Attentive detectives will realize that the super-narrative presented a theory of damaged goods by a Gail Burstny mesmer in This Gun for Hire, a likely choice given Veronica Lake’s ace of spades resurrection magic dance.  Having long noted that the Japanese used a diplomat from Hollywood pornographic at Ruby’s Police Station and that Sound Mental Health operated as a subsidiary of Neva Corporation for Obama, the Gogo rooftop two flashes over a naked schoolgirl followed by a dousing of bucket of water gives relief to the point of interest that Wild Will Donovan was appointed Fire Super Marshall over his wish to direct the CIA.  This conspires into the question of whether Biden’s Biblebelt streak covers for a godfather status over the Church-Pornography complex that incidents from WQED expose as the strategy of London in the conquest of the United States through media control.

     The item of flashes and water buckets from the Anglo-Asian conspiracy that gave us AIDS and covid, the acid rock right wing behind Trump and Pink Floyd the Walrus, has been identified which brings us to the West Wing child smut merchant, Venal Eirenus of Pittsburgh grievance Catholic Worker mayhem.  Eirenus used the water bucket as his image protesting attempts by his hostage to escape.  Confirmation of this shows not only that the NAACP engineered a nuclear ultimatum in their whore house sit-in but also blocked escape by contagion and biological poison issuance. M-1768    Meanwhile Chomp-sky ghoulishly kept it up with his “Jews eat babies” Carbonellism.  The fact of the matter is that the Morgans pushed us to climate crisis to mandate extermination as a global necessity.  Gore, far from being hero, was advised Chris Kaufman of the SME in Edwardsville had smashed open a canister of flourocarbons during Bush’s Operation:  Hypatia and refused to investigate.

The FBI of course were charming, act out for us queerbait what you think they wanted from you, so we can observation and evaluate,, heh heh heh.

The golem is led through successive degradations of the XXX manufacture to arrive at the fundamentalist sniveler. Under Tulsi Gabbard’s militia regime under Dialectical UW foreign British rationales cultural competence means cutting throats of bystanders to the tune of pirated legal dissent as a demonstration model in mandating curtail for freedom of expression. Sir McCartney gets a laugh, lookee dere your non-violence, queerball. The rabid have long sought to McChristel ball me into being their holy war example. It’s part of their social science illegal wargaming society grading rubric. Gore is a swifty who worked with Steven King on the Anima-Disney complex that got tunneled through CMU by Geffen agency lobbing Mitchell, Wen, Goto, Silver, Simon, Katz, and Gordon for the din of the aquiline Viking noses of Princeton. The scientismos of Oz postulated a built in stress measure that defied Androgyny as blessing for the rhythm of abstinence and sugared up their warrior holes with chemistry most lisping and foul while helping the Spirits of Bitberg by assuring Yasukuni Warriors! Warriors that their defeat is injustice brewed in American dishonor as the Black man rises to assure one and all, tall and glistening with an ancient African symbol most honorary and Langer for the white. Hollywood has spoken from Panther Hollow seething with the nature of reality understood most truly by Pink Floydo of the Colin Cross.

What a holy turn off.