Feminist punks like Vicky Funari have razzling slogans like, “Subvert the Dominant Paradigm” but then when called on them they whimper and coo that they would never ever be capable of doing such as that. Don Ostro, the Braunsteins and Andrea Swimmer did more than keep company, they were Teameteers. Ostro broke my sister’s ribs while Swimmer slandered me for the Israeli smut merchants on hand to give Warhol and Ono big bucks for convincing the junkies that Reagan didn’t know and jimmuh cudda. The dominant paradigm being of course that jimmuh qwee was a sheltered white sissy.
The pigs loved it.
What we find however in mature law enforcement is an alliance between the Christian Reich and their Hollywood opposition, the Sisterhood in California making correctness flashy and barbed over personal space, mandatory, mask up. The moniker encryption K ronen bitter is a good example of how the Heil Jesus teameteers worked with Mitsui and Axis Japan on the exampling first of the Kennedys, who got theirs from Rita Meter Maid at the Carousel Club for walking the tab while playing all big, a nono that Joe Kennedy, Sr. was short for playing on Gloria Swanson, a comeuppance that Joe DiMaggio and Joan Crawford enjoyed getting even on through that happy hatter of McCartney’s Jacqueline.
Ah, those were the days.
It’s clear that the VA’s Christian psychotics get so worked up by separation of church and state that they invented a disbeliever by violent brainwash to take out their mental problems on. The discovery that this Army of God culture are behind the AIDS attack is a very serious thing for the Pittsburgh NAACP to be covering up with the testimony of the likes of Andrea Swimmer. Do the obscenity obsessed Sheriff’s Office bother to investigate?
Karl and Dixon are partners slowly in the process of coming out about coordination in the AIDS attack by justifying the hostage-taking and poison crime murder of a white mutilation object. Even after being told that what she calls all admiringly The Sound Agency, who she woos for Advisory have horribly poisoned me in the mouth, leading to bone loss and infection so seriouis that two years later it is still not well and causing sore throat as the medicine burns away the tissue, that rotten Gretchen wants them in on the Seattle Clubhouse deal, which includes using the old Pitman method of deadly terror to put a grab on the million dollar hustle about the hate object’s art.
The ghost of Adolf Hitler, as found in the war plans of the Spirit Foundation, was worth millyions to Seattle Queers, they just hadda keep it all to themselves, poker face style. Beside brother Kasper, the famous Jesus himself on the cross of Golgotha are two racists, one Black, one white, Adolf the Lennon saintly turns to the white racist and the white racist crows, father forgive me I am a racist I have sinned, and Sucre Sacredotal Weezum bless on this day and so on, but the Black Racist refuses.
So on bangs the mouff poisoners who claim the loot of queerball.
That attackers hum that the crime was easy. Not so. For example, they were playing a game of eidetic representations of the inner mind, reading us The Outsiders in math class at school, while terrorizing the golem with stage hands who fit the resemblance in the minds eye, to dramatize the ghoulish elect of Hollywood working the inner eye of sin for the demonic possession collection agency financing abortion so they justify the AIDS attack. Carmen, pronounced CAR MEN and Karsh pronounced CAR, shhh, show the way the organized crimes are real, real organized.
In addition to agency names in the structure it is important to look at the use of doubles because the temptation, we can get away with this, must have been very great. Clint Eastwood keeps tabs on me, a strange name for a pussyball magnate working Eastern women dignities. He called the film I loved him for as a boy Where Eagles Dare by the code name Where Doubles Dare. Lennon’s hotwire machine was named Double Fantasy. The newspaper headline fake occurs in Sean Connery’s You Only Live Twice. This is the romance engine behind the Kennedy assassination, the Pink Panther crime lords.
The letters were planted on a child mistreated as a lab rat. Pitt vivisection was partly an NAACP plot. I’m 60. One thing you can say about that stink’n Gretchen is she tries to make me feel like they are finished with me. She’s nice to me sometimes, even complimentary. The Jews in Pittsburgh liked nothing better than to slander me to my face. The symbol JDL was perfect, the Juvie Delinquent Loser. Kath H. felt them when she considered moving to be with me, the ill minds all around me, confiscating me. They put Swimmer on me as a child and knew they could blackmail anyone woman who loved me from behind the greasy curtains.
Of course it wasn’t just the Jews. The Catholic pro-Kurosawa parochials called my being in love with Rosa, “shitting where you eat.” Penis Sinfield, a child molester extremist, had the code nick Topper Tacket for the boy who got on top her and grew up to tack up pictures while buying their tickets. He had a (heh heh) WITNESS in Rudy and a Jehovah in Sherlock. For the attackers the MASH shower scene and the HAIR strip shakedown amounted to Yoko Ono’s if you become naked kiddie trafficking revenge on Jimmy, the hidden twiggy of Pin Ups.
Pittsburgh never bothered to admit that the Jews working the rage against snitching were cited for using cattle prods on mentaly retarded children at a facility nearby Jennifer’s house at Kings Estate where the alexytemic cartoons I sent Tim Menees were situated. They were having too much fun selling AIDS by the cheap thrill of Tive’s strip tease pen. The VA klukkers in Seattle are so worked up with venom about sex that they think their plan for getting some loot on the peep of the group project is a game of corrections over abortion.
Barristers, meaning lawyers, and their partnership with drive-by teameteers effectively bar court action, backed by what they call Japanese Way, the tradition of solving things on the corners, sort of fashionable, Kyoto Protocol Yakuka.