I am watching our country be defeated.   A geriatricide is in progress.  Both Seattle, in their frenzy of occupied zone reasoning and Donald Trump, the maniacal warlord of the disaster, are lying.   The situation is beyond corruption and has rotted into irredeemable organized crime.  America is becoming the Philippines.  This isn’t about opinion, this is about the solid evidence that covid was a bomb which cannot even be reported because police authority is no more.  We are on the verge of falling.  How could there be such a virtual confession of what has been done to us by our Axis enemy in the name of Social Darwinism and no one speak out?  How can our historians and editorialists not bear witness to how we have been boxed into the climate inferno by the attackers with no intention ever of averting disaster, only bringing on our ruin?

      My father was a WW2 lieutenant who knew Eisenhower at Teachers College whose career spanned many decades as a Peace Corps leader, Chair for Philosophy of Education at a major university, even a schoolbus driver while Emeritus.  His death was marred by murder at the hand of the very Green Party Axis, they took credit for it, who are behind the Covid attack.  Recently, after the Kennedy Family wrote to me a very personal note about the murder of Saoirse, they were attack infamously again by Washington State Green Party organizers and two more of their family were assassinated, just like that, and nothing matters less to anyone in America.

        The evidence for torture of me in terrifying kidnapping incidents was covered up by the Teamsters and Union in Pittsburgh where I was taken by armed men named Pitman to a pit and gassed, while holocaust survivors watched and letters of mirth arrived from Israel.  The murderers were stealing a nuclear weapon and used the name signifier Wattenmaker, an observer from the holocaust community when I was butchered and gassed who was a psychiatrist at Attica then in Pittsburgh promoting a child flesh merchant named Kasper from the Warhol museum.   They imprinted me with the screaming record cover of King Crimson’s sad first album which contained the noxious message of the plan in the holocaust letters.

      The second holocaust simulation experiment they ran was after the code named Gail Carolyn Burstyn’s script was used in the 80’s on Mt. Desert Island for the AIDS attack by sordid English in this production.  Lennon playacted his death to give a grudge empowerment to the production and to cover up the hostilities towards me by Ono through Warhol as a child.  All of the evidence supports this interpretation.  Ono bribed the Teamsters to sexually attack me in a cruel operation targeting an implanted head wound they knew was there and knew I didn’t.  In this atrocity towards a deaf man Seattle, particularly those forces trashing the streets, and Trump worked together showing their true partnership in destruction.

       Where are the investigators?  Where are the research detectives?  Where are the prosecutors?  In an advance notice of covid Seattle Administration poisoned me in the mouth.