I seem to be one of the few people aware that Trumpytune’s Israelis  gave North Korea their bomb as a totalitarian end game and that Pittsburgh went along with it over girls with big tits.  Seattle thinks it’s going to save the planet for the queers.  Sound like Kurt Vonnegut yet?  The idea that Pittsburgh could murder our grannies and half of Brazil for the Chinese by selling panting noises for Penis Sinfield over a tawdry Warhol call girl with an IUD as though it were truth serum surely occurred to me in the custody of their provincial norm.  It explains, I think, the way I flipped out over Chancellor Nordenberg’s Secret Program ~ The Nature of Reality.  Took a curious turn when Big Brother War College in Tacoma dragged in the Kennedys as stakeholders by murdering three.  The licensed and intended, Mellon-bankrolled whore is part of Warhol Cop Sympathy Command, a Sheriff’s source on everyone and their girl they love most is now a mother but still has big tits and big connections.

        This is how the Jews operate, by slurring those they mutilate, and make it into rhyme.  The power to keep their dirty going and their victim at work long after their sick mania is on the history board shows the scurrying that goes on around Michael Reagan at the rat cheese dish of his quest for his favorite scene some more.  Warhol and Reagan killed JFK for Jack Ruby’s gang but they certainly didn’t stop there.

        To understand where mass murder by Yoko Ono being defended by closing our schools in gargantuan betrayal by the Police Department and their refusal to investigate even as the world’s forest ignites and Arctic ice pours into a swelling acid sea, you need to de-couple a little from your lust and licky chops and look at Ayn Rand’s idea of a moral inversion.  The reason that Lennon reversed the order of blame in WW2 in favor of the Axis isn’t their effectiveness as terrorists in flooding the skies with greenhouse gases making the carrying capacity of the earth much more challenging, but the simple idea of a moral inversion.  The good guys, the Axis held, lost World War Two, so they pretended to kill Lennon and called that disgusting and depraved pig A**rea *****er his spiritual continuer.  Even when her fans killed Saoirse Kennedy at the beck and call of Bob Dylan the police department grunted right along with Trumpytune.

        Penis Gabriel lives to find something that will allow him to erase all facts.  It wouldn’t be hard for a normal cop.  A vicious, violent drug addled adult has a deaf, battered little boy in a Nordstrom (OSTRO) RS/DT safehouse with a craven elder sporting an IUD from Warhol doing filthy.  Diagnosis: Fedophile.

      Greta Thunberg, laughing with Riingo’s thuggies at Amnesty International, talks of writing the history books.  She doesn’t say that Trump made no more attempt to stop AIDS than he did to stop covid.  He played the whole thing as the switchboard on a New York bounty, to which Greta Siri provided a Leslie-o-meter for home invasion therapy. To prove the queerbait is lonely, murder a rule of dibs and UW Dialectical the machine of choice.  The murderers have ejaculated their contemptuous emissions all over the planet and their only thing on their minds is how to get to MIchael Reagan’s favorite scene some more.

       The heroine starlet of Seattle Police is a Israeli Dolly from Guerilla Theater in Pittsburgh who used to scribble in blood red ink:  US OUT OF NORTH AMERICA. I got you, is their wonder line.