Donald Trump is accustomed to fooling the Left, many of whom are sexually spoiled individuals. He was casing me through easy prey drama clubs used in public schools back in the 70’s when Hollywood ran a fake news cameo of him in the film Network. He indexed his game plan to the Trump name Katz game for escalation dominance in the Trump of superior firepower. His namesake Donald Ostro made great sport of the missile advertisement, “In the end it’s the missile that counts.” Ostro-size was a Seattle management ploy when deriding Jimmy Creary for being held hostage and ostracized. Katz’s game was a King Crimson song beginning cats foot iron claw and the neurosurgical implant was an expression of the DW Griffith formula of peroxide in a negro soldier’s mouth making foam, only this time it worked because it didn’t work. When Leslie left me a virgin Exler X-slurred me as not man enough and Seattle concurred, chemically castrating me and shorting my life span as hard copy of their N’dorsement of the unmentionable attack. Donald Trump has long own both sides in Queer Seattle. His friendship with Al Sharpton, Spike ole Lee, Jay Epstein and Penis Gabriel are nothing new. He has had informants and hirelings in rock music since the days of Jimmy Savile. He even got Seattle Left to violate International Law. Making America Great Again means, to this terrible and strange overachiever, bringing back the Age of the Great Dictators, so naturally enough, he fell in love with America’s enemies.
Everyone knows by now that he aided and abetted the killers behind the X-termination of the sexual revolution generation by the utility of John Lennon’s spirit providing him with godfather services courtesy Fox media and Lucas Studios. It’s all in the family for Donald Donald. He towed out his Katz game in an Inaugural bomb scare put on by his Putin crony in North Korea with the help of my ancient enemy Oliver Stone, indexed to all over stone, all over for the third stone from the sun. He runs a provocateur syndicate undercover in gangs throughout Seattle and Pittsburgh. He is the penis man who brought in a masquerade fiance working with Rosa Clemente and UW Sociology for Two Virgins Pussyball in a Mt. Desert Island cover-up about a siran Sirhan he used on Jimma queerbait, and with Lennon LE owns DO-y-LE in my District back home. He is an abbreviator, par excellence.
But all is well, his enemies have been punished, even the Ukraine. For every two-headed assassination is followed by the shadow, I donohue, the shadow knows.
As the movie ends you can see the background sets lifting and falling as the stage production hand is revealed.