If the Kennedys ever get tired of sleeping with their enemies it may be possible to reinstate them by vote to their former status as leaders of the free world, but until then we are stuck with them as lemons.  There are good reasons to be protective of the Kennedy Family, but there is a wrong way to protect them, and that is to help them lie to themselves about what has been done to their fortunes and name. The scriptwriters saw their opening and killed two more without ever doing a whit of damage to their power to accuse by fraud.   While it is futile for anyone to argue with evil, showing what the information is that those acting in agency are being told while fooling even the Kennedys, as they yield to Warhol chapter house demands, information they are still ignoring is something crucial to show is valuable information so as to minimize the counter-persuasion, authority and impunity of the attackers thereby reducing the death toll they are inflicting.   It is not possible for responsible adults to continue forever pretending that those who refuse to address momentous information can be said in some way to be harboring supreme judgment. Knowledge, when used for deception, can only masquerade as truth in the dark. Tavistock Tony and Tavistock Aaron, for lack of a better way to say their names, intentionally withheld awareness that the attack took place so they could appropriate the plan machine while utilizing a decoy.   At least, that’s how Spin Magazine represents it. The sad fact is that appropriating the machine isn’t a very good word to describe its inventors with. They made no attempt to warn in a timely fashion, left smoking guns that they knew, wrote alibis as a warped and devious form of confession and constructed a grim deceit to normalize abomination as a getaway for the perpetrators, leaving their victims voting on the best film. I am telling you this happened between friends.   Meanwhile, they scribbled my name in the plan as though I endorsed it simply by being named. The stooge ensemble at the FBI, being told this, say, “I’m sorry,” which is their way of saying, “that works for us buddy boy.” The appropriate response is: that is absolutely outrageous and will never be tolerated, but the wink in their eye is there, and at least I know what that means: cock and bull accomplices. However, the script was purposefully written outside of my childhood understanding, too obscure for a child, by a criminal set of vultures intending to ply the idea that Japanese prodigy should be the measure of standardized testing in a deranged game of death outcome over illegal homework.  Small wonder I think the American system of justice is criminally insane. Once the accusation was in place the script-writers had their toy. The interrogation system was purposefully designed by the script-writers themselves. How droll to commit the crime and then be the finger-pointers. This is the reality symbolized by the Japanese man inside Dallas Police Station when Oswald was there, still alive, whose dance had him outside to look at the cameras from the nuclear bunker sign as the stretcher bearing Oswald came up the ramp from the station house garage. It was more than the death of Kennedy; it was the heist of our command arsenal. That is how devious and suspicious what has been done from Tacoma really is.   To understand this, you need to have some mastery of the spy game in University of Washington Sociology.

         I will do my best to help you understand despite the violence of the Union promoting this tragedy as a work of art, abomination, the criminally insane, a work of art?   I’ll bear that in mind as I try to help you survive facing the truth. Tavistock Tony and Tavistock Aaron intentionally hid the truth to make sure the assassins got away.    Now they are ravaging in hives for what they construe as a pot of gold, but there are facts worth knowing that stand guard against Pentagon-Disney’s triumph of the Axis by the Ark.   Their counter-attacks are starting to bear the weight of Penis Gabriel’s criminal personality. All they have left are the usual childish and brutal harangues demonizing their prey by misattribution and smears in the name of tolerating mental illness by which their have black marketed Penis’ Anderson Tapes of their war crime.   Yielding to information is something they will never do, so they are conjuring Nativist violence and leering that only they can control it. Failure is success, Penis, be of good cheer.

         A first fact that helps you break the grip of UW Sociology over your mind is that ethnicity is not an inherent value.  Democratic sentiment is. By pushing the idea that minorities cannot do wrong, they have created a forged momentum masquerading as social progress while voiding our Right to Know Laws without which the Right to Vote is empty.    Behind this is the mastermind society of grievance which takes the form of ritual murder as a play on the collective imagination about ethnic feuds. No amount of information showing that the same hand is hitting all sides to falsify appearance of a feudal house exchange has ever registered on the authority structure in police society.  You have to wonder therefore if they are the ones behind it, because this information is very, very good. It even has a cultural base in Japan, called Yojimbo. Sociology provides a form of insight that is just complex enough to masquerade as enlightening without giving the game away.

Brian Eno is the alien that Steve Hawking was warning us about.

Brian Eno is the alien that Steve Hawking was warning us about.