The public will see that I gave a painting to the Clubhouse but what they will not see are the perverts stalking me on the bus who ripper attacked Shannon Harps and left her dead while poisoning me and using ventrilquism names to hexagram their intentions, a practical demonstration in the methods of Amanda Harcourt, as a psychotic property attorney for Yoko Ono who insinuated herself as closely as Jackie Onassis into the Kennedy Family for the murder of Saoirse, who the Kennedys view as expendable.  My own family was similar.  I recall the terrible disappointment I felt when my half-sister Gretchen did not value my love for her as a child.  All the available rooms in Worcester were agenteered by an Amanda, so, I will have to stay in Tacoma and fight.

       Exactly who and what is attacking me so bitterly and why would they lacerate the android zone to merchanteer such awful paintings?   For one, the situation gives total insight into both BIden and his meaning of bipartisanship, and the covid attack through the singular prism of the performance put on, make pretend democracy, by the attackers shedding all  pretense of not having crossed the line into warmaking:  Bill Gates and the Beatles were behind the covid bomb just as they were behind the AIDS attack and their darlings in the press are still letting them have their way upon the world.

       One of the issues that makes my life’s work priceless to the faction behind the Kennedy assassinations and the heist of American’s superstructure is the use of electricity on the mind itself, which is what the Beatles set off to do in conquest, occupy the inner mind, and so I am the first person known to have suffered brainwave sonar invasion in the mind by a trespass surmounting the taboo against schizophrenia, they did it, this time, for real, as a statement, they own the soul of the United States.  That makes me a very key modern art property.  Second to this, I investigated them and proved that Lennon’s story of having been shot is bunk put on by super-production teams to use the AIDS attack as a metaphor for Hiroshima and turn American troopers into Yoko Ono’s volunteers in her war of revenge.

        Part of how it got this bad is a mean little disgrace in Pittsburgh named Andrea Swimmer hired by Martin Andelman of Wells Fargo to hijack the persona of a child they kidnapped and mutilated beyond recognition, the early academic thesis of whom was that King Crimson saved him, a tragic delusion mongered by the assassins.  King Crimson spared his life and was behind the kidnapping.  Greg Karl bragged of “kidnapping the magical agent” in his screeds.  Andelman then worked with Biden to forge a bipartisan rendering that Reagan didn’t know, a lie.  This gave Trump the openly for the one and only thing he can be depended upon to do, really hurt innocent people.  The Confederates used their ventriloquism as a real estate hustle to make stakeholder arguments to the effect that the motor control evidence of torture and neurological damage must be scientifically put down against their nativist rendering.

         No intellectual giant, Jimmy slept with their whores.

         So we learn some things.  For example, the situation in Burma is one where McConnell’s buddy Aung San ducked out you suckers.   We also know that American collegiates are just elitists they don’t really subscribe to rational values.  The only thing they remember about Ayn Rand is her formulation if you can be doublecrossed and defrauded you deserve to be.  They rape women with Downs Sydrome and allow concert violinists to call it equity.  They produce endless graphics of imagery drawn from a polluted, unsafe world to underwrite their suburban hate that hate produced.  From out of the ashes of their ruin and phoenix comes a grisly semper fi.  One can hardly mistake the refrain and chorus from Reagan’s films and Franklin Graham’s book, over and over and over against they repeat the same image - Hitler is Lazarus and he is back from the dead.  Nuf sed.  Their dacoit and assailant, James Kasperoski, once said to me after brutalizing me, “If you come after me you better kill me because you won’t get another chance.”  Covid also was allowed under the theme that Lennon died (suckers) living for today when really after towers built to last.  It was as if by Papal Soothsay the victims of AIDS themselves were taking revenge.

        Before I learned that Massachusetts was prone and being pantingly taken by the murderers of Saoirse and others in her family, I was planning to evacuate there.  As recently as yesterday I wrote:

        First it sometimes no doubt sounds like I harbor suspicions of those I do not.  Tom has been a fine, responsive landlord and is in no way to blame for my not being allowed to attend Seattle Community College because of the hard feelings towards me of staff at Sound Mental Health who neglected to tell me they were classmates in Pittsburgh of my lost fiance and her husband.  The medical error that UW made which left me diabetic and chemically semi-castrated also affected my heart badly enough that Tom knows I was in the ER a few times when it happened.  To this day nurses gasp when they hear my heart belch as it now does as though someone is punching me in the heart.  For ten years I have fallen asleep restlessly as someone seems to be punching me in the heart, but it is a air reflux double beat and largely innocuous biologically at least for now as far as arrhythmias go, but were I not so used to isolation from deafness it would be very hard going.   That is the only warning comment I have to say about my pornography colleciton which is tasteful, in bound collections, or on computers and USB.  You can easily evade that, it is carefully segregated.  I have, I know, gotten some ill will from Moonies or whoever it is that manage the sort of online genius of Bill Gates in these parts who know I summon up legal images.  I became interested because of my studies about Kennedy.  There are no pornographic images at all in the bound volumes of cinema research about what Hollywood did to JFK.  Instead there are only company logos when relevant but it is worth noting that I got started on this Axis Cinema Research because of an AIDS war game when I was a Medical Library Clerk.  That it led to Japanese Pornography and Axis Cinema ties to Reagan is too controversial to discuss even with the most mature.  The murder of Saoirse Kennedy, about which her mother sent me a very prayerful letter I regard as a cry for help and summons.  For everyone’s assurance I chose Worcester as being far away from them so that I can finish school and not be intrusive.  I refuse to stay here now.  I’m furious.  If the attackers choose to follow me there at least I tried to be mindful of the jurisdiction where they sought to confront me by force of militia, being this droll environmentally conscious State of Washington.  I do not consider it an act of evasion or cowardice to seek safety elsewhere.  The reproduction of images were not intended for sale and constitute reasonable balance of consideration given the magnitude of their war crime and the portents of their legitimacy however used for masquerade.  Actual, and rational legal contest would be welcome but I hardly think the murder of Saoirse constitutes such a warrant.

