In the counties of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, which comprises primarily the City of Pittsburgh, and King County, which is Seattle, as in the most obtuse District of Columbia, authorization has taken the form of denial, but the American people elected the Covid-19 attack. Armed with the magic word baloney they can do anything. The Federal authorities at 1717 Tacoma Alley where I sent the photo of Saoirse that arrived on the incidence of the outbreak / out now movement didn’t return it or respond, judging from the immediate disappearance in Massachusetts of two more Kennedys I should be surprised if they don’t have it on a wall where they are throwing darts at it. Two virgins pussyball was all set up here and there as a German junker called the Green Party with powerhouses in Liverpool, Tokyo and Argentina. Rejoice! For we are being saved from ourselves.
The case against my classmates, peers and school is ironclad. How could they not be alarmed enough to make common cause when I proved a script from the authors of the homemade backwater Pittsburgh film piracy scene that held me hostage as a child in garages of profound distaste had shown that Night of the Living Dead was authentically a production by those behind the AIDS attack? Do you expect them to care now? One of their offbeat professors, J.G. Bennett authored a book called, Is There Life on Earth? Clearly, he and his minions have in mind discrediting the notion.
False assurances have been the soundtrack to this fulfillment of our destruction, but the run up to it has gone on for a long time, as a swift review of my online corpus of warning and pleas for intervention against the criminally insane makes obvious. Administration touts its laughingstock case, peers who stood by while one of us had acid poured on their face, was strategically used, loved ones raped, killed, and allowed with wisebeard learning the victim’s deafening and chemical castration over a devious, certifiable kingpin ruse from glorifiers of child mutilation.
The mind of the assassins is plumb with logos. Jaime Carbonell put out a probe for Clinton and Braunstein, what did they find? But voice-overs impinged by trappers of a pedophile nature depicting a vile probing.
They have long operated under the sickening assurance that no one will challenge them over the issues that matter most. A case in point is ultrahigh brainwave sonar. What a set-up by Penis Gabriel at NASA. Is a jerking trauma care victim of seizure poisons true non-violent conscience when a preferred girl stops him mid-intercourse and he complies? Or did he buck in the saddle? This we must know! The virgin of the preferred sociological paradigm was paid to induce fever for this game while they plumbed in voice overs from a control impingement place marker psychology program from Harvard.
The film company is promoting the double meaning of corruption. Oh, Crary’s so innocent? Like NP overlooking the bushes in Dealey Plaza, the renegades set up the camera men to film the child when the pimps went wilding.