After I met Lanie Langer her brother started following me around at school and I wouldn’t be surprised if he is the one who hired Miles Kirshner. The Langers were working with Gail Burstyn and lived in a huge house, the usual Jewish moneybags who could become sacred the honorary the African warriors through ritual donations to Proctor and WQED. The Langers were special to Obama for a number of reasons I will get to as the postal union ripper hatter murder spree hatters fly.
Without a doubt the main reason that Trumpytunes like Tony Levin admire themselves for getting Saoirse killed is promotion of Leni’s semiotic tryst with Hitler’s Pittsburgh revenge squad. Both Leni and Leni Reifenstahl sported Gutendorf’s and ten foot tall Black men who want their names taken down from the Trump loyalist wall that blows their cover, not literally, or maybe they’d reconsider and grant Honorary the Sacred African status as they did to Hilga and Heidi for services rendered.
This is called their Moral Code.
Seven foot tall the Jimmy cudda easily gotten away from took me in the back door of Last House on the Left shewing the semiotic overlay pattern found out as the principle behind Seattle kiddie rape therapy at Sound Mutilationist. I’m sorry this wasn’t clear enough in