The reason the organized networks of Moxyland Seattle resemble Geo. Lucas is because Geo. Lucas has long worked with Sinfield and Trump making patent claims over the remains of the civil society.  Sinfield’s family were always toasting Goebbels in the last one, prying, sorting and making away with briefcase loads of Jewish teeth to unplug of their gold for Finnegan to awake.

      Suspicions of a “crime” of Tiff. R’s “death” was solved when it was first reported and  identified as a fake and conjob by poison criminals attempting to justify their atrocity.  The purpose of the “murder” was clear, for whitey Inslee to gloat as he stole night braces from my room because, as he chewed his cowhooves, he could think of them only as boxing gloves and as he packaged up his Trumpian ruse.  Kowtow to unpaid labor demands white suck as we hump your wifey, kowtow.

      The legendary evil of Seattle in the Axis renewal has swastikas from Africa on the streets of mayhem.  Lisp, away, Ichiro, rippering as they rape the deaf and retarded servants of Intellectual Property Management..

       The sad fact is that Gail Burstyn appears to have had not only Chas. Biggs and Mr. Young in the camp that took down King but Moses of Massachusetts.  That sulking, slinking, brave, but resentful Moses cudda been in on the slay of Dah Lawd! Has occurred to few, but here it is laid bare.

       The murderer put on a show demanding ego aggrandizing tribute research into a villain who was stalking and tormenting me with terrorism.  I walked softly on her public veneer, not sure what she or they have all done.

Sieg Heil, CUZ

Fictive kin are people who are treated “like family.” Fictive kin are often described as the “family of choice” or the “family you choose.” Ritual kinship is a type of fictive kinship established through a ritual such as “blood brothers” or choosing godparents for a child.




noun: nepotism

the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

"he promised an end to corruption and nepotism"

    A lot of Americans, and not just those who voted Trump, would raffle off American dignity and heritage to a handful of British rock stars at the drop of a hat.  Why would this be the case?  Brain damage?  Partly, but in anthropology people vote themselves kin by virtue of what tee-shirt they are neuro hypnotically controlled into purchasing.  They think of themselves as family members to the louts that grab their pussies and their dough.   Nepotism in fictive families means promoting the stupids who go along with the ruse and defaming those who are different, independent or unique.  Abuse runs thick and heavy in fictive families for people who consider them intrusive over the primary goal of recovering from torture and trauma, but hey, this is Obama’s country, playacting fictive family and lordy dordy you can get ahead.

    An unmarried deaf man in isolation due to hard times suffers, that's inevitable, however an atmosphere of bullying is worse than neglect.   This letter is about how it has gotten beyond the point of no return with me.   I have always been bullied, in fact by styles of bullying that are abnormal and extreme.  The injuries are severe from violent crime.  I learned more about Seattle than I wanted to when ADWAS, the Abused Deaf Womans' Advocacy Service took my case for ten years and placed me in the Emerald Clubhouse of Sound Mental Health where I was ultimately frightfully betrayed.  Sadly, for the ten year investment in that peculiar fictive family arrangement of clubhouse layabouts, I was scalded with a poison crime to my mouth with the complicity of caseworkers and administration.  Gretchen Hawkins, of course, couldn't care less.  Feel free to attribute that to compassion fatigue.  It isn't her precinct supposedly.  I didn't ask her intervention but I notice the disdain.

       What I am getting to is that the compassion fatigue involved is calculated compassion fatigue.  There are many avenues of social work that need research.  Because people with mental illness have their hands full they are clay in the hands of the ideology on the street, in the music rooms, and become tools of explanations that serve them.   I have no doubt that racism plays a role in selective compassion fatigue, but I also know that the situation with me is reverse race compassion fatigue only as a mask.  Really the hostility of the BLM and campus Black Power movement for me has zilch to do with me being white.  In fact, in random encounters on the street most mean-spirited black people are nice to me because of my deafness, just not the honchos in charge most of them white rivals.

        There is a reason for this.  While I was searching for a way to find help from a school in Pittsburgh regarding torture, I also became aware of an organized movement working around the AIDS boom during the stigma era of Reagan.  It was obviously parochial and after me very covertly through bully lines.  They sold their claim of my being a property, a provisional example of service dog, and so on, but the point was clear, Seattle didn't care that this showed AIDS was an attack, just as the poison in my mouth, prior to the second onslaught, showed that Covid was and is the same gang and same program, I would argue that what happened to Larry, who founded the Clubhouse, is suspicious.

        Seattle Gays in other words by their own words didn't care that I was trying to get to the bottom of what had been done to them to get help and intervention before, dare I say it now again, before it happened again, some more.  Instead they wanted to extrude and demand tribute to stories of how I was humiliated.  They wanted to poison me in the mouth.  They wanted to indenture me by allowing me go to school, at long last, after raping the girl who defied them by teaching me poetry, indenture me that is to their fictive family bully domain, their UW cock and bull socialism, their guerilla activities, cloak and dagger, for the destruction being sought by Donald Trump.   They wanted the therapy of killing Saoirse Kennedy and poisoning me in many dark, targeted specific ways.

          You won't find them caring that covid was the same gang as AIDS, instead they will yammer, ha ha the goody goodies got theirs, too.

         I was always in my life on the side of the ecology movement.  These kingpins and trolls, by contrast, stopped at no expense making sure no one ever lifted a finger to do anything constructive at all.  Their answer was to slam shut our schools with this nightmare.
