If you wonder how so many people could know about the AIDS attack plan called The Texas Schoolbook and still be silent about covid-19, why would people extend their mockery for the sexual dignities of others to the extent of atrocity? You need to learn some of the material. Revolution No. 9 by the Beatles was nothing less than an advertisement for the return of Unit 731. The White Album was advertised by the murders of King and Lennon. This is all in the script that was adopted by Biden/Obama and written by Trump/Warhol confederates. The pornographic and Axis cinema dimension (HitlerReagan) is a corporation designed as a Venus Fly Trap in London. German and African martial societies worked together promoting grievance against America as Yoko Ono mongered attack prostitution while railing that Japan were the victims in World War Two. Licky chops, as usual, the NAACP embraced any fantasy that seemed to enrich and empower them. No reasonable expectation of loyalty was ever in any way honored by them. They saw siding with the Axis as getting even.
It was strange to see a foreign fascist and violent attack mongered as civil war but the attack on things as dear, simple and beautiful as poetry and matrimony, the targeting of the disabled, was clear and deranged. Nothing maddens the black man, throws him into throes of carpet chomping ravages, like a disabled person coping and building their private estate however humble. The fury is seizures in answer. Several other minorities were so contemptible as to defy any mention at all. Seeing this was meant to illustrate the disturbing grounds for pure hatred in the Israeli Texas Schoolbook screed. It is clear that rapine and madness this parched was intended discretely to broker acceptance and support for British abomination, Euro-plotting from the old school. Meanwhile, we were told to bang on about the silly themes all connived as good, like the puerile story of iniquitous treatment that underwrites the raunchy sex abuse from martial warriors! Warriors! their demands for tribute from innocent people forced into unwholesome acts. Coded for racism, they laugh as they ripper, rape and jeer, proving themselves the better breed.
How can one narrate their story any other ways? Just look at the hounding, the monstrous balderdash, the shredded evidence, false assurances, thieving, exploitation and lies. They announce their agency as modelled on their own oppressors. Cutely, they offer to chastise their own country and children with a nuclear bomb from the school of Timothy McVeigh if we do not answer to Yoko Ono by promising to brainwash our children for her sexual traffic. The Jewish laugh, and toast, for they brokered the upper hand by scrawling libelous scribbles all over the affair, too many in number to rationally defend against, even as one of their altar boys is hauled to prison for stealing priceless old Bibles from the museum. Licky chops got some and was paid in cash.