My name is James MacRyland Crary.  I am 60 years old, deaf, and was in the Honors Department of Tacoma Community College, one class in calculus away from my Bachelors Degree when the school was shut down by the Covid 19 incident.  My father Ryland Wesley Crary was a Naval Lieutenant in WW2 and Chair of Philosophy for Education at the University of Pittsburgh after turning down the Presidency for the University of Georgia when they refused to desegregate. 

       The so-called Hero House venture of City of Seattle recovery and clubhouse alliance is run by and concerns a group of individuals who have participated in illegal pornographic manufacture in which I was held as an involuntary hostage.   In all likelihood this craft of crime is authorized through their social program by Fountainhouse in New York City.    The Federal Bureau of Investigation has behaved with terrifying darkness in this sordid, genuinely disturbing affair refusing to investigate Unidentified Organized Crime even when actual murder was on exhibition by the manufacturers.

      The in camera manipulation of my privacy was being called an investigation and was some sort of joke involving WQED in Pittsburgh.  They hired a romantic attachment and bugged my apartment.  I was in love.  They were enjoying their entertainment.   As you can imagine when I found out what they were doing it hurt and I acted up a little trying to get help, information and proof concerning their obsession and sadism.   The only outcome was that they attacked and raped, apparently filmed, the deaf Korean girl who had taught me sign language in an alley, after printing my name in Asian Cult Cinema Magazine down in Florida to advertise the product for their black market.

       A few of these people calling themselves friends have been arrested.  Kenneth Ferri, who worked with a brutal attacker from Warhol who kidnapped and gassed me as a child, brutally torturing me, himself participated in a kidnapping many, many years ago when this began in childhood, and was recently arrested for bomb threats.   The attacker is a darling of WQED who the recovery program in Seattle, represents him through the Black Panthers, despite having been in the KKK.  Letters sent to me and the time and the pictures taken of me show extremely severe injury and trauma.  Another John Shulman was recently discussed in Smithsonian Magazine’s lead article for Museum Theft.  His benefactor and sponsor, who arranged the publication of my name in Asian Cult Cinema Magazine, Robert Fripp, is a controller voice in the lifelong pornographic program that they have cleverly put forward as entertainment for their fans affected by the AIDS genocide and since those men and women are in misery, they argue, I am a human sacrifice.

         It was immediately clear they had murdered Saorise Kennedy.  When I wrote my views and pity to the Kennedys Courtney evidently agreed and wrote to me compassionately in her own fair hand on the brink of the Covid 19 incident.  My response, immediate, was followed by agent “plumbers” of the Postal Union and delivered with the murder of two more Kennedys who disappeared without a trace.   Yoko Ono followed my father’s voice from the battles at sea where he was widely heard in the radio room.  This is her vendetta through Warhol.

         One of the attorneys for WQED had me in D.C. the night before Reagan’s attache James Brady was shot in the head.  This attorney was working for an agency who had brutally impacted a neurological injury in my own head and this implant was still invisible, although it has since surfaced into my facial nerve leaving doctors mystified.  To give power and authenticity to their catch of child pornography they already begun manufacturing of me, and allow them indefinite rule by secret film, Reagan came outside and waved to me, a fact that is also on film.  The attorney gave me a brochure reading, “There is no such thing as objective reality only what the jury believes.”  In addition to John Shulman, one of his partners in Pittsburgh, Ming Na Wen works for the Pentagon at Walt Disney.  She was one of the people who they filmed coming onto me in secrecy around WQED where we dated.

           A woman was present that weekend in 1981 in room 711 of Thurston Hall named Cecilia.  Supposedly her friend, when I asked about her, the attorney grudgingly sneered, “somebody big and black with a stocking over his head attacked her and raped her long and hard.”  His roommate was named Michael Exler, which is pronounced X-slur, very much their mentality.   Another woman, Melissa Mackie, whose father Ed showed me a billboard in the South about the KKK before it was taken down, a suspect in my father’s murder who I was visiting at the time, father did not know he had done this, owned a therapy chamber Meilssa showed me one time which was nothing but a pornography observation location for special clients who paid for sexual services.  Mackie was adopted by Fripp’s Gurdjieff Club in West Virginia where my father was murdered, as proof I was a bad boyfriend.  Father died when I was dating Mi Yung Joo, also filmed by the Seattle Recovery Program when she seduced me for the script.

          The signature on the script by Gail Burstyn included the name of Neva, the Japanese porngoraphy giant.    It was penned by a young Jew.   Father’s obituary was defaced by the staff of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, working with Shulman, citing Shulman as grounds, with statements about injecting people signed Donohue and a big, grisly headline about the German Green Party.  It was well known my father had refused even to fly through German airspace and was still furious about the war.  My stepmother, a patron of WQED, named their son Adam.  He was younger than me and bar mitzvahed.  When the attorney heard about Adam, he growled, “why was I never told about this .. ehhhh,”

           I am dealing with the criminally insane and do not believe the authorities themselves are not behind this mission of murder for foreign attackers.  The State of Washington for example has tortured me and subjected me to mayhem and serial dismemberment such as chemical castration without trial or evidence of wrongdoing, for no reason other than my personal belilefs as an American.  Police see no reason to do their job in protection against an illegal sport.

