are behind the terrible suffering that we are enduring right now with the Covid molecule; what the rabid behind this mission manage to monger is the idea that these individual groups working together in secret while pretending to not want to work with anyone; allows them to single out and destroy someone who sees the idea of them working together and notes it’s viability under the umbrella of a population control wake up call. It’s being viable and real is rejected to hold out for the day when they come pirohuetting into the scene to reconcile their seemingly doctrinaire opposing positions that were already working together and then say it’s not revealing how selectively how they don’t work together when they cooperate for the greater good of the 400,000 dollar home class, the aw poors of Trumpytune benevolent Ark. When they cooperate for the building up their fascst Ark that’s a yeah, as though they really care about ecology. What they want are trophies, period, all sides of the race aisle in the inner sanctum. If this were not true the evidence for it would not be being targeted with such terror and hostility by the Chop District. Even when this takes the absolutely ridiculous form of minorities making weird grievance claims while torturing and raping innocent deaf people the cookie jar is out of reach. American democracy is not the primary concern of the South African Secret Service and I think you can see that from the Covid situation and the Krugerand dude Trumpytune.
The clientele at Seattle Clubhouse proves an alliance between Dixon of the Black Panthers, Oliver North and what seems to resemble the Army of God V.A. I don’t know how it is possible to miss this scoop unless you are being willful in favor of lethal reprisals against journalism. They poisoned me in the mouth leading to suspected jugular plaque, a key word, bone loss, profound ear rattling because I called headhunting, poaching of my person by brutal pedophiles who tortured me when a child now playing wifeyball by the earned epithet licky chops. The evidence for a Code Red College involved in the molecule final solution has no ATF after them because of Biden’s sanction whose Administration resembles the Vatican during the dictators. Covid like AIDS emerged from burnt hand teachers of the Vietnam Era of NAACP endorsement for the war, Seattle adding South Vietnam. I posted in my blog cement writing as telling as the names North/Dixon, reading Free Nelson Mandela and Noah. Over and over I have warned people since AIDS. Can’t you see that Trump wants to do it even yet again? NAACP fetish about African fashion serves to render an ideology favoring Black fascism as an import. By mindless cacophony about whites, despite the clear alliance between fascists of color brokered by the South African Secret Service, which Moxyland by Lauren Beukes glorified, they’ve uploaded African Terror that even has Axis HQ. I’m not gig with it. I don’t see education as a liberal wimp’s evasion. Study and activity by college has tremendous potential at least until these dramatists rendered our schools death traps. Surely you are culpable. Seattle see my art as a high yield opportunity for profit by Warhol murderers who waxed Saoirse Kennedy as game. They made no secret of it nor of their vicious wordplay. So was that poor girl Carrie who they ultrahigh’d to chop with an elevator omen as Ginberg’s last wish: the sick leading the sick. How can ignoring this be anything but willful? Ming Na Wen, Midori Goto and Yoko Ono, a sleazy death squad of Trumpytune’s menagerie aren’t honorary the Black Men no matter how Dr. Ralph Proctor fumes in their defense.