As I write, Nancy Pelosi is a name in the news for refusing to submit articles of impeachment to a biased Senate, wanting to be sure that law enforcement presides over a fair trial. Irony of ironies is that Trump’s power in the United States in large measure stems from Black bigots. From what I have seen of black people, most of them would, if having been born white, be deep seated bigots. In fact, many black leaders grow into the mold of white bigot as their macho claim to rivalry, cheated by cheats, but fundamentally fit to lead the franchise of hate. They rock in their chairs, patting their Smith and Wesson.
I witnessed a brutal assault that appears to have started as an ultimate fight on my way to Princeton once. I didn’t know what was going on. I don’t remember why we stopped at this truck stop, but there was a crowd gathered and as a space opened to see through them, a turbine fist in mechanical rotoring like a sledge tool was smashing a gripped head locked in the other arm over and over and over, each blow sufficient to be lethal. Suffice it to say a woman, not even G.I. Jane, would have withstood a moment of it. So violence is real, and so fear of rape is responsible and reasonable conduct. Defining yearning, even taunted yearning, as incitement to rape seems refreshingly clear. If she’s a reluctant mistress, just say no for her. The rabid persecuted me to the point of justifying the rape of a deaf girl for teaching me sign language, which the Union had forbidden, tortured me and then, ultimately genetic and semi-castration for this shy and coy personal view defending the honor of my lover’s virginity against the X-slurs. They mouthed that I deserve to die by AIDS for it.
In Princeton a Colorado Lesbian for Magical Religion gave me LSD, poured a wine of astonishing electro-magnetic water through the air, and metamorphosised into an androgyny of John Lennon, named like T. Simon Farasani, the manager of Sounds True and friend of the Dalai Lama, a caution from Tang Phenomenon and Israel to preside over the soul of Hypatia Feminist Philosophy’s cover girl golem in the rough, MAS Creary of the San Jacinto, pawn of a Walter Langer and Langer game play stage production with a cast of characters from Duzzledorf, Carousel Club and George Romero’s zombie theater of stalking and ripper therapy homicide.
Meanwhile, Yoko Ono, treating the Gummo family to drugs and AIDS hazing, loutishly crowed that her man in Neurobehavioral Research was a musician so mind control doesn’t matter. Penis Gabriel, posing with two nose picks removed immortality and snickered, “Moses knows his roses.” He knew the pick, Midori was Eastern magic, “so it was really quite simple.” Jay Epstein and Oliver Jewboy Stone laughed at the dirty liberal’s honor code with Franklin Graham, but that’s the point, really, a Senate with no Honor.
The problem with the US Military is they see martial power as an Honor Code unto itself, so they can’t stand disgrace. King Uijong taxed the limits of Civilian Command by lighting a General’s beard on fire for disgraceful mistreatment of civilians and paid with his life. Any attempt to reason with the Brass leads to bellicose cruelty and abstention from fair play, as witness Mitch McConnell’s Lynch Mob, straining at the leash while chewing the carpet in their attack on an Act of Congress, vowing bloodoath and death vow in retribution.
Many children start revolted by violence and uninterested in sex. By mistreatment and mind games, they are encouraging to start laughing at victimization early until, somehow, it acquires its turn on. From there a moral dumpster like Hitler or Trump just has to come along and call it an Honor Code. Nazism, they will pout, is anti-bullying. Kicking the notebooks for the human race, they put out De De as jailbait, Hitler’s very Lamb of God.
All of America is Casablanca now.