In late April 2021 we are presented with a panorama. A veteran in Seattle as the covid cloud descended called it zombie apocalypse. This is poignant because among us there is no more corpulent living dead man barging down on us constantly with his wax museum hatchet killing relevance than Paul McCartney, the hammer headed ditty wastrel of the band who named themselves after Hitler’s volkswagon, the one with Downs Syndrome, not in a good way. There has always come across about this mass killer, and dungeon master of clout from the Manson Era a lewd attitude about money. Because he and his partner in atrocity Croke Regronov obsessed each and every stipulated person I know that the money to be mongered hustling their murder of JFK for profit as a story unfolding in a revolution for profit, no one in media or office, police or college, rock music or baseball, Black or white cared about the evidence that AIDS was an attack. The hammer ditty maestro planted the land mine of his lewd idea about money precisely as a stepping stone to and beyond the Covid 19 settlement with the Axis, a reconciliation for the Royal Family he also plotted in advance and mongers from on high as a broker of foreign espionage.
To pull this off, even after his faction murdered Saoirse, Obama needed a wedge. While it is obscenely difficult to understand why these rabid tricksters would prey upon a deaf and battered sailor’s son, pleading only that I was white as though it was a therefore universally recognized as proof of Tojo’s spinster’s virtue, it worked. Obama, not just Trump, has the guilt of a colossal kill count on his Black hands. JFK and Sharon Tate had something in common, they were expendable.
Reading one of the aspirants to mad killings in this travesty from Hitler and Reagan, Tom O’Neill, you might not realize that he pulled off a hustle for the AIDS Combine by getting his machine culture rendering into play for the Covid-19 bomb. At least he spares us that his selfishness is for the brothers. He tells the story around Sharon Tate in just such a way that you can read her situation as though she were Rosemary in Rosemary’s Baby. At every turn, Manson violates parole, but judge after judge mysteriously lets Manson and his family of killers go free. Sharon Tate was doomed because the offices around her were closed to the idea of saving her.
Manson’s co-writer, Penis J Sinfield is a partner of Donald Trump. He was referring to Sharon Tate when he riffed his pun about trampling on a flower in his KKK song entitled an observation. Working with Attica State Prison authorities, the FBI, Manson, Pitt, John Shulman and Ming Na Wen, this team of killers odiously conduct a watchtower through the police union with the help of Black panthers and the Trump Insurrection for Croke Regronov’s fief. They play as though their mastermind is pruning the human tree for a real estate savvy Ark.
Like Tate, the prey is encircled by the killer society aliance. This note asks rhetorically who do you report a crime to which is overwhelmingly significiant of danger to the public and the police channels are controlled by the perpetrators when you are deafness disabled and unable to practice law? If you ask Pittsburgh they will laugh, why don’t you go tell Officer Manson?
Look quickly at the deranged conjuring by Seattle of a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis and its purpose. Online I was accused of running from danger and then not practicing love when I deferred to the wishes of Massachusetts that I delay sympathy evacuation that the rabid are snarling at their badly chewn carpet to announce fugitive. Such overblown intimacy speaks to Federal stalking of a weird variety. They are questioning my character as they murder innocent people in ritual assassin acts including poison to cover the truth about what I took before Judge Pechman of the US District Court who must have winced when the Covid 19 bomb ducked her under her desk. I made a point of a follow up call to calm any childish distress, Pechy, this isn’t about I told you so.
I have lived in isolation 30 years and such incidents have happened before unscreeding as their monstrosity mystery mongering tour. When Richard Roehm, my deceased coach, offered me a place to live to escape Seattle to in Orange County he was murdered and I say this from the suspicious circumstances described by his girlfriend, my own being stalked and chemically castrated by a cardiac expert and the fact that as a deaf advocate he was a loose cannon at a time when improvised help for a battered deaf man went against the grain and plans of Jay Inslee and Bill Gates, both rock solid Trumpytunes. Pechman is not alone. I was online with a deaf forums society being odiously jeered by them about my case research, as they specifically spat on Richard Roehm as just the type to fall for it when word came through that he was dead. Luckily for Shifty, Iowa Molly’s daddy is just as loving of our community’s morale as Courtney.
When Courtney Kennedy wrote to me humanely about her murdered daughter the Postal Union who also murdered Shannon Harps about which I was forbidden to attend school for trying to prevent and 302’d for protesting, followed my reply and delivered with the hostility of two more murders in their family, bodies never found.
The assassins lured me back here to Tacoma and Code Red College by murdering Donnie Chin. Embarrassed that I had proven their lies by graduating from college with a near perfect performance academically, they shut down my second diploma by the Covid 19 challenge, vowing to justify how I was mutilated and to prove I am wrong about AIDS by releasing Covid 19 and repeating their own dark sarcasm about what they have done, but that is only a taste of their violence and sadism.
In the past these vultures from Carnegie Mellon, long in touch through Berkeley with Manson and Reagan, as proven by the script of Shulman and Wen about Mancine signed Gail Burstyn, implanted a neuroplastic head trauma which they have used repeatedly, while poisoning me in the direction of untimely death, to extort my work or drive me into homelessness where I could be tortured more easily under the umbrella of their conjob. This is a flavor of the dark satire that the government has promulgated in violence to our own legacy. The injury was impacted so brutally that they hotwired it to interrogate me by making involuntary seizures weld to their deranged character assassination. To jazz up their narrative they held me semi-conscious to Manson family women as a child who Carnegie Mellon then hired to make sport of me for police malpractice and versions, a favorite repast of the Croke Regronov. In this case the name they used was Mancine and the organizing agency Federal. Clearly Pechman, when she emerges from under her desk about Covid and the mongerloid attending the announcement of agency, someone Ramos will gladly re-issue the paranoid schizophrenia decree, taunting me, how bout your mother, sonny?
Case CO2-623 was always true and if the circuit wasn’t a circus Covid-19 could have been stopped before it happened. McCartney, Pechman and O’Neill are foremost of those who made sure it wasn’t. For Seattle, still on, is operation licky chops.