There was a Star Trek episode that boiled down to two Kirks that couldn’t be told apart shouting not him, me, no not me, him.  Okay, it’s a little different, in this one the first Kirk is THE WHITE and believing him would mean would mean he thinks he’s better than us, while the other Kirk is an honorary the Japanese man who not believing would shade the bias of an unpermitted decision making factor, but meanwhile, one of them is genuinely sick, crazy and disturbing.  Or, is there some other explanation?

       One of the Kirks is arguing that the murder of Saoirse Kennedy was the act of a team spirited military authoritarian political action party who were operating like Bernard Goetz who shot some people on a subway and then said you don’t look so bad have another, in response to this Kirk’s claim that they couldn’t possibly believe they were allowed to torture, mutilate, rape, impair and experiment on an innocent person.   Oh yeah, what you the DO say now, dogeyes? -type thing.

       Star Trek is not entirely fictional here.  This operation comes from a Hollywood theory of war that is perplexing for its attention to detail.   The overall texture is extremely bizarre, they used John Lennon’s death to say that his being death proves the legitimacy of Mark David Chapman’s social program.   Everyone of the individuals in the script making deranged claims about me is Hollywood, by contrast you can think of me as non-Hollywood. Which is the real Kirk, then?

         One line of reasoning by the other Kirk is cost effectiveness.  What does it matter if it worked? Using a sacrificial scapegoat disarmed the victims, empowered the attackers and explained for Administration what the hold up was really all about.   It may not be all that persuasive to someone who is alarmed, as Martha Gellhorn was, that a gang started AIDS with premeditation, but it is very persuasive to those who used it as a joke, a lampoon, a miscarriage and for foreign incited slaughter and mayhem, meaning the Beatles, so since it’s them, we know automatically they are the real Kirk so shoot the one arguing that AIDS is manmade already.

         The British do admit AIDS is manmade in so far as the utility of the scapegoat but not as a basis for telling the truth about who did it, which clearly implicates them, so the scapegoat direction is better, and what is more, again, who cares, since it worked?   When they promoted LSD Pittsburgh’s McKenzie units at Pitt Law designated this an Existential Experiential Zone into which Hollywood was entitled to play act out the archetypal theories of Tammo De Jongh impinged on the experiences of the persona, so we have look alikes, in doo, Tommy and Tami, in nose androgyny, Tami and Lennon, in anima, Tami and Anne Mitchell, the latter a fan of Michael Jackson, and in the New York high society that keeps Pittsburgh sufficiently interesting to the East/W….circuit that Elizabeth Taylor visited the deaf services where Chin i Chin Chin who taught me sign, and lived down the road from Leslie Katz, volunteered.  As Braunstein at Donald Donald’s would say, “you’re all connected up.” 

        De Jong’s namesake was on Mt. Desert Island for that AIDS experiment, in fact, on a night when my ear burned with a touch of the bug that deafened me, it was very pronounced in special flavor, both doubles of Wattenmaker, named in the script, and Gabriel, who helped author it, were in Ryan’s Pizza where I worked.   Doubles are so much on the table of McCartney’s agency (see the Bob Hope film about Augustine) that he bragged today at school openly of working with Andelman who used to make jokes about the Quarrymen and who set up the demarcation line debate about Leslie Katz as a Saturday Night Live Routine that Pittsburgh made such cruel use of intimidating a victim of torture; lastly he likes takeovers, and was involved in one at Wells Fargo.

         Impinging devious little idiosyncracies on the playbook is a forte of these demonologists.  For example, the auditorium where I was taught French, “repitae si vous plais,” was where Misako Shiono broke her Tanglewood string during the graduation recital exactly as the stunt that made perilous Midori Goto, featured in the script, so famous, across the street from Brooks’ church where I was set on by an armed gang and who worked with the cast of HAIR covering up the Mt. Desert Island AIDS testing war game by an attack on my desire to get married, cleverly giving an institutional behavioral prerogative to someone they had impacted with such deadly violence that living for today seemed sensible because there was little hope of a future.  Further that was the whole point. Circuit hours Simon and Immediate Gratification Stewart Sheppard were all wired up with the help of Braunstein to a “you deserved it” itinerary in mass murder. Fleshing that out required taking some risks, like self-destruction from a nerve agent (Heh, Bert).

        Meanwhile we see the theory of Jekyll Island’s first name club in the subordination of disciplic succession in names like Chang, and Mi Yung Joo, which indexes directly, noting the interest of Yoko Ono and involvement of Ming Na Wen, to Chow Yun Fat, who had the script before I did because his sound technician lived in my house, which brings us to Jade Fox.

         Eno and Cyril Wecht are both, why I’ll just call them up, types.  Wecht and Andelman worked together on the East/W….circuit road where Leslie Katz held her graduation party and where I found the book on the curb, “Sexual Self Destruct; the Conscience of the West.”

       Jekyll and Burstyn work into Hyde, because that is the enemy within they impinged with a nerve agent for poking fun at the queerbait in severe rejection and trauma, which the AIDS game was created to Exorcize, myuh, with a line in the sand and some arsons.   The Department of Education, in other words, is Grand Dragon Master of the wierdest violation of International Law you’ve ever heard of, and Hollywood is pulling the strings.   Although they rant on and on that queerbait was a wild child run amok, the plot was cleverly Pygmalion and the queerbait was the Dependent Variable, proving the fact of tampering.   Paul Colaizzo’s extremely cryptic story about an existentialist who unintentionally gives away his crew with a fake story about where they were hoping to send the Germans on a wild goose chase, is just what you’d expect from this satellite of the Vienna Circle, but a battered child understand?

       John Stockwell, who follows me around, once gurgled about an ugly merc in Africa who said the women like ugly little monsters, not handsome men, and commented, to his eternal amazement, he was right.  That’s a parable about Hitler’s hit on JFK and how the stupid women are being. With or without John Lennon, how the fuck could virginity prove rape and the woman not even know it? It’s just a piece of shit.