The Pornographic Dimension of Nuclear War
An evaluation of the threats and terrorism committed by Amanda Harcourt in the name of John Lennon as part of a esoteric circle loyal to the Royalists professing Cosmoplanetarianism
By James MacRyland Crary
The rabid’s video China Girl looks like the Thin White Duke semester of indoctrination. The Houdini plot would be transparent were not the effectiveness of Double Fantasy in rendering the plan translucent, but the real art of the rabid is trans-lucidity into the spectral realm of Japanese revenge. The rabid lisped Socrates in the name of Ayn Rand while vowing anyone who sees through it must die. The gurglers at the V.A. belched why it’s horrid myuh, positively holy. For the lisper the genocidal brink-craepft was simply to avow that Sir Paul McCartney is No. 1, there, ehhhh, queerball.
Lisps the rabid, “Croaker Gore.”