The murderers casing me online are very hostile.   As a point of hostility Warhol Foundation refuses to address past crime they have mongered.  They are stakeholders in a multimillion dollar museum heist and have killed before.  Part of their terrorism is to shark violent threats demanding elaborate responses they can and will ignore from a brutalized deaf person who they tortured and now is suffering profound carpal tunnel.  Seattle, NAVOS, Hero House and SONY have elaborate hostilities broiling that were unprovoked.  My nocturnal emissions while homeless came up as a topic ultimatum, as they gyrated a hygienic justification for chemical castration. My safely maintained events described by Saint Paul in The Bible are only relevant in proving they had no right to tear gas me into homelessness while defending the heist and trafficking lies about me.  They engineered eternal bias by sneering that the suspect was above suspicion.  No he is not.  I was having seizures from a murderous poison attack that he stalked me sexually to satire.

        The liars behind the crime are infamous for rubbing their poison acts in my face.  They lied about Mt. Desert Island while admitting in writing what they’d done; they lied about my ability in school, and then shut down the school when I succeeded there; they mouth poisoned me as a prior advertisement of their thrill kill in covid.  I have already pledged never to reward them voluntarily.

        The public reads emotive rights to their hostile gangsterism but in my opinion if science has shown there is truly no such thing as safe and innocent sex between adults, not even when they are alone, auto-erotic, the Administration has an obligation to find a safe, effective, unbiased way to teach that, and not blame victims of torture who they molested and mutilated at the age of 10.  I will not make common cause with their NAACP genocide pornographers.  I am not a volunteer to suicide.   If those murderers are going to cut me down anyway it might as well be in defiance.

         The Hero House Faculty have long known that the poisoners made tons of money using me for pornography.  They have a stake in the Shulman Heist, who sits like Aung San under house arrest as they prolong their war, their hostilities.  The murderers have a dream of proving the superiority of Japan’s Martial Code, they murder symbolic targets as social training, thickening the skin, getting normal people to change into gargoyles.  They have sadistic and evil minds, they leer from the re-emergence of Nazi Germany, this time Internationally at large.

          I’ve seen the NAACP catering to the Green Party.  They scrape and bow intellectually minded before Pan-African blood oathing all death vow as though the Rwanda ancestors are united in bereavement and demand sacrifices from those the NAACP has historic grievance and grounds to despise  like that Uncle Tom Frederick Douglass (do I need to tell you that's sarcasm?).  How did Billy Graham dream all this up?

       For one thing, the martial warriors WARRIORS! Hate without distinction anyone who doesn’t like their Nazi storm fighting.  Amnesty International was a sucker play clocked to AIDS with a valve for pressure release called Saalmun Rushdie. They gloat that you have the right to scream.  The dacoits of Hollywood still use this imagery in their encirclements on public sidewalks.   As a child these rabid animals used EXTREME chemicals and gases coupled to savage head blows on me wrecking my development because they knew I was a symbolic heist from the Navy.  That such a consideration is voided by their brilliants goes without saying.

        Again and again they poison and ignore that Roberto Clemente, whose name they ripped off to promote a Bobby Jindhal style confederate Nazi entrapment operation for South African goons involving Pittsburgh’s wheel deal with India over nuclear intelligence, and bragged about it in Semiotics I have unearthed, also used Roberto’s name to brutally rape a deaf girl with Downs Syndrome.  They allow Greta, Malala and, whether compatible or not also I to suffer the Death Row of their TERROR GAME with facial deviations by acid, by bullet, by Aspergers because the Japanese codex revenge plotters and long term epi-eugenicists giggle at the wordplay of their unusual amorous behavior and losing face all trumpytuned with satire and earnest purpose.  Meanwhile, I’m given background like Nancy Moore’s comment that she wouldn’t see Psycho while she was pregnant with me, and then Russell Bennett, of Weinstein’s (Wiswell), who announced for Burstyn Roberto’s having been slain, all collectible by Yoko Ono at the porno is evil headquarters.

UW’s warped dogma is an endless circle of lies. It is not going to stop. All of Seattle know that they have killed to protect their stake in a fascist heist, mongering UW Dialectics among the mob on the margins.