In case CO2-623 Washington refused to review evidence of Warhol planning in the AIDS attack and the result, Covid 19, still finds the Bar Asso. indolent regarding helping me with forms. Crimemania is the game in Seattle. The assassins donated my name at birth to their shared secret of hidden conscription, an act of fraud smoothed for them when I spoke up for government management of funds to alleviate the plight of the poor. The murders by this gang do not explain the refusal of Law to bother noting all this. Being impossible to reason with makes the attackers feel all the more mighty. They ward off acceptance of being real by explosion faraway, a sort of Swami Nostra announcing their agency as formless but pronouoncing karma, one of their porn company names. Harcourt and Lowe, together at Warhol wiretapped my pre-nuptial room to humiliate me with invasive comments with Onan who had coased me from the time I was assaulted and kidnapped by treasure monster pedophiles so vicious I can't bear the sight of the evidence and the Bar won't even look.

The attackers have long offered the Rolling Stones as their substitute for Kennedy and Public Education, they consider their peep show panopticon fair. They used the name Don Kahler as a pun for Don't Call for Help regarding seizures when they aggressed on a prior trauma they inflicted or Don will collar you, in a gang from Leslie Park and Salk Labor at WQED. Insufficient evidence to convict is always evoked (even though there is enough) to pronounce insufficient evidence to investigate or question. Don Ostro livied at the Graham Bldg.

Meanwhile suspected covid from last March has given me fungus, belly itch and is t urning me into a crocodile person at the brink of a private doomsday like everyone else only different, as usual.