By lying about the Covid bomb, the British perpetrators and their ally in Trump stripped the victims of our right to self-defense: Warhol group played the same despicable trick in the AIDS attack when Amnesty International awarded me for arguing the virginity of my partner proves non-violence, not rape.

       I'm from Pittsburgh. A cartoonist named Tim Menees received alexytemic (holocaust trauma) cartooons and gave them to Trump to mock me. As a library clerk brutally victimized in a "special school" (ie. being kidnapped, tortured and gassed in Pittsburgh) by a far right wing religious network working for Reagan, using John Shulman as their lead witness, and terrorizing me, I have learned enough generalism to see a wholistic enterprise for which there is scary evidence.

The Environmental Modification Convention agreed internationally in 1977 to ban weather weapon technology but as the assassins who held me in bondage for British rock moguls with whom the Karls worked (King Crimson) it was already too late. Flame Over Africa had been announced by their war division that was made into the FEMA in 1975 (see youtube).

      Greta Thunberg barely can sidestep being their poster girl and one reason why is that UW Dialectical killed Saoirse to get at me and they know I am in love with Greta but also that I subscribe to R18 in part because the situation leads there. I was similarly used by Trump, the Post-Gazette, FEMA and NEVA Corporation in the AIDS era. Normally, you don't have to get tattoo'd I LOVE JAR JAR BINKS when buying a ticket to Star Wars, but the cyber-invasive British psychology that Warhol used to even turn my school into a factory for genocide porn production publicly in Allpoetry asserted an innuendo to the effect that having verses about Greta and images of her among my collection of the Miss Beautiful Kyogen justifies their surveillance and rape of my deaf advocate, ripper murder of Shannon Harps, etc. ALL OF WHICH has been potboiled by "projekcts" like Jericho and the Green Party, which I call collectively UW Dialectical, here on the West Coast.

     A great deal of how we think depends on what we pretend and nothing said at the point of a gun has any value at all. Congress refuses to address the facts of their capitulation to fossil fuel fascism which is behind many of our wars and it plays out in editorial journalism who often at The Nation hide behind sacred cows that just aren't true and with so much interconnected that hurts.

      Blacks play an important role in the mania of arms builders. Somebody has to say this because Black victimization does not prove the truth of Black ideology. One of the reasons I left the Civil Rights Movement and believe we should abridge our alliance with Britain is because of the way Obama and Geffen Corporation turned Black Power into a Romeo and Juliet clause demanding surrender to military prostitution.

      There is a reason that Obama became President and Martin Luther King didn't. When Bob Hope collected the last momento of JFK from the Oval Office (on the night before) he memorialized it later stating his view that JFK would have stopped the war in Vietnam, just as King reached out to Ho Chi Minh, JFK made clear he knew what Minh was saying in his book, A Strategy for Peace.

      In order to have equity put on the climate change agenda we have had to endure and suffer through AIDS and Covid with all the evil idiocy that came with it from Black intellectuals. The idea practiced by the UW Dialectical law firm towards me, notorious for genocide porno and mouth poison, is the truth will give you AIDS, a skinhead formulation more than anything, but Neva Corporation in London put together the idea of abstinence as the last temptation before execution.

      When it comes to proving right and wrong body count really doesn't amount to anything. People who love inter-racially and live by a colorblind code are like the people in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead (a book where the dollar sign was not in fact the absolute measure of ideals) who loved the fabled architect's buildings. They just weren't the type to engage in tabloid politics, low-profile and thoughtful people is how she described them, the antithesis of the sort of murderers like Zappa and Larry Flynt who moved against freedom of expression by weaponizing the virus as a guardian angel standing in attendance over their worthless egos.