Community Advisory
written before chem castration or mouff
Intelligencer imagery
2nd meme museum
meme museum
Shifty sets the agenda
toon: the electric pimp
aliaslittleboy channel telltale clip
The Supernova Sin War
ye hu say yow jew is in danger of hellfire
Eirene, Fetterman & Liane Ellison Norman
The Baron von Dimitri's
Baez & Ragni
sandbagger dissembling
gaza, an epitaph on the 60's
Dede Obama Galley
the cosmic fall of syria
back channel
They did it to themselves
the aids attack was smothered in lennon
3-5 papi killers gallery
clue clothes
the tiktok war
the satchpoth frenzy
Lennon Knew
The Podcast Olympics
boris obama gallery
June End Gallery
TTTT The Toon Tantrum Tripwire
Sample exhibit
James Macryland Crary
Postcard Neoliberalism
Dear Harpers
the flag of starkey
Cuz (FOA) gallery
New Gallery
New Gallery
muh pet monger
Op with is Ed!
New Gallery
RFK and Zell
You Only Think Twice
Porker Son's Editorial 8/22/23
New Gallery
Joel Caplan, Biden Secret
The Hollywood Scam
Operation Devil
New Gallery
New Gallery
Trump's Big Stunt
Gallery Board
Fridays for History Gallery
2023 Gallery
Mingling between classes gallery
Squrlus Amongdem Gallery
Truth and Powerlessness
Who is Greta lying to?
Genocide Warrant
Pitt lil ole Ohara Intl Philo Skool Gallery
New Gallery
The British are Rabid Animals
Hard Work
Luminere Ouspensky's Movie of the Soul
Yesterday and today
Divine Mufti Gallery
Secret Agent Man Gallery
Yadda Yat be Dat Frame by Shame Gallery
New Gallery
Ghost SS Gallery
The Texas Mean
New Gallery
Folio Gal
A Day's work
doe dough
New Gallery
New Gallery
New Gallery
All work copyright 2022 James M. Crary
Uvalde Compense Peep Gallery
The Lewis Lapham has no shame gallery
Recent Gallery
The Trumpet of Chang
Sample from my Youtube channel
Sinfield and Putin Gallery
Peasant Army and the Lamb
Extermination Warrant Gallery
Hebevenge Gallery
Hebevenge (It's only a movie)
SMERSH & Ono bank Kremlin
It's typical of the rabid to target grannies
The Lithium Denouement, March 25, 2022
The Greenville Graverobbers
The Putinese of So-called "Seattle"
Olympic Champion Gallery
Olympic Disaster Gallery
Query on the Special Incidence of Mac
Over Our Grandmothers' Graves
For a Few Pictures More: The Neva-Saudi Affair
The Adversary's Advantage
2022 Gallery
Copy of Police Actions
67 Semiotic with discussion
The Star of Sullivan
Home Invasion Scheherazade
Larni Greustre's Circle of Fiernds
Rescuing Erotic Art from the Parochial Savage
AOC (Alien Controlled Congress)
Absurd Theater
These Boots are Made for Walking
For Gentle People
Penfield Downs
Gestapo Row
Rare Hits
Planned Test Tube Baby Parenthood
Cry Tinkerbell
The Jealousy of a Black
Carbonell's Queer Momentum Flame over Africa Gallery
The Cupidity of Erasmus
The Lincoln Jinx Gallery
The Rejection of the Virgin
The DeDe Allen/Anne Frank Nexus
The Covid Bonus Attack Update
Police Liaison
The Pitchfork
Case Crumbley
The Secret Prison
Pit Tea
Auto-psy Autopsy
Step on a Crack
Congratulations to Seattle
Foreign Dispatch
Mouff Mouff Concensus Gallery
That Inslee Gang
Age of Tyranny
Frame Over Africa
Hopefully my last letter before turning 61
A Profile of Profiteer
Annabel E. Lee Gallery
Trump and Fripp in the AIDS attack
Seize, Deafsuck, Seize
To What degree is Pornography part of the Military Industrial Complex?
Director's Cut Gallery
WW2: The Director's Cut
Lying About the Covid Bomb
Secret Platoon
Higo part two
The Higo Bonanza (where did Higo)
Just Another Movie Star
In Monstrous Defense of Greta Thunberg
The Mask of the Poacher
Children of Lesser Greta
Case Study in Top Sacred Compensatory Coded Reparations
The Crary Menace
Trumpytune Ecology
The Arc of Smuggling
Honeymoon With Japan
With Exhibits
UW Dialectical Greta Pussyball Battle Royal
Kamakazi Canary
Jimmy Crary 8/23/21
After Discussing Flo Glo and the VW
Singular Fantasy
Were Monty Python in on the Murder of Martin Luther King?
The Insane Pygmy
Did Donald Trump "Order" the Murder of Sharon Tate?
The Inside Secret Shifty Holds
The Hotwired Persona
An Affidavit about an Experiment conducted on the American Experiment
The Dacoitery Handbag
The Skipped Heartbeats Life of a Bipartisan Voodoo Dolly
Thru the Greta Glass Darkly
Seattle's Willing Executioners
The Flat Zone
The Cranks of Auschwitz
Hesitating at the Heists of Darwin
So Much for Heart
The Olaf-Wecht Affair
Saoirse: Scapegoat for the Alibi
Story Checks Out
Mac's Poetry
Is Greta Really Innocent of this shit?
Play Dumb at Seattle Clubhouse
Abdul the Linkage
Tulsa Tulsi the traitors Biden/Trump (they just don't know)
Free Smacks on Saoirse Revisited
How America Smothered Banquo
Is Greta Trumpytune's Covid Minister?
Trumpytune Communistas
The Wind Whippers
Honesty's Suckers
Explaining the Murder of Saoirse Kennedy
Greta's Kitchen
The Federal Bureau of Shulman Penis
Leni Leni Quite O'Heni
The Genocide Treaty Gallery
The Horseshoe of Science
A Clockwork Trumpytune
Island of the Fatal Sun
Let's "the Joke's on You"
As Developments Strutforth
iPhone them snivelers
You Like Obyssma?
The Scorecard Snuff Film
Queen Elizabeth
Ivanka Ingrid
In Defense of Joe Kennedy
Under the Mask of Idealism
Disaggregated Gallery
The Mechanics of Grenblin Goldflap
100 Dollars and a Suitcase
Was the Pussyball Cover-up a Climate Statement?
The Mondale Prophecy
Zoot Suit Padilla
Operation Licky Chops
Michael Reagan must be so proud of himself for pulling this off
The Legendary Brutal Fascism of McCartney
Nonden Gallery
Evidence Sensitivity
Agatha State
Queen Elizabeth cousin Richard
Oxygen, Ltd.
The Annotated Auntie
Is Greta in the CIA?
What Could be in Safe-Mini?
What Lennon Meant by Double Fantasy
Greta Thunberg
A Sociology of The New America
Did Penis Gabriel Order the Death of Steven Biko?
The Green Brats
Why I Believe Donald Trump Murdered Jon Benet Ramsey
Some Gangster Special
Surrender for Big Bucks, man
How I Made the Green Party's Domestic Enemies' List
The Manson Angle to Covid-19
Blush Blush for Aung San Blush Blush
Window of Deliverance
Progress Report Gallery 4/16/21
Love Police: The Legendary Great King Crimson Backstab
Quack at the Casino
For the Honor of the School
When the Time Came
Androgyny's Sex Nose
A Seat at the Table
Oath of the Sumo Amish
Twig Row Gallery
The Family Within the Family
The Great Mental Health Anti-Climax
Grisly Fi
Jinx Magazine Interview with Mac Crary
The Ballad of Jack and Jenny Ruby
Okay, Jimi
The Red Carpet of Warhol
The Spigots of Song
Broken Silence Broken
Andrew Saul at the West Coast VIdeo
Brothers from Another Movie
Slouch Coppers
Small World
The Morality of Daw Aung San
Biden, the IRS and JFK
The Mind of Donald Trump
Feminist Punks
A Treasury of Foe
The Self-Defeat of Joe Biden
The Pussyball Claw
Clean Harry
Tacoma’s Reputation Gall
The People of Willard
PS (Parochial Sniveller)
The Cookie Jar
In the Peep of a Combat Lull
What Language you say that is again?
Operation Hilarious
May I Please Be Excused?
Look What I Made Them Do Now!
The Breaking Point
1 Galleries
2 Galleries
3 Galleries
4 Galleries
5 Galleries
6 Galleries
7 Galleries
Yinz and Yang Gallery
The Licky Chops War Crime
The Funari Hutu Gallery
The Sira Bonnie File
Old Testament Guys-zuh
The Inner Circle of BroPaul
The Deaf Modernist
Overstock Gallery
Scary Crary
Smoke Expectancy
The Dunwich Parallax
Yoko Ono's Revenge
Happy Turpentine Day
The Mad Threat Inventor
The Yes Women
Mt. Alamo Trespass Gallery of Light
Jan. 6th Incident Gallery
The Insult Gallery II
The Insult Gallery III
The Insult Gallery IV
So Long Suckers
Gangs like The Nation
In the Court of a Biden Empire
The British Call this Strategy
Come Together at a Safe Distance
Sex and State
Touched by a Ripper Hatter
Operation Nature Hammer
One a muh trix!
Spect I'll just Nyguna, thanks anyway ole TCC
The Stolen Book
Bernie Sanders, Steppenwolf
Was Lennon a Christian Scientist?
Joe Boiden
The November Criminals
The November Criminals Gallery
Moxy Edukators in Voodoo Safari County
What can we do about savvier fascism?
How bout dat Jimmuh Qwee
Spike ole Lee's Franchise: Izola and Angela
Interview with a castrated American deaf poet
Does Yoko Ono have the right to kill the Kennedys?
Escape From Israel
Penajj Gobriotus
The Brilliants of Toyah Gallery
Better wear my extrusion machine inside out fakeface
Penis Anderson
The Poetry Thief Legacy of Robert Fripp
Shulman's Shuman
Tea is for Treason
Psycholanalyzing the Two-Eyed Cyclops
Archcrimzo Remembered
The Houdini Camouflage Affair
Kabbalah Harris
Rabid Animals
The Diary of a Non-Anne Frank
The Man from the Moto Trade (JFK's death 57 years)
Spike Lee and Old Lace
A Nation of Pimps
One Trick Tony's Bonus Gig
The Pornographic Dimension of Nuclear War
Extra! Governor Sadist Mutilations and Robs ex-lover of his dacoit's wife Extra!
Kennedy's Honor Guard
A Policy Statement on Joey gaBidden
Duke Pulpit
Derek and the Dumb
The Jukebox of Rippers
Wierd Scenes Within the Antineoliberalism Movement
Tears for America
WA Murder Hornets
Supreme Court of the Money (pay Ry back)
Dolly's Syrian Ecstacy
Magic Rainier Appendix
How we know Trump killed Kennedy
Golem-Contra 444
W(h)en Ono slew Saoirse
The Poacher in Chief
Rebel Doodler Mandy
Re-Elect Caligula Gallery
The Snide
No I am not "out to get" Inslee and Goto
Frick and The Move
Two New Videos
Why McCartney Murdered Saoirse for Shulman
Getting Even from Auburn for Tojo Vichy
The Wifeyballers
The Macabre Paradox of the Pro-Trump Seattle Left
Science Told Joe
Obama the White
Sullivan's Travels
Amy Scotus, Amy Scotus
Gallery of Items from JMRC
Biker Justice from Ringo
Mink Gallery
The Censoriousness and Duplicity of BLM
Kaballah Harris
Miami V
Burstyn Russia Omitted
No More Cornpone for Golda
Privy Gallery
No one called police
Bad News about Bad News
Trump Sick Effect on Research
For Biden
The Chapter Riddler
The Unfinished Symphony of Walter Benjamin
Chop District Report
The Kneeling Postman
Radio Free Iowa
The truth about Ruth
Obama Sin Radio
Cosmic Harvard
Cosmic Harvard Gallery
The Mad Inventor
Hustlers not Hassler
Final Exam Gallery
The Heinz Matrix
Don't Call it That Gallery
The Tacoma Covid Bazaar
The Ringo and Trump Travesty
Salami at Dunkin's
UW Lethal
So Much for Honor
The Amoral of the Story
The Presets of the American Media Hoodwink
The Secret of the Victim
Of Mice and Mayhem
The Red Baron
John Doe Dohonue Suitcase
DD and JFK - a talk
CIA Ciao Chow
Dear Persons of Learning
a Trillion dollar hallucination
Ian's Favorite Scene
Charm School
Dialectical UW Mouff Treatment
Green Axis Lecture
President Au Pair
Are you mad at me, Donald?
Upton Sinclair Goes to R18 Channel
Police Sobriety Exam
New Page
The Rabid
Sermonizers of the Magic Mountain
The Occupy Precedent
Black Lives Mandelman
The Diagram
The Rabid and his Coils
Seattle Prava Gallery
Summer of the Bummer Gallery
The Correct Name for an Attack Magdalene
3 Piece Distress Call from the Summer of the Bummer
Stalked by a Foreign Species Gallery
Mayhem and Evil under the Umbrella of Lennon's Shadow
Caesar's Jealousy
The Singers of Mass Destruction
The Muzzle of Faceliars
The Children of Jenny Durkan, Mayor of Seattle
Feeding a Halfway
Butter Up the Turbo Zone
Story Checks Out
Defeat and Surrender Gallery
Wolf and Beev
Update Link on Her Majesty's Direct Brain Invasion
The Green Party
A Critique of Greta Thunberg
Saoirse O! Elbereth!
Were the Murders of Four More Kennedys Part of the Obamas' Move Into Massachusetts?
Time Served (Gallery)
Covid Pelosi
Why Many American Servicemen Had a Politically Incorrect Language Code in WW2
Ma!? What does "synchronize" mean?
Obama was Trumpster bait
Dear President Kennedy
Taking Denialism's Temperature
Why I Know Covid-19 is a bomb
Please don't bother me
Why is there this pattern Gallery
One hears these tortured cries from America
Cho-Cho-Chopsticks Gallery
White Lives Don't Matter
Under Pink Reality Gallery
Let's Make a Deal-Marry Lew Karl Elli
Of Mouse and Mug
The New Tone Down
The Hostile Revolution of John and Yoko
Black Rioters Matter
Come Ahead, Fink
Scott Security Garage on Snively Road
In Defense of the Woodrow Wilson Monument
Ayy Garsh at the Jump and Holler
New Gallery
The Bard is Dead Jim
NP's Blood Money
The Art of the Covid War
The Federal Bureau of Scapegoatology
Don't Bother Calling
T.P. for the Contemptible Consumptive
The Stork
Gallery of the Telltale Snivel
The Dark Age of Beatlemaniality
Axis Jewry
Hehn, Just Hehn
Next Door
Jimmy Hoffa Jimmy Hoffa
Azartek Scans
Wu, Hanzell and Greta
Chris! Chris! Oh, Chris!
If Police are Abolished Who Will Stop Hitler?
Laughing at Masks
Pener Dylan
Am I Personal With Donald J. Trump?
Shulman and Degrell, I mean Avello
Elizabeth Blue
The Olympia Bid
John Shulman and the Post Gazette
And Then There Were Two
Lord of the Church Flies (The Weimar Within)
Our Bohemian Fuhrer
Operation Pusher
Sherlock Sherman's Common Cause with Andy
The Ugly Truth about Green Party Yojimbo and Pussyball
A Dangerous Divorce
A Suspect for Tea
Wells Fargo
The Green Axis aren't scaring seniors they are killing them.
The New Supremacists
Political Analysis
America doesn't hate the Jews the Jews hate America
Nuremberg Shrugged
The Identity Gap
The Dylan and Globalczar Adventure in Minneapolis
Found, myuh
Warhol's Oxford Mini
The Strategic Psychology of Richard key/Star
The Trump Massacre
The Mask of Perversity
Seek Absolution from the Totality
Looks Just Like Rubin
Letter from Mac Crary 5/21/2020
Fire In The Dollhouse
The False Flag of Lennon
The Reform School Swindlers
An Introduction to Enormity
K is for Ku Guy
The Know Betters
City of No Asylum
The Character of Pittsburgh's People
Covid: When the Pimps Went Wilding
The Spat
The Agenda
The Happy Killers
Sex Group 107
Let's Bill Gates!
The Allegheny View
Space Needlesraum
Green Hair
A Perfect World
The Tacoma Flu
The Fall Guy Chain
The Zimmerman Telegram
The Kennedy Surrender
Aztec Wind
Lawyer Up, Motherfuckers
It Gives Me the Greatest of Pleasure
The Corona Attack and Greta Thunberg
A.C. vs. D.C.
Neah, Curses, Myuh
Illuminati Python
The Suspicious Apple
War of the Worlds
Sanetta and the Firespitters
The Forged World of Donald Trump
The Doomsday Letter of Corona Brewery
Operation Big Woman
How Jewish Lesbians Defeated Seattle Queers
2 Virgins Camazotz
Cudda Means it was Bernie
The Basics Gallery
Golem Cadenza (piano distemper)
The Spike Gallery
The Spike
The Hallelujah Precinct
The Venus Fly Trap of Treblinka
Savagely Horror Ripper Molested by Harpers Bigwigs
Ghosting Me (piano)
Pawn of a Crime Lord Gallery
War for War's Sake
A Letter to Greta Thunberg
A Kiss of Support (higherness) Gallery
Jive Dog Din
Why I Do not Advocate for Seattle and Pittsburgh
The Only Relevant Fact in the Case
Self-Respect'n Klondike-Black Contami-wife-rapin' Thievchology Gallery
We Almost Won World War Two
Quicklink to Story Checks Out Org
Hafta git back to ya
In Search of Cerebellum
"He Usually Owns Up"
Seattle Quiet House
Loser Dude (talk video)
Abdul Zubinstein
Murderers: A Film by Jimmy Crary
Anti-Extinction Yankee
Operation Medicine Man
Wupac Injuncy
The Objectionist
TC - Tony Cervi's Acid (TACID ~ DT/CIA)
Movie of the Soul
Jimmy the Robot
The Un-Natural History of a Great Extermination
The Federal Bureau of Carrot Tape-ology
Is Batman and Robin a Lampoon of JFK and RFK?
The Colucci Papers
The Gang Corporation
President Asshole
How bout dat Jan. 2020?
Shield of the Cursing Brat
Telltale Clip 3
Hawkwind's Baloney
A Letter for the Topeka Police Department
The Red Baron
No Exit N'dour
Program Alchemy
Mac Crary by the same
The Mad Whistleblower
An Observationed by Pechman, Sylvester and Cho
Gangster Hazing
Fantasic Voyage
Note From an Anti-Extinction Yankee
Letter to Greta
The Paragraph
Top Sacred Tupac Shakur Infinite Learning of Extra-Secret Knowledge
Flies and Rings
Scotland Yard and Ian Fleming Murdered JFK
The Construct
Pride Forbids Me
Illuminati and the Ubermensch
The Traitors in Floyd
Heart Punishment
Where Doubles Dare Gallery
Was Antifa Behind the 911 Attacks in New York City?
The Real SQUAD
The Lousy Fight Club of Nancy Pelosi
Blazing Saddles Goes to Iran
In Favor of Gangrene
The Daughter Killers
Brother From Another Donald
Sneak Attack of the Illuminati
The C of David
So Desuka You Saw Something in Miami
The Incredible Two-Headed Donald
Another Mac Crary Megabust Motion Feature
Richard A Rouge O Gallery
The Murdering Filth of Media
Door Buttons
Dopple Fantasy
In the Wrong Hands
All of America is Casablanca
Impeach the Molders of the Golem
Person-of-the-Year in Smithereens
Adrian Belew's Blood-Drenched Ideology
The Important Box
Monsieur Rogiers
American Pig
Yojimbo isn't a Feud
Myuh Gal
The Magical Cyanide of Laurel Canyon
90. Save a Stamp on a Letter to "Watch your back" Jack
No, You are Not an Iconoglast (gallery)
Ebony Scrooge
The Ultimate Truth about JFK
It's Too Ironic
The Italian Job
The New Philosophy of Murder
Why the Holy Wigs is Hangdog
The Trump Impeachment Hypocrisy Downplay
The Teachers Riot
80. The Totality That Injects
The Scary Implications of Oswald the Rabbit
Mutation and Tyranny
How Lennon Led the Aquarian Conspiracy Revolution (ACR)
The Tragedy of Czar Nicholas
Bedbug Typhoid Mary
The Love that Hate Refuted
Poached Messiah
70. Jehovah's Thriller
They Better Act Fast
Pitt ~ Pit ~ Like Olive Pit
Kasper: The Kennedy Curse
The Soviet Tank
Too Sad for Open Mic
The Big Hate in the Sky
Have Scapegoat, Will Travel
To Have or Have Nazi
60. Don J. Trump, King Lampoon
If Rickles Were Pickles We'd all Be Iowan Moles
Franklin Graham and Jay Inslee, American Judases
More Bang for the Bucs
Ohhh-ohhh, so it IS murder~!
There Was Never Any Trial
This site will make you Nostalgic for Orwell's 1984
The World War Two Overtime Gallery
Clinton Grooming
50. The Trusting White
Queer on Deaf Crime
The Province of Permission
Ash Company
Palace of Hokum
Battered Liberal
The Leathery Guy
The Asbestos of Disney Magic
Campfire Story
Billy Graham's Ministry of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
40. The Wind Cries, "Saoirse!"
Crary's Suggestion for Contradicting Greg Karl's Plot for a "World of Ash"
The Snivellers' Clean-Up Time Gallery
Folklore Reject
Refuting Greta
Jake Osta
A Hollywood Theory of Moral War
Preface to How Pittsburgh Got Away With This
Divide and Conquer for the Gummos
The Gaslighting Murder of Saoirse Kennedy
30. Gestapo Math
Read My Lisp
The Murderers at UW
Observation'd by foreign Imam Crimson
The Beefeater Sparrow
Normality, Ltd.
Barrister Nosferatu
The Mind of The Stranger
Where it is with queerbait and his so-called Friends
20. Interview With Hitler
Billy Gates
Escape from Epstein
Donald J. Trump by James MacRyland Crary
The Outwitted Child
Want to Get Down to It?
The Nicholson X-File
A Town Hall Story
Ninotchka and Curry's Cover
Pronounced Reagan
10. How bout dat Aldo Camini?
The League of Dictators
The Rabbit Hole
The Pronouncement
Fear of Reality
Easter Bunker: Hitler/Reagan Semiotics
The Texas Schoolbook
The Future of Walls
Unheroic America
1. Axis Poachers
written before chem castration or mouff
Intelligencer imagery
2nd meme museum
meme museum
Shifty sets the agenda
toon: the electric pimp
aliaslittleboy channel telltale clip
The Supernova Sin War
ye hu say yow jew is in danger of hellfire
Eirene, Fetterman & Liane Ellison Norman
The Baron von Dimitri's
Baez & Ragni
sandbagger dissembling
gaza, an epitaph on the 60's
Dede Obama Galley
the cosmic fall of syria
back channel
They did it to themselves
the aids attack was smothered in lennon
3-5 papi killers gallery
clue clothes
the tiktok war
the satchpoth frenzy
Lennon Knew
The Podcast Olympics
boris obama gallery
June End Gallery
TTTT The Toon Tantrum Tripwire
Sample exhibit
James Macryland Crary
Postcard Neoliberalism
Dear Harpers
the flag of starkey
Cuz (FOA) gallery
New Gallery
New Gallery
muh pet monger
Op with is Ed!
New Gallery
RFK and Zell
You Only Think Twice
Porker Son's Editorial 8/22/23
New Gallery
Joel Caplan, Biden Secret
The Hollywood Scam
Operation Devil
New Gallery
New Gallery
Trump's Big Stunt
Gallery Board
Fridays for History Gallery
2023 Gallery
Mingling between classes gallery
Squrlus Amongdem Gallery
Truth and Powerlessness
Who is Greta lying to?
Genocide Warrant
Pitt lil ole Ohara Intl Philo Skool Gallery
New Gallery
The British are Rabid Animals
Hard Work
Luminere Ouspensky's Movie of the Soul
Yesterday and today
Divine Mufti Gallery
Secret Agent Man Gallery
Yadda Yat be Dat Frame by Shame Gallery
New Gallery
Ghost SS Gallery
The Texas Mean
New Gallery
Folio Gal
A Day's work
doe dough
New Gallery
New Gallery
New Gallery
All work copyright 2022 James M. Crary
Uvalde Compense Peep Gallery
The Lewis Lapham has no shame gallery
Recent Gallery
The Trumpet of Chang
Sample from my Youtube channel
Sinfield and Putin Gallery
Peasant Army and the Lamb
Extermination Warrant Gallery
Hebevenge Gallery
Hebevenge (It's only a movie)
SMERSH & Ono bank Kremlin
It's typical of the rabid to target grannies
The Lithium Denouement, March 25, 2022
The Greenville Graverobbers
The Putinese of So-called "Seattle"
Olympic Champion Gallery
Olympic Disaster Gallery
Query on the Special Incidence of Mac
Over Our Grandmothers' Graves
For a Few Pictures More: The Neva-Saudi Affair
The Adversary's Advantage
2022 Gallery
Copy of Police Actions
67 Semiotic with discussion
The Star of Sullivan
Home Invasion Scheherazade
Larni Greustre's Circle of Fiernds
Rescuing Erotic Art from the Parochial Savage
AOC (Alien Controlled Congress)
Absurd Theater
These Boots are Made for Walking
For Gentle People
Penfield Downs
Gestapo Row
Rare Hits
Planned Test Tube Baby Parenthood
Cry Tinkerbell
The Jealousy of a Black
Carbonell's Queer Momentum Flame over Africa Gallery
The Cupidity of Erasmus
The Lincoln Jinx Gallery
The Rejection of the Virgin
The DeDe Allen/Anne Frank Nexus
The Covid Bonus Attack Update
Police Liaison
The Pitchfork
Case Crumbley
The Secret Prison
Pit Tea
Auto-psy Autopsy
Step on a Crack
Congratulations to Seattle
Foreign Dispatch
Mouff Mouff Concensus Gallery
That Inslee Gang
Age of Tyranny
Frame Over Africa
Hopefully my last letter before turning 61
A Profile of Profiteer
Annabel E. Lee Gallery
Trump and Fripp in the AIDS attack
Seize, Deafsuck, Seize
To What degree is Pornography part of the Military Industrial Complex?
Director's Cut Gallery
WW2: The Director's Cut
Lying About the Covid Bomb
Secret Platoon
Higo part two
The Higo Bonanza (where did Higo)
Just Another Movie Star
In Monstrous Defense of Greta Thunberg
The Mask of the Poacher
Children of Lesser Greta
Case Study in Top Sacred Compensatory Coded Reparations
The Crary Menace
Trumpytune Ecology
The Arc of Smuggling
Honeymoon With Japan
With Exhibits
UW Dialectical Greta Pussyball Battle Royal
Kamakazi Canary
Jimmy Crary 8/23/21
After Discussing Flo Glo and the VW
Singular Fantasy
Were Monty Python in on the Murder of Martin Luther King?
The Insane Pygmy
Did Donald Trump "Order" the Murder of Sharon Tate?
The Inside Secret Shifty Holds
The Hotwired Persona
An Affidavit about an Experiment conducted on the American Experiment
The Dacoitery Handbag
The Skipped Heartbeats Life of a Bipartisan Voodoo Dolly
Thru the Greta Glass Darkly
Seattle's Willing Executioners
The Flat Zone
The Cranks of Auschwitz
Hesitating at the Heists of Darwin
So Much for Heart
The Olaf-Wecht Affair
Saoirse: Scapegoat for the Alibi
Story Checks Out
Mac's Poetry
Is Greta Really Innocent of this shit?
Play Dumb at Seattle Clubhouse
Abdul the Linkage
Tulsa Tulsi the traitors Biden/Trump (they just don't know)
Free Smacks on Saoirse Revisited
How America Smothered Banquo
Is Greta Trumpytune's Covid Minister?
Trumpytune Communistas
The Wind Whippers
Honesty's Suckers
Explaining the Murder of Saoirse Kennedy
Greta's Kitchen
The Federal Bureau of Shulman Penis
Leni Leni Quite O'Heni
The Genocide Treaty Gallery
The Horseshoe of Science
A Clockwork Trumpytune
Island of the Fatal Sun
Let's "the Joke's on You"
As Developments Strutforth
iPhone them snivelers
You Like Obyssma?
The Scorecard Snuff Film
Queen Elizabeth
Ivanka Ingrid
In Defense of Joe Kennedy
Under the Mask of Idealism
Disaggregated Gallery
The Mechanics of Grenblin Goldflap
100 Dollars and a Suitcase
Was the Pussyball Cover-up a Climate Statement?
The Mondale Prophecy
Zoot Suit Padilla
Operation Licky Chops
Michael Reagan must be so proud of himself for pulling this off
The Legendary Brutal Fascism of McCartney
Nonden Gallery
Evidence Sensitivity
Agatha State
Queen Elizabeth cousin Richard
Oxygen, Ltd.
The Annotated Auntie
Is Greta in the CIA?
What Could be in Safe-Mini?
What Lennon Meant by Double Fantasy
Greta Thunberg
A Sociology of The New America
Did Penis Gabriel Order the Death of Steven Biko?
The Green Brats
Why I Believe Donald Trump Murdered Jon Benet Ramsey
Some Gangster Special
Surrender for Big Bucks, man
How I Made the Green Party's Domestic Enemies' List
The Manson Angle to Covid-19
Blush Blush for Aung San Blush Blush
Window of Deliverance
Progress Report Gallery 4/16/21
Love Police: The Legendary Great King Crimson Backstab
Quack at the Casino
For the Honor of the School
When the Time Came
Androgyny's Sex Nose
A Seat at the Table
Oath of the Sumo Amish
Twig Row Gallery
The Family Within the Family
The Great Mental Health Anti-Climax
Grisly Fi
Jinx Magazine Interview with Mac Crary
The Ballad of Jack and Jenny Ruby
Okay, Jimi
The Red Carpet of Warhol
The Spigots of Song
Broken Silence Broken
Andrew Saul at the West Coast VIdeo
Brothers from Another Movie
Slouch Coppers
Small World
The Morality of Daw Aung San
Biden, the IRS and JFK
The Mind of Donald Trump
Feminist Punks
A Treasury of Foe
The Self-Defeat of Joe Biden
The Pussyball Claw
Clean Harry
Tacoma’s Reputation Gall
The People of Willard
PS (Parochial Sniveller)
The Cookie Jar
In the Peep of a Combat Lull
What Language you say that is again?
Operation Hilarious
May I Please Be Excused?
Look What I Made Them Do Now!
The Breaking Point
1 Galleries
2 Galleries
3 Galleries
4 Galleries
5 Galleries
6 Galleries
7 Galleries
Yinz and Yang Gallery
The Licky Chops War Crime
The Funari Hutu Gallery
The Sira Bonnie File
Old Testament Guys-zuh
The Inner Circle of BroPaul
The Deaf Modernist
Overstock Gallery
Scary Crary
Smoke Expectancy
The Dunwich Parallax
Yoko Ono's Revenge
Happy Turpentine Day
The Mad Threat Inventor
The Yes Women
Mt. Alamo Trespass Gallery of Light
Jan. 6th Incident Gallery
The Insult Gallery II
The Insult Gallery III
The Insult Gallery IV
So Long Suckers
Gangs like The Nation
In the Court of a Biden Empire
The British Call this Strategy
Come Together at a Safe Distance
Sex and State
Touched by a Ripper Hatter
Operation Nature Hammer
One a muh trix!
Spect I'll just Nyguna, thanks anyway ole TCC
The Stolen Book
Bernie Sanders, Steppenwolf
Was Lennon a Christian Scientist?
Joe Boiden
The November Criminals
The November Criminals Gallery
Moxy Edukators in Voodoo Safari County
What can we do about savvier fascism?
How bout dat Jimmuh Qwee
Spike ole Lee's Franchise: Izola and Angela
Interview with a castrated American deaf poet
Does Yoko Ono have the right to kill the Kennedys?
Escape From Israel
Penajj Gobriotus
The Brilliants of Toyah Gallery
Better wear my extrusion machine inside out fakeface
Penis Anderson
The Poetry Thief Legacy of Robert Fripp
Shulman's Shuman
Tea is for Treason
Psycholanalyzing the Two-Eyed Cyclops
Archcrimzo Remembered
The Houdini Camouflage Affair
Kabbalah Harris
Rabid Animals
The Diary of a Non-Anne Frank
The Man from the Moto Trade (JFK's death 57 years)
Spike Lee and Old Lace
A Nation of Pimps
One Trick Tony's Bonus Gig
The Pornographic Dimension of Nuclear War
Extra! Governor Sadist Mutilations and Robs ex-lover of his dacoit's wife Extra!
Kennedy's Honor Guard
A Policy Statement on Joey gaBidden
Duke Pulpit
Derek and the Dumb
The Jukebox of Rippers
Wierd Scenes Within the Antineoliberalism Movement
Tears for America
WA Murder Hornets
Supreme Court of the Money (pay Ry back)
Dolly's Syrian Ecstacy
Magic Rainier Appendix
How we know Trump killed Kennedy
Golem-Contra 444
W(h)en Ono slew Saoirse
The Poacher in Chief
Rebel Doodler Mandy
Re-Elect Caligula Gallery
The Snide
No I am not "out to get" Inslee and Goto
Frick and The Move
Two New Videos
Why McCartney Murdered Saoirse for Shulman
Getting Even from Auburn for Tojo Vichy
The Wifeyballers
The Macabre Paradox of the Pro-Trump Seattle Left
Science Told Joe
Obama the White
Sullivan's Travels
Amy Scotus, Amy Scotus
Gallery of Items from JMRC
Biker Justice from Ringo
Mink Gallery
The Censoriousness and Duplicity of BLM
Kaballah Harris
Miami V
Burstyn Russia Omitted
No More Cornpone for Golda
Privy Gallery
No one called police
Bad News about Bad News
Trump Sick Effect on Research
For Biden
The Chapter Riddler
The Unfinished Symphony of Walter Benjamin
Chop District Report
The Kneeling Postman
Radio Free Iowa
The truth about Ruth
Obama Sin Radio
Cosmic Harvard
Cosmic Harvard Gallery
The Mad Inventor
Hustlers not Hassler
Final Exam Gallery
The Heinz Matrix
Don't Call it That Gallery
The Tacoma Covid Bazaar
The Ringo and Trump Travesty
Salami at Dunkin's
UW Lethal
So Much for Honor
The Amoral of the Story
The Presets of the American Media Hoodwink
The Secret of the Victim
Of Mice and Mayhem
The Red Baron
John Doe Dohonue Suitcase
DD and JFK - a talk
CIA Ciao Chow
Dear Persons of Learning
a Trillion dollar hallucination
Ian's Favorite Scene
Charm School
Dialectical UW Mouff Treatment
Green Axis Lecture
President Au Pair
Are you mad at me, Donald?
Upton Sinclair Goes to R18 Channel
Police Sobriety Exam
New Page
The Rabid
Sermonizers of the Magic Mountain
The Occupy Precedent
Black Lives Mandelman
The Diagram
The Rabid and his Coils
Seattle Prava Gallery
Summer of the Bummer Gallery
The Correct Name for an Attack Magdalene
3 Piece Distress Call from the Summer of the Bummer
Stalked by a Foreign Species Gallery
Mayhem and Evil under the Umbrella of Lennon's Shadow
Caesar's Jealousy
The Singers of Mass Destruction
The Muzzle of Faceliars
The Children of Jenny Durkan, Mayor of Seattle
Feeding a Halfway
Butter Up the Turbo Zone
Story Checks Out
Defeat and Surrender Gallery
Wolf and Beev
Update Link on Her Majesty's Direct Brain Invasion
The Green Party
A Critique of Greta Thunberg
Saoirse O! Elbereth!
Were the Murders of Four More Kennedys Part of the Obamas' Move Into Massachusetts?
Time Served (Gallery)
Covid Pelosi
Why Many American Servicemen Had a Politically Incorrect Language Code in WW2
Ma!? What does "synchronize" mean?
Obama was Trumpster bait
Dear President Kennedy
Taking Denialism's Temperature
Why I Know Covid-19 is a bomb
Please don't bother me
Why is there this pattern Gallery
One hears these tortured cries from America
Cho-Cho-Chopsticks Gallery
White Lives Don't Matter
Under Pink Reality Gallery
Let's Make a Deal-Marry Lew Karl Elli
Of Mouse and Mug
The New Tone Down
The Hostile Revolution of John and Yoko
Black Rioters Matter
Come Ahead, Fink
Scott Security Garage on Snively Road
In Defense of the Woodrow Wilson Monument
Ayy Garsh at the Jump and Holler
New Gallery
The Bard is Dead Jim
NP's Blood Money
The Art of the Covid War
The Federal Bureau of Scapegoatology
Don't Bother Calling
T.P. for the Contemptible Consumptive
The Stork
Gallery of the Telltale Snivel
The Dark Age of Beatlemaniality
Axis Jewry
Hehn, Just Hehn
Next Door
Jimmy Hoffa Jimmy Hoffa
Azartek Scans
Wu, Hanzell and Greta
Chris! Chris! Oh, Chris!
If Police are Abolished Who Will Stop Hitler?
Laughing at Masks
Pener Dylan
Am I Personal With Donald J. Trump?
Shulman and Degrell, I mean Avello
Elizabeth Blue
The Olympia Bid
John Shulman and the Post Gazette
And Then There Were Two
Lord of the Church Flies (The Weimar Within)
Our Bohemian Fuhrer
Operation Pusher
Sherlock Sherman's Common Cause with Andy
The Ugly Truth about Green Party Yojimbo and Pussyball
A Dangerous Divorce
A Suspect for Tea
Wells Fargo
The Green Axis aren't scaring seniors they are killing them.
The New Supremacists
Political Analysis
America doesn't hate the Jews the Jews hate America
Nuremberg Shrugged
The Identity Gap
The Dylan and Globalczar Adventure in Minneapolis
Found, myuh
Warhol's Oxford Mini
The Strategic Psychology of Richard key/Star
The Trump Massacre
The Mask of Perversity
Seek Absolution from the Totality
Looks Just Like Rubin
Letter from Mac Crary 5/21/2020
Fire In The Dollhouse
The False Flag of Lennon
The Reform School Swindlers
An Introduction to Enormity
K is for Ku Guy
The Know Betters
City of No Asylum
The Character of Pittsburgh's People
Covid: When the Pimps Went Wilding
The Spat
The Agenda
The Happy Killers
Sex Group 107
Let's Bill Gates!
The Allegheny View
Space Needlesraum
Green Hair
A Perfect World
The Tacoma Flu
The Fall Guy Chain
The Zimmerman Telegram
The Kennedy Surrender
Aztec Wind
Lawyer Up, Motherfuckers
It Gives Me the Greatest of Pleasure
The Corona Attack and Greta Thunberg
A.C. vs. D.C.
Neah, Curses, Myuh
Illuminati Python
The Suspicious Apple
War of the Worlds
Sanetta and the Firespitters
The Forged World of Donald Trump
The Doomsday Letter of Corona Brewery
Operation Big Woman
How Jewish Lesbians Defeated Seattle Queers
2 Virgins Camazotz
Cudda Means it was Bernie
The Basics Gallery
Golem Cadenza (piano distemper)
The Spike Gallery
The Spike
The Hallelujah Precinct
The Venus Fly Trap of Treblinka
Savagely Horror Ripper Molested by Harpers Bigwigs
Ghosting Me (piano)
Pawn of a Crime Lord Gallery
War for War's Sake
A Letter to Greta Thunberg
A Kiss of Support (higherness) Gallery
Jive Dog Din
Why I Do not Advocate for Seattle and Pittsburgh
The Only Relevant Fact in the Case
Self-Respect'n Klondike-Black Contami-wife-rapin' Thievchology Gallery
We Almost Won World War Two
Quicklink to Story Checks Out Org
Hafta git back to ya
In Search of Cerebellum
"He Usually Owns Up"
Seattle Quiet House
Loser Dude (talk video)
Abdul Zubinstein
Murderers: A Film by Jimmy Crary
Anti-Extinction Yankee
Operation Medicine Man
Wupac Injuncy
The Objectionist
TC - Tony Cervi's Acid (TACID ~ DT/CIA)
Movie of the Soul
Jimmy the Robot
The Un-Natural History of a Great Extermination
The Federal Bureau of Carrot Tape-ology
Is Batman and Robin a Lampoon of JFK and RFK?
The Colucci Papers
The Gang Corporation
President Asshole
How bout dat Jan. 2020?
Shield of the Cursing Brat
Telltale Clip 3
Hawkwind's Baloney
A Letter for the Topeka Police Department
The Red Baron
No Exit N'dour
Program Alchemy
Mac Crary by the same
The Mad Whistleblower
An Observationed by Pechman, Sylvester and Cho
Gangster Hazing
Fantasic Voyage
Note From an Anti-Extinction Yankee
Letter to Greta
The Paragraph
Top Sacred Tupac Shakur Infinite Learning of Extra-Secret Knowledge
Flies and Rings
Scotland Yard and Ian Fleming Murdered JFK
The Construct
Pride Forbids Me
Illuminati and the Ubermensch
The Traitors in Floyd
Heart Punishment
Where Doubles Dare Gallery
Was Antifa Behind the 911 Attacks in New York City?
The Real SQUAD
The Lousy Fight Club of Nancy Pelosi
Blazing Saddles Goes to Iran
In Favor of Gangrene
The Daughter Killers
Brother From Another Donald
Sneak Attack of the Illuminati
The C of David
So Desuka You Saw Something in Miami
The Incredible Two-Headed Donald
Another Mac Crary Megabust Motion Feature
Richard A Rouge O Gallery
The Murdering Filth of Media
Door Buttons
Dopple Fantasy
In the Wrong Hands
All of America is Casablanca
Impeach the Molders of the Golem
Person-of-the-Year in Smithereens
Adrian Belew's Blood-Drenched Ideology
The Important Box
Monsieur Rogiers
American Pig
Yojimbo isn't a Feud
Myuh Gal
The Magical Cyanide of Laurel Canyon
90. Save a Stamp on a Letter to "Watch your back" Jack
No, You are Not an Iconoglast (gallery)
Ebony Scrooge
The Ultimate Truth about JFK
It's Too Ironic
The Italian Job
The New Philosophy of Murder
Why the Holy Wigs is Hangdog
The Trump Impeachment Hypocrisy Downplay
The Teachers Riot
80. The Totality That Injects
The Scary Implications of Oswald the Rabbit
Mutation and Tyranny
How Lennon Led the Aquarian Conspiracy Revolution (ACR)
The Tragedy of Czar Nicholas
Bedbug Typhoid Mary
The Love that Hate Refuted
Poached Messiah
70. Jehovah's Thriller
They Better Act Fast
Pitt ~ Pit ~ Like Olive Pit
Kasper: The Kennedy Curse
The Soviet Tank
Too Sad for Open Mic
The Big Hate in the Sky
Have Scapegoat, Will Travel
To Have or Have Nazi
60. Don J. Trump, King Lampoon
If Rickles Were Pickles We'd all Be Iowan Moles
Franklin Graham and Jay Inslee, American Judases
More Bang for the Bucs
Ohhh-ohhh, so it IS murder~!
There Was Never Any Trial
This site will make you Nostalgic for Orwell's 1984
The World War Two Overtime Gallery
Clinton Grooming
50. The Trusting White
Queer on Deaf Crime
The Province of Permission
Ash Company
Palace of Hokum
Battered Liberal
The Leathery Guy
The Asbestos of Disney Magic
Campfire Story
Billy Graham's Ministry of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
40. The Wind Cries, "Saoirse!"
Crary's Suggestion for Contradicting Greg Karl's Plot for a "World of Ash"
The Snivellers' Clean-Up Time Gallery
Folklore Reject
Refuting Greta
Jake Osta
A Hollywood Theory of Moral War
Preface to How Pittsburgh Got Away With This
Divide and Conquer for the Gummos
The Gaslighting Murder of Saoirse Kennedy
30. Gestapo Math
Read My Lisp
The Murderers at UW
Observation'd by foreign Imam Crimson
The Beefeater Sparrow
Normality, Ltd.
Barrister Nosferatu
The Mind of The Stranger
Where it is with queerbait and his so-called Friends
20. Interview With Hitler
Billy Gates
Escape from Epstein
Donald J. Trump by James MacRyland Crary
The Outwitted Child
Want to Get Down to It?
The Nicholson X-File
A Town Hall Story
Ninotchka and Curry's Cover
Pronounced Reagan
10. How bout dat Aldo Camini?
The League of Dictators
The Rabbit Hole
The Pronouncement
Fear of Reality
Easter Bunker: Hitler/Reagan Semiotics
The Texas Schoolbook
The Future of Walls
Unheroic America
1. Axis Poachers