Appendix: While we do not have the Kodak dated photo 1966 of me with hundreds of staples in it before a garage reading I LOVE SIRA SIRAN we do possibly have electronic mail with Jim Marrs stating he will look for it which shows that I was forced to divest of it as part of a Fourth Reich auction mongered by Trump's CREARE forces at CMU-intelligence matrix. King Edward was AMBASSADOR to Argentina. That is the key word, gay sira sira. They also poachered me with a siranesque nerve agent created by Israelis. Norma Jeanne was Marilyn Monroe's Gruber Schlickl. 3) Dimaggio and Trump won the Ellis Island award in 1986. Leslie Katz went to Elliis Girls School. Fripp used the Post Gazette Roundtable to defend her in 1986 for DT and Mt. Desert Island.
Nnotice this Dallas City puzzle: Gampa Mac lived in Dallas City Iowa and had a mysterious son named Donald. The Wallace Bldg is the City Hall there. Notice Mac Wallace, also notice that my maternal grandmother is Donaldson.
Now the items below: Otto Krash who appears in the Humanist #1 with bisected JFK and Robert Anton Wilson, imiplicated here in Tacoma, was at Teacher's college with my father. Karsh is the name of the 911 suspect who covered for my abduction by Pitman and first gave me marijuana when I was about 10 a friend of Wattenmaker. Father also did an Atomic book with Isreal Light. Israel Light and Otto Krash? See also RYS KIND oon Humbert
Testifies to the murder ofo the Biden Family.