I get a lot of feedback about my writing through indirection with the clear party message that I’m not supposed to editorialize about public policy because it is going against the authority of people who have no authority nevermind that our society is predicated on aversion to such an injunction. I noticed that Nietzsche said the same thing to people being mauled that Gandhi did, console your pride, it is your strength on which such a person feeds. Some of the complaints cater to Administrative sensibilities against naming names. The same Administration, arguing intolerably for extrusion of a slimey, impacted coma-trauma openly and without hiding it used neurotrauma and torture attempting to coerce a fraud in their favor. They slithered about their voice overs that the queerbait was evading his own thought processes.
Richard Crane, in his so welcome monograph, “A French Conscience in Prague,” titles a passage about Masaryk’s era, “Fearful Egoism and the Shadow of War.” What could me more atrocious an example of frightful egoism than a University quorum announcing for their trophy arguing on behalf of hotwiring our history books around the AIDS attack because their feminazi crystal ball found in favor of Neva Pornographic that virginity proves rape? They clearly needed Linda Blair.
The mind of Zappa was notoriously foul-hearted. So was Greg Karl. These two men, together, worked in a system that plotted the whole charade. They cut off my dick just in time to announce that Abortion and Climate Change were justification enough for the attack of AIDS and we’d better get real.
A chatter online contributed something for once. She said the Left use phobias as their talking points, which is to say they target an innocent person, clock their activities to illegal war games, contract sexual access and allow freedom of the sidewalks on company whim. They see alleviating poverty as just another power struggle over Hollywood film rights.
It’s impossible to imagine what goes on in the sick mind of a man or woman who would do what has been done to me and then demand that their victim cater. However, it is also very concerning that anyone would think I should sit here while Penis Gabriel and SONY make an international incident of my name without my knowledge or consent, placing me places I never was, doing things I never did, on behalf of mind-shattering murderers without me saying anything at all. That idea takes gall.
You can forget about it, Seattle Times.
You can’t survive in Seattle without typecasting. People have to understand that those who demand freedom from stereotypes are themselves the most pernicious racketeers of the use of character assassination. They do it by license. Hollywood doesn’t want America to change, they are involved in a war on our public schools from every direction they can reach from their offshore gunboats. They forge sinister catchalls and call it policy, playing to the daily delight of people who see God in a bumper sticker they like. Trump may be right that Americans are too enthralled by hypocrisy as a gimmick to settle for education in the matter of our fate. It was when they started threatening me with money that I understood I had inadvertently triggered a land mine, I had interfered with company plans by putting my name in print where it could be evaluated against things I couldn’t hear being hardwired through the folkways grapevine.