America wouldn’t dare try to match wits with the forces arrayed to use us for their player piano, primarily Britain, as class actors, and of course the notorious brilliants of Israeli intelligence. After 911, Dubya’s attacks on the Middle East were those of a whipped underling kicking the dog when he got home. The Unions will never come out of the closet in the fictitious math conjurings about an attack they committed and deny. The sight of Pete Buttigieg schmoozing with Amy Klobuchar at the Democratic debates was a horrifying laugh. An American Gay leader openly siding with a tiresome dogmatist putting in slogans for Israel. Not a word about Gail Burstyn.
America wouldn’t dare try to match wits because the fearful egoism of our leadership class cannot and will not try to extricate themselves from the role they have played at the behest of their foreign betters. The Beatles situated themselves in Hollywood as the brokers of Martial Law and established Checkpoint Charlies that announce themselves as review of correctness. These Checkpoint P.C.’s not only call the tune for Obama’s warped deal about the AIDS attack generally, but found out Sister Souljah’s thinking for being on a par with King Edward. Edward saw that society just needed a scapegoat. He called it cow hooves gnawing. Mt. Desert Island under Everett Koop was skillfully staged managed. King Edward’s Roman squads, led by Penis Gabriel, set up shop openly over a Pittsburgh Public School child no less, part of whose brain was still working enough to editorialize about HitlerReagan’s bellicose syphilis. You don’t want to mess with me, Britain grinned, go cowhooves on Little Jimmy. Sister Souljah had a similar 1984 answer for the fearful egotists who bully the open mics in her hood, go burn down white neighborhoods and leave yourselves alone. Mathematics Lehigh Penny of the Wall Street Crash in 1987 called it refraction.
Those stupid Seattle queers allow themselves to be maldepicted by their own killers as cowhooves gnawers. It’s amazing. They act like failure to warn wasn’t.
Fictitious math for a number of reasons. Math Penny laid down McCartney’s whine about overpopulation. The difference between me and the Royalists is that I did not want and could not stop, nor understand what was brewing, they wanted it, knew and were behind it. America wouldn’t dare try to stop them from just merrily making up their story. The Moody Blues used to crow, “we decide what is right and what is illusion.” That’s quite a license to issue to foreign acidheads.
The Hollywood shitbag entourage of Ringo Starr, with crowning malifics like Jack Nicholson on a King of Hearts throne, are profoundly indulgent of foreign warlords. For them, mythic Gen. Aung San should be lovingly endured from the margins of superior manhood, and insight into the fascism of Axis America, nevermind his own partnership with Vichy, King Edward and Japan. I can hear the conversation that goes on behind the doors with Penis Gabriel’s gang of thugs in Wonderland tights and their experimenting friend Gail Burstyn, “Sooo, America, yes, well, we killed their President Kennedy, they’re gonna be like wow, just wow.”
America was dispossessed. In Japanese, the learning alphabet begins A-I. Lenono means no possessive particle (no). Americans were slaughtered in a spiritual center of their soul as a prayer to God to forgive Hiroshima. What a thing to dream up. One of Katz’ friends told me her mother wanted me to call her Ishmael, so I did and she said thank you. It was all skillfully managed by the programmers of the player piano, a brain-damaged golem who they bypassed for their storyline after emergency surgery in Dealey Plaza, but I guess we know that Nicholson and Starzl saved our lives, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.