Writing this note in defense of Joe Kennedy I mean the elder. Young Joe Kennedy needs a very different form of defense against that snake in the grass Jay Inslee. The goal in this note is contemporary and somewhat defining in terms of the political squads evoking Joe Biden who is a pragmatist of the sort old Joe was. The meaning of a semi-historical figure’s contribution to society is figured often enough by their utility to the politics espoused by those who make their opinion available. The verdict in the court of public opinion depends who you read and if you’re talking to people who know anything. Because of the expedience involved in political correctness to our current cult of genocide, Joe Kennedy is not remembered lovingly for his contributions to FDR, albeit from the robber baron right wing, nor for having lost his first son killed in a fluke during the war against Hitler. He is richly rewarded as an appeaser with a taint of anti-semitism.
A second, equally charming example of attention to issues that “serve” concerns the deadly encounter with Gloria Swanson. This period of history should not be lost to digital disconnect. It was, in addition to being the beginning of the huge arms race and devastating industrialization that Greta Thunberg is a reactionary against, the era of Gandhi. However remote this historical forces may be it is also noteworthy the fact that charismatic personalities were exerting their influence, often balefully, just as we have today. The lessons to be learned are favorable to knowledge about what has been shredded by an adroit pea in the shell game or Seattle Mariners Hat Trick.
Basic information about a few types of vignette from that time period will do. I won’t waste time on old Joe, and that’s not really the theme of this paper. Anyone who thinks he was a bad person can look at the two main sons and to hell with that. This won’t stop the assassins but it pays to have a sense of proportion. Joe’s concern that FDR may tug America into conflict didn’t cause him to break ranks. Ironically, the plastic reality mission of the Green Party, ironic on two fronts, is that they are refusing to break ranks with the other one, Henry Ford, a mean hat trick, like the double entendre on Lincoln we get at the Mariners. These two fronts are Ford’s insistence that Black Jobs matter in the auto and war loan industry, deadly to the environment, already conflicted with agrarian klan activity and the second its effect on the climate. The manipulation by the assassins follows a hidden script but they’ve ingeniously wangled an alternative reality to sell that hidden transcript by. This ingenuity is paradise for the Axis.
The vignettes I mentioned are Ford Motors, The Scopes Trial and Christian aptitude for setting up filters by which the future was to be played out. Reagan was a genius but he wasn’t the mastermind. He was a very astute, and evil, team player, just as Biden is. The real brains in the outfit were Dulles, DeMille and Griffith. They were the ones who transformed the nostrum all the world’s a stage into the playbook conscripted by the Christian Century for transformation of the Reich. Biden was a Penis Gabriel SO groupie. In the sense that historic relief depends who you read and if you’re talking to people who know anything that’s the whole point about SO they weren’t and knew it. In addition to these vignettes I want to pose a term that would inherently be too juicy for gesticulating Piters of London to fail in cunning revise: featherbedding.
Now the name Bryan, which is prominent in loading docks on the Monongahela River of Pittsburgh, is mongered loudly in the Burstyn scribbles. Known is that while used to evade capture and implicate innocent people the main signifiers are duplicated. Since Jews had the trust of America and perceive Japan as golden hoot hue they wryly winked of the outrage as indefatigable British witticism Bryan therefore likely carries over to Roe and Wade from Scopes. We perceive the lurid tongue bite who duh monkey now dog eyes?
Scopes Darrow and Bryan therefore re arise in this abyssmally dull heritage master plan
It is of course heritage in the crosshairs of the periscope. It is an ironical and paradoxical place to land in the aggressive situation in America of 2021 and while it can yield to the usual farce much also can be gained.
Sometimes people can accept being forgotten especially when their hard work is realized oppression probably gets started when being recognized is more important than achievements and the one thing that thrives on that arrangement is of course the media control to tower and its quasi government grip on public opinions, we see this in the sadistic schtick of Ringo Starr promoting his favorite in Seattle as a long reach to Worcester. The trafficking and prison of trafficking built by our WW2 enemy - relationships change
Sometimes people can accept being forgotten especially when their hard work is realized oppression probably gets started when being recognized is more important than achievements and the one thing that thrives on that arrangement is of course the media control to tower and its quasi government grip on public opinions
under one Research Ford’s relationship with fdr umbrella term fdr had a phrase the forgotten people that can really explain Joe Kennedy FordFeatherbedding ... fearful egoism ... Christian automotive
Agrarians in the 19th cGarvey
and the klan
Ford, black labor and Metropolis ~ the NAACP and the jimmuh golem
The mercenaries of common interest Transitions ~Persons The glorification of the new deal was not really a distortion of achievement so much as a way of lionizing achievements under one Research Ford’s relationship with fdr umbrella term fdr had a phrase the forgotten people that can really
The claim of friendly fire in deadly criminal hostilities is a trademark of the Seattle Green Division and their martyrs seig heil or at least are supposed to.
Lori lorrie anger management we know you love us too much to defend yourself so we propose a toast to the execution of the walrus hahahaha Justice for Nagasaki