The Supreme Court of the land is haunted by the presence of a troubled few who must know the answers to riddles sublime. To achieve this moment, just as soon as all backs are turned, they defecate on their historic tables that they might thusly behold and so inhabit. This is called being “august.” More cackling minds in the loop just wink and call them Wiz.
One expects no better from Seattle or Pittsburgh to which no miracle is forthcoming. To put it simple enough for my dear Greta, the vaunted science she cries out to made their name by the Atoms for Peace and fossil fuel industry long bankrolled by General Electric and Westinghouse. These are the precise minds who in their ignoble ingenuity led us to disaster while blaming the huddled masses.
Climate change it’s like the Sci Psyche out flick, The Forbidden Planet the creature from the id (Freudian) is now arrive from Planet B and following The Nation and other like hopeless stooges and gangsters who believe they can fend off first principles of history and justice by gumming things up with the criminally insane in the Chop Zone.
The very bright, idealistic and deluded are led to believe they should trust media when in all reality, if you try to help gangsters like The Nation Magazine they will only turn on you. Their cousinly dandy and stooge Lew Lapham is a big hotdog who served as Hitler’s propaganda minister in the AIDS attack, led the revenge status quo as he enjoyed working the set-up that involved deafening me, battering me and then smothering it in the vaginal fluids of Greg Karl’s vaunted “impingements” of “successive degradations.” Lapham set me up even admitting trauma by voicing over the phrase, “trace elements of fear,” while his parlor chum Walker Percy wrote to me only but the cryptic, “beware delectations of despair,” shewing really they were not sympathy for my fear but brays of their cunning left for trace on a dare.
Hitler’s squad forged my name and called it agreement by adoption. Nevermind that I refused. There is strong reason to suspect Lapham hired Leslie to push his own name as a conniver worthy of National Lampoon’s Mask of Imperial Wizard. The Brecher kid, lewd under his pigpen sign DEAD END, would rap subhumanization with his epithet lappers, and Kirshner, his hotwire crony from WQED Zone invented a game called, “last licks,” all to lampoon Jimmy’s service to the rat nest of German observers. His gang of shameless assassins kept reading from a script they forged while shouting that it issued from my soul and named indexed it to Tunney, scheming it as worth a ton of money.
My letter to Leslie is a far greater achievement than the rabid can afford to allow recognized. It exposes beautifully the slime of Pitt working with NEVA. At the Governor’s School we gave the conspicuous smoognist teaching a tee-shirt that read, “Don’t trust me I’m a first person writer.” We might have thought to add that his gang were using my name, impinging, voice overs and dubbing with professionals from Mulan. Shulman is only the first of Ming Na Wen’s gang to have the law begin to catch up. Another should be Justin Vicari. Vicari was very jocular when not penning poems called, “Bad Blood,” and he would say from the blue without cause, “I didn’t know, hahahahaha,” while Wen’s classmate O’Connor of the reckless Kelly School van would lie in the hall with his feet in empty open drawers, Wen in my bed, fully dressed, hell hath no fury.
Candy, gum and a basketful of lies. I don’t believe in solidarity with them because Seattle is criminally insane. The rabid hold forth that I live by the grace of their disgrace. The rabid claim that my beautiful letter to their enemy Sanetta was the straw that broke the camel’s back and thus consigned themselves for a generation as liars and murderers selling an evil fantasy.
The rabid have long frothed as they quacked that I am not a victim because I didn’t get infected and by this mission sold that no one may question the ease with which they pinched their own screed after it was planted to make that premeditated argument but far more revealing is the way I am a victim anyway of them who weren’t concerned with each other and resented attempt to warn.
Seaqees wanted aids to spread and have the perpetrators lionized. Fascists in drag mass murdered the Seattle morons. Cosplay fascists dressing up as simpleminded queer retards. Call out the Army and call the perverts what they are! When the evidence didn’t get through to Seattle I knew I am dealing with:
Offense tripping murderers, the idiom theater indorsement of foucault climate change for them is the firework show after the big lottery kill of covid 19 just another necessary evil promoting McCartney’s Kosher Hitlerian vegan cuisine.
Knock out little Jimmy and bootleg a pervert milk cow they reasoned and although her premeditation was there for all to say the challenged it was Holy War by the kroker regronov. The fact that I prefer a semblance of dignity to wholesale contempt made me a marked man in Seattle Pittsburgh.
Conveniently, their syphilitic Maoists were told they could be beneficiaries from an experiment for all to learn from. Adults were behind the clues like Billy Jean Guinevere and Arthur Cicero. Gail Burstyn was from the Cult of Elizabeth and presented a tabloid promising that Jewchology shalt show that abortion is rape sufficient to impress the theology school zealots. Avella said darkly that his mentor did not SAY that the masses in South America were stakeholders in the dark truth about AIDS but that she IMPLIED it. Implying didn’t stop the covid bomb. His street scholars must have felt crowded in Chinatown from the look of it after their deranged swapo of graffiti barrage. UW Dialectical seeks support for atrocity in return for powers in the club.
We see in the records of Lehigh Valley the centrality of removable singularity and the lurid spells of the rabid whinging of wise men sharing a jest. Leslie Katz and Steve Langer used to sit together at length when she would put my tongue aside from her purposes a while enjoying private jokes. Romero and Kyra would appreciate the reaching of zombie arms like holy supplicants.
When Buckminster Fuller penned Twilight of the World’s Power Structures he evidently didn’t consider they might evoke it as grounds for self defense.