The Nation feels that rules change in protecting the innocent from fascism to such a degree that their authority resolved to take down my reality check about transgender on those grounds, despite overwhelming evidence that weird fascism towards me originates in the transgender mindset.  So much so that they followed through on Walter Langer’s claim he could make a dictator’s mustache fall off and consecrated Covid in advance with a mouth poison.  Transformer and transformation, the smug alliance of Bush and Fripp prosecuting the weird claim that virginity proves rape.

     Always howling that torture and dismemberment are self-inflicted injuries for refusing to conform to their lies, I interrogated myself over Leslie’s letter.  It was never violent.  I just saw the mania of love turned into so much pain, but then, they are the ones who knew about the nerve agent.  King Mystic Tony Levin, a namesake of the gang working with Shulman who recruited Cheryl Levin (pronounced share ill Levin, like share ill Paul of 700 Mellon) to demand I do just that, leading me to the death tattoo pointing at a vagina on Mt. Desert Island.

      Leslie’s androgynous chaperone T. Simon (like Farasani) photographed with Dalai Lama of Tibet, who metamorphosed into Lennon in a Princeton Unitarian Church, was the aquiline line in the sand that melds McConnell’s alliance with Aung San at UW Dialectical.  The buddha walks like the proud mother to children of several men down the Trumpytune landscape of Native skins where feminist spirituality is evoked as a cover operation for Neva Porno human trafficking, and the grand facade so soon shall burn, to Rodd with root in a Carbonhell.   If you love, they squalled, you’ll share ill, a double suicide to the extreme condition of being a Lennon acolyte following the avatar he anointed as one, the exemplar who offers absolut gadibe and honor from Texas Queers if you stop lying about the Macho.

      The TVC-15 crime code in the British interrogation overthrow of their puppetshow comes shrieking like Trump howling about God Almighty, raping deaf Jeannie.