The Seattle Green Party believe that the outcome in their targeting of me and the serial depredations they have unleashed is predetermined because although everyone knows that Seattle is sick, boiling over with doublecross and murder, they are un-accustomed to persons who do not think they are neat. Although copycat Yojimbo has the potential to cause a lot of harm, it has not yet actually happened, so I am confident that the day will arrive when the Green Party are arrested, their names found out from behind the hangdoggery of their anonymous disclaimers, their ravenous acts unearthed and their legacy appointed the low ranking it so richly deserves, as they gnaw themselves in the shadows of the prisons they revile tattooed Black Panthers for Reagan and known to all for betrayers.
UW Sociology will continue to talk FOR the misguided and ill-informed while I patiently use what opportunities I hold to advise the reading public within reach to me of the factual details, explaining what really happened and what it means. Although they like being small and jumping on the even smaller from the hedges, it is clear that the Green Party dream big, dreaming that by emulating Duterte they will someday hold hegemony by acts of terrorism. They have seen for many years that the jaws of Seattle like nothing better than to chop with the slanders put in their mouths by ventriloquists.
Their ventriloquists of course have their hearts set on being in limelights, up there with Mickey Columbus and Ming Na Wen at DisneyWorld but the outcome is foretold, the rabid will be brought down as surely as the crowd has seen through Christopher, the discoverer of America whose name it has been decided can no more define us than Cecil Rhodes.
It will be found out that the source of their NEVA Pornographic carrot tape that so amused Bobby Seale his gang announced a barbecue was the same as the ruptured head in the first edition of Soldier of Fortune, and Dr. Proctor will be asked to state under Oath before City Hall that he thinks that image which will be shown to all is the Provincial norm for child learning in that sick haven of partnership for evil Seattle called Pittsburgh. The rabid will be found out for hustling a neurotrauma as though it was jealousy, with raping a girl legally a child to prove virginity is rape, and cheering as “balls” the murder of Saoirse.
There are many crimes to find but they will all, once the fraud unravels, lose their romance to but the deadly hatters of Seattle Green.