Covid was only possible because of the violence with which Seattle and the NAACP defended the AIDS attackers.  Effective control of the media was the key to the covid19 slaughterhouse.  The rabid monger that their swami nostrums about Lennon render mass murder infallible and the most tyrannical miitary science guild emerges in place of civil rights wholly without being challenged.  The media Mecca puppetshow have carried on as though nothing is real.   The attackers are liars down to their very first claims.  This fact is obvious from the likeness of Gail Burstyn on the cover of a Fripp record album and by her success in evading arrest.  Despite the horrifying mortal combat, notice Dia Galas at the WTC the Biden government had mocked reality and the American public with its negligence and sally ho demeanor.  The vile, poisonous, evil tactics of the Green Party, their ripper hatter targeting of children and seering poison crime sexual sadism marks Pentagon Disney as Caligula, Inc.  It is the most ravenous of libel for Trumpytunes to gibber that I accused Reagan.  Nothing could have made me believe he was this Hitlerian, my mistake.

         The braggarts are still lickychops over our grandmothers’ graves.