Hampered by carpal tunnel splints and gangly notes taken on the run, I am attempting to diagram a broad scheme map of the rabid’s online stake out.  We are living through exactly as though a Columbine massacre is occurring with the blessings of the full school and administration.   What this says about the FBI, police, the crowds is that they can’t be counted on for anything.   Even knowing what they did is extremely hard on the mental metabolism.   

      There now exists a personal introduction with links convicting Britain of King Crimson’s organized crimes without the authority to punish or prosecute.  Another very difficult dilemma is finding suitable recipients for distribution in a very limited potential for reaching out one by one exhaustively typing and pasting for email hoping someone respectable finds it.   The presentation of this diagram is in the hope of sketching the minefield built by the rabid to intercept, trace and terrorize anyone showing remorse.

       This foreign built his fortress with traitors lavishing honors and spoils on them for mayhem, some are renown soldiers of fortune with veteran status in bars, others former collegiate drunks still working the good old boys scene as the Mariners Talk crowd do and the Chop Zone confederates who call it an art fight.  Above them, but with hired stenographers, lurks Mick Jagger who hissed a punishing bind over my status among printers of serials.

         The criminals who ferociously ritually molest me in what they admit is a "lifelong process," ignore my past of showing I followed the course of safe exit rather than commit to open combat with assassins.  I have no history of violence.  I own no weapons.  I have no desire to be forced into a contest of "principle" with these fight club hardrocks, however, there is a salient civic dimension that has to be addressed.  It may seem escapist to you, but my only real need is to be sure I am rooted where I can say I tried persuasion before defending myself from killers who I suspect plan to present themselves to me when I am boxed in. In the past they have been armed and attacked me blindside. It was totally unprovoked.  Recent messages are dark with the narrative line of 'patience' and 'just you wait."  

      I have been printed in Cineaste Film Quarterly, Chinook Coupon Book and other periodicals regularly for many years.  I am familiar with the acid-like tension that comes from being read by an increasingly encouraged unruly mob we call our society.  I was grossly unprepared for the evil genius of the ravenous people around Yoko Ono coming at me in grade school from Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and still suffer from the mind at work, even grappling with comprehension of those fiends.

      This is personal with me.  I don't care if nobody else realizes Reagan killed JFK. The monsters in Robert Fripp's Army raped the only friend I ever had. She is legally a child.  She has Downs Syndrome.  She is deaf. They have done nothing but make sport of me my entire life.  If I stay here they will insinuate that they are friendly.  I know better.  They are deadly hate criminals.

         The rabid has what it terms escalation dominance because of the Nazism of the Beatles’ fan base.  With that they can grab the world by the pussy, man they can do anything.   The spirit world is an occupied zone because we no longer live in anything remotely like a world where gentlemen don’t read another gentleman’s mail.  We live in the age of ripper killers in the Postal Union allied to the Green Party.  The spirit world is an occupied zone and getting past the rabid and his coils to warn other innocent, at risk persons is no easy feat. The molester took out two Kennedys when they had the gall to cry for Saoirse in a way suggesting commiseration with the poet they claim gave them the idea.

        How did the mental metabolism of our society become so broken and Moxyland that Administration itself has opened fire in a mass Columbine massacre with the blessings of the entire social system of schools?  Are the Beatles really that precious?   It comes from history repeating itself, the Queers following in the footsteps of the Jews.  Rather than deal with finality with the extreme Right, the Jews decided to take the role on themselves to give it to the bystanders who didn’t step in and try to help them.  In this way, the Queer mafia in Seattle, sadistically drunk with what they term an artfight which was moronic gloat in the success of Gail Burstyn’s plotting that they construe as karma, they heaped the covid bonus attack as revenge for AIDS even though the same agency was behind the whole thing.   

        In explaining this to themselves, they leer that they are shamans with religious affiliation to a cult of Gurdiev who pats them on the head wherever they get protection under the umbrella of NAMI, they are sorcerors of the Beatlemaniacs they crow, gifted ones, making psychiatric occult of pornography and hustling their neurotraumatized prey into suicide, cleansing the soul of America so to be forever free of the demonic influences of anything anti-Yoko Ono.    Attempts to prevent mass murder, they screech with final call is RAPE!

        The history of this began at Carnegie Mellon’s Alternative Conflict Resolution center where Patricia Fripp and Granger Morgan hobnobbed with gloat over the pilfer of the letters.  Ve zNOW ICH EIN der viktums, they belched with glee, sending DIA to the world trade center with her harp of burma stiletto.   From Donald Trump to Tacoma Community College, the full, fuming rancorous face of the affair sums up as Penis Gabriel. Mirror mirror on the Id, who’s the ripper hatter kid?

