What happened with Lennon was calculated to result in insane hate that would lead to insane hate crime which is all anyone ever expected from Yoko Ono. At work through the whole thing, murder after murder, has been the telltale mind of Donald Trump; hate without trial, evidence destroyed to confirm the bias of super-imposed text, negation of counter-indications. Far from using their influence to protect innocent people and halt a rampage, the Beatles brokered a fable and hired King Crimson and their insidious museum pornographers to sell it. Egged on by the Beatles’ endorsement, organized criminals behind the slaughtering outrage of the attacks swelled into an army.
At the 2020 State of the Union Address, maniacal hotel owner, President Trump, putting on his silly, dishonest, self-regarding show, used Martin Luther King’s name to promote a gentleman from the Air Force who served in the Vietnam War. The mystery wasn’t how he could be so sick and disrespectful but how he could manage to utter the name of Martin Luther King at all without choking. It also clarified his role in the installation of Barack Obama as a corporate art statement for eight long terrible years of infamy. Obama, like King, was a black man, so like King had the utility of selling war, the attack itself in Obama’s kingly case. What more do you want? Nothing, boss.
The child-rapingness of their gruesome myriad of domestic terrorism and slays, what of it? Nothing matters less. They used rape, torture, bullets, child pornography, nerve agents, attack prostitutes, mouth poison, sabotage, fake feud double homicide, sowing libels through the grapevines of the Green Party and other extremists in the schools and mentally ill wards. The Beatles led a slaughterhouse of dour fantasy. At Carnegie Mellon they called it, “Alternative Conflict Resolution,” or revenge specialty, the alternative being to tell the truth, save lives, protect the innocent, arrest the guilty. ACR was German. They injected a rubber stamp on my own father’s obituary.
While this was being engineered, no one else seeing fit to name them, much less try to stop them, Sir Paul McCartney brokered an International Syphilitic Agreement which always comes to light as Frippian psychology made good by tail-wagging with the Bush crowd. King Crimson, who explain their own condition as pussywhipped eccentrics by calling themselves feminazis, led the way in dour fantasy. We will build a tall, tall tale, they creamed and bellowed, worthy of the Aztecs.
How shocking were the terrible crimes the University of Pittsburgh was hiding in the first place? Why did it take a Naval hero’s deaf son being driven into premature morbidity for the demented police to gratify themselves in all dementia on behalf of a child-mutilating ripper hatter franchise made of a public school child kidnapped and tortured, reporting of which is punishable by rape? Why did they cover for the real motive behind the 911 attacks, solemnly advertised by Diamonda Galas of Yoko Ono’s estate in advance by script from 1974 allowing those behind the unnameable attack to flip the eager to be flipped minds of Seattle Queers to believe that free smacks follow up attacks were protest gestures? How fucking droll. Now we have a posturing Queer Petain offering the name Buttigieg for swag in the Presidency, cheering the Senate who put a rusty nail in my sandwich as a little boy. Well, we’ll spit at you, they answer in all dignity.
Recognition is the key for the swine herders. What more could the NYPD Blue want than our autographs after 911? Ah, but the child raping Penis Sinfield has a plan! A very simple plan. He is to be forgiven! Hahahaha. If he doesn’t get what he has planned, why he will lie some more. Armed with Ian MacDonald, Trump’s buddy, whose namesake was regaled as someday to be ultrahigh up in the sky looking down over the earth, why Ian will bjoon bjoon with his lazer beam and make our burkas fly, while lookalikes of Gail Burstyn cheer the ban on late term abortions, dramatized by the treatment of Jimmy Queery, all alone in his room, come out from behind that rock you goyim! You wanker!
According to text of the national barristers union behind the attack Neva Corporation had achieved an impinged voice over that the victim had no right to question. According to the script of their priceless forgery in the Oval Office, JFK’s murder was one of the Acts of God looking over us, like the whirlpool and Pieta at the New York World’s Fair. The crime was simple enough to do, occupy the appellates, channel the screams to Amnesty International back into the gluecifer townie bars for riot approval on behalf of the assassins. Leave it to Penis Gabriel, we still have dainty Paul.
Meanwhile the murderers disabled my ability to elope by heart poison drugs. They recycled the gang sign of a war dance squad named Riback and Marsden who danced their sticky subject at Rocky Horror, while Dolly Meieren worked out some effete details with Sean Strub and the Warhols. The Party of Resentment, the Democrats, running Death Squad activity for Obama and Trump, put up Jimmy Creary as their shield.
From experience we know that the Reagans demand for trust has the credibility of the serpent in the Jungle Book. This mystery has a name.
Richard Arujo