The enemy’s secret weapon is calling itself love. Contrary to the power structure of the Obama/Gates teameteers I never volunteered to fulfill their interpretation. My duty has long been to contradict them because the mind of Donald Trump is fixated on the destruction of the earth and America in particular. Seattle expect you to believe their lies to your face. It is small wonder that that the Obama woman reports suffering mental illness in covid, since she brokered it by covering for the AIDS attack. The criminality of the Obamas has long been proved, all dressed up in a Harvard degree, they set upon me for being identified as a humanism byproduct, claiming they had special insight to Draft me into their plan of humanizing a plague, when all along their only game was to criminalize humanism. The heartless of AIDS they had no choice but to make their philosophy once they refused to protect society by timely warning and surrendered to the butcher’s blackmail. Likewise Biden never tires of sowing rage and fear in his public of victims. This is obvious. Biden and Trump see the USA as a product and covid as a ritual cleanse based on biological sustainability arguments, a reasoning process that has been allowed to hotwire around concern for ecology the duration of my life.
The role of Black Christians is shocking. The Draft was already strategically in place to cater to their wisdom and reverse mentality, the indulgences of Black Psychology, when sold to their soapbox as found art. It didn’t matter to them that I was assigned to perform with only one other person, a Black girl, by the French in an ROTC shooting gallery. They clambored to be part of the Group Project and vindicate Shelley Friedman. The alibis about fears and sacrifices, despite shown to come from whites, Gabriel and Herbert, gave rise to the claim of a good strategy. It isn’t one. The idea that you are hogbound to serve their interpretation or be poisoned in the mouth is evil, felonious Nazism. The doctrine among the rich and sheltered generation of Harris blacks that torturing a disabled man is equitable injustice comes from the criminally insane. It is just the sort of criminal derision you would expect from Trump. Burstyn calls the burning barn image of Wilkes Booth’s capture and of horses stampede an illuminated barn. Penis Gabriel sees his script as an AIDS Salmacis story.
Sold as Bizarro the claim of found art doesn’t measure up. The origin of the idea of enduring the unendurable is Japan. Yoko Ono murdered over a penny to get the Gays to support her confiscation of proceeds from a Venus Fly Jap Trap. The mechanism for confiscation was built into the plan. The name Shiono is a twist of Sheen and Ono, Sheen, the salesman of Catholic Worker spiritual service, and Shinto, the nature religion of holy germ war.
Katz, that kangaroo, came from Australia, top of the Oppo World. They murder at a penny over appeal to law. The trace elements of perfidy come down from Takei and Bowie, the education through movies, the resentment of sissies who cry at chemical weapon burns, and Lewis Lapham siding with Cliff Robertson on Ultrahigh brainwave sonar as an atomic prank from super-Christians, now we see what became of the Billionaire’s Ghost.