The degree to which the FBI betrayed the Kennedys is shocking. They actually have an Avon Calling unit offering to sell them shares in a stick-up master plotted by their assassins. Half this is the doing of the NAACP. For a time, back in the day of the Sidney Poitier film, “To Sir, With Love,” you could try to believe that Blacks were determined to show by inclusion their trustworthiness better than white power. Instead, we have a Black power movement that just wants to use domestic terror to make people afraid. This is by their own admission. The idea that shaming or outcasting a group that uses shameful tactics fails to make an impact on brainies who claim sociological grudge as a cancellation on conscience. It just works that way which is why millionaire whites and British Royals could just give the order from Hollywood to incinerate a white token. It wasn’t just me, they did in several Kennedys and are offering shares in their stick-up. They even call it pride.
You should have seen them go wild over a penny.
The union or whatever it is operate openly from the margins while denying everything. The Dixon / Lady Panther / Green Party obituary for my father is perfectly descriptive. The Pittsburgh Courier formed a union line with Elaine L. whose company with Gail Burstyn was part of the sale of shares in the stick-up. Swimmer was employed by them so they could lie about how I was kidnapped and tortured as a child by smothering it in her sex abuses which is what the NAACP consider maturity. They actually hired an in-camera pawn broker to experiment on a nerve implant claiming I was an infidel and they drove me into seizures. Swimmer was set upon me after Mr. Matey got the word that we were pulling out of East Liberty and told me to take choir where the Black woman in charge pointed me out to her.