Summer of the Bummer

Copyright Mac Crary 2020

     The British Administration tortured and chemically castrated me without trial.  It is very suspicious.  I am an American consumer completely innocent of wrongdoing.  They have fabricated obscene hallucinations about me when I didn’t even know that they knew who I was.

       This is a little early, like Walmart deliveries, but I trust it will be well regarded.  A report on how the very paranoid has come to be used for terrific camouflage by crafty hustlers on high.

       This long planned revision of my piece Summer of the Bummer was withheld for some time after I was requested to give those reading my prior dispatch a little time.  One reason I was in trauma care for years is that I was attacked severely blindside out of the blue as a child and given the politics that haunt the Kennedys, who my father, a lieutenant on Bush’s ship in the Navy admired, have had to live with the feeling that everyday will be my last and if I don’t get that last message out it will never be learned or at least the prospect of its being learned will disappear.  Recovery from this plight has been sharply affected by the Covid-19 doublecross.   Although I have been rancorously depicted as a jinx and an unwanted substitute, a fake, all of which needs to be handled with care, the truth is that Americans were too quick to accept substitutes, the Beatles for JFK, Penis Gabriel for his brother Robert.   Dan Rather was uploaded into Dealey Plaza to announce a covert message, that the Axis would rather see us ruled by the substitutes.  You may have noticed the Code-matic treacher tracks yourself.  The claim that Lennon was killed in a secret plan is a very bright ideological light that impairs proper vision and scrutiny.  The inability of anyone to face up to the fact that what I have been used for and put through is truly deranged has cost me all of my years of productivity.

       For those who do not want to encounter the entire thread because they have read it before or something I am adding several Amendment Motions at the beginning as well as afterwords.  Some additions to the article may not be in the Amendment Motions and this fact is entered into text to encourage perusal of the full revision.  If possible I will include the Amendment Motions as text revision for appropriate reviews.

Amendment Motion:  

       In Pittsburgh a lot of pro-American stuff was espoused by people who grafted, got arrested, look very badly even if they get away, and my honesty as a person was short-changed because I wouldn't engage in false declarations.  Where I felt pride I usually kept expression to a minimum.  I had, after all, been a Kennedy kid.

      I wanted to explain what happened when I went undercover on Mt. Desert Island.   A Police Sgt.  understood.  She couldn't do anything but admitted that AIDS really scared her.  I'm sure Covid does, too.  Since I haven't met anyone else who understood my position, I'm not going to hard sell it, I expect you can disregard it as a curio.  Some people laugh at me about it because they did it.

       I was at Falk Medical Library and had been brutally kidnapped and tortured as a child by a gang I now know were pornographers from Warhol Museum.  I also now know they used a nerve agent on me, but in 1984 when AIDS info showed up at the Library shortly before my father died (his obituary has an absurdly brazen reverse side taking oblique credit for his murder by persons implicated in all this) I only knew they had toxed, severely battered and sexually used me as an object in childhood.  I reasoned that if they were behind the AIDS attack they would begin tracking for a test case and that is exactly what they did, which I have proven.    I told my police studies mentor  I couldn't believe it was real but that was why I was able to get in so deep, I kept lying to myself, this can't be real.  She was far from the first person I told so forgive me, I respect the police.

        I'm sorry if you think I am to blame or falsifying.  I did my level best to secure evidence before talking.  It was pretty serious.   Their cult is justifying failure to warn as some sort of Black Comedy.

Amendment Motion: 

          From the look at the way he had a line of black temp labor workers laughing you 

would think Thomas Francis O'Connor was really good with black people. Part of a Tri-State chain operation in good with the money around Pittsburgh, he was able to work with mission control at the Universities to drive past a black man laying face down with the words, "It's just a n------".   This was part of a gaming center situation by fight club monitors.  The issue for Pitt wasn't him, but my sulking rather than smashing him in the face. Pitt had brought in a Zuklear magnate named James W. Child to example me on the battlefield of his text that "Pacifism is Immoral." To this end he was given much license. He learned me very vocabulary like terms like Escalation Dominance. Meanwhile Pitt African Warriors! Warriors! in Pitt Administration at that time, were announcing that the ancestors and Elders had found a group of Pener Gabriel Shamans from Yoko Ono's Warhol who could and would magically transform the suffering of AIDS into an exhibition spectrogram of collective satisfaction in the name of John Lennon. Bombs away!

       Several points are interesting: First, the woman running the show for Reagan, Ming Na Wen, was an old high school friend of both O'Connor and David Cohen, named in the Burstyn script which she claims they found going through my dining room when no one was around to see them sleuthing.  Gabriel intoned that this breaking and entering was justified theft, but failed to explain why it was accomplished to benefit the authors while keeping me in the dark as a hostage for  usage.  The Flynn Construction van belonging to O'Connor was hired to drive recklessly at predominately black Kelly Elementary School and could have killed someone. While so entering a game field, someone shot a girl named in the script as a confederate while Wen's crowd sent a dispatch to Will Zell to get me up to Mt. Desert Island for what Penis Gabriel wrote to me personally calling: An Experience Park. If it seems strange that Gabriel and his African Mafia, intent on blowing up the United States, were working with the authors of the script in a planned AIDS war game clocked to the attack, it is because it is very strange.  Friendly fire for manipulation of appearances is common in this crowd.  Not only was it a fight club claiming that a Trophy Spoil from Japan, the "World Class" violinist Midori Goto was being conferred by UW Military Monks of Sociology to Obama and the Black Man, as proof of their value to the elite, but Zell himself comes from a crowd of eugenicists who wrote the book Race and Reason, on which the notorious White Power public access Television show is based. Yes, Carleton Putnam lived on Mt. Desert Island. Zell's records gush with admiration for Josef Goebbels, and yet, the Pittsburgh NAACP announced him to be a provincial hero, a mighty minority amalgam of Abira Ali.

        Coming back to Pittsburgh, I found that the Black Studies department in Pittsburgh, from places like Kuntu Theater, and WQED TV were pawn-panning off horrible piles of German Nazi swastikas by calling them, "sacred ancient African symbols." This gets deranged beyond description. They actually bragged of Obama's eccentric secret taping for Jaime Carbonell of Neva Corporation sex matter proving that I was held hostage and tortured by brutal pedophiles which they converted into a Death Row ordeal by secret army of union thuggies. Carbonell himself is privately committed to mayhem opposing computer translation and does experiments in purposefully miscommunicating by computer error to prove his point, behind this as allies of Obama is a seven foot tall black man nicknamed for a funeral parlor who threatened to kill me if I left the premises of a brutal pedophile where he had chased me (named Donald, of course) and demanded to be allowed to sleep in our next house, where I forced my mother to move to get away from them, before we moved in. Their partners' names are Leni, like Riefenstahl, who made films first of Hitler and then large Black African men, and a man in a Confederate hat they called Duzzledorf.  All of this falls into place when you realize the script was an Axis representation of a New Order behind the scenes of the Warren Commission and National Security apparatus who sucked trillions of dollars from the civilian economy for acts of paranoid rapine.  Persecuting anyone who feels that way about their waste and fraud comes first with them, too.

      If you read up on John Shulman's arrest and almost immediate leniency from Pittsburgh, the reason is that he is a partner of O'Connor, Obama and Wen. Keeping him in custody would have made them vulnerable to blackmail about what they have done to me:  a form of voodoo doll mutilation that is unspeakable.  I was asked by school after school, recovery program after recovery program, to just normalize this condition of horror and ripper mayhem by a Manson style government.  I am scorned for refusing to accept and prettify.  All this time I have been dealing with the criminally insane the press and police have ignored me largely because the peers enlisted in the crime made such cruel mockery of my injuries.

Amendment Motion:   

         Movements like these always find in their own favor after breaking the laws wholesale.   I realize it traumatizes the NAACP to admit that I have rights and that these rights were ferociously violated.  America is based on the idea that man is the measure of all things and mobs are forbidden to appeal to God unsaying our liberties.  In the 80’s, the Axis substitutes sent a Black man from their alliance in Africa to yammer that such values are fake.  While picking off white senior faculty for termination they got our gullible Black studies senior faculty to call German swastikas sacred African symbols.   In contradicting Black Lives Matter in their premise that thieving from the white is restitution I wonder if they have reflected on what their friends in the Axis did to Black people in Germany last time around and what it took to put them down?  My reputation for a jinx traces to that war although it first really surfaced at Dilworth Elementary School.  When I was forced to walk to Fulton, which was far away, Ed Eisen wizened me about such things by sniffing at me, “My brother made me enemies before I even got here.”  The jinx storyline led to impunity in regard to those exploiting me in rackets like child labor.  The military of Obama actively foreclosed on a computer from school saying I owed persons who work for a company that held me hostage for what Peniz Gabriel calls “tickle therapy.”

      What Nancy Moore meant when saying her son “usually owns up,” is the idea that I was the least used scapegoat group in atrocity, that my fair hair made me a eugenic cousin of the korn.  The way a Federal puzzle is used to camouflage atrocity is best illustrated by pure fact: those who started AIDS led by the cast of HAIR pulled it off by complaining about a couple engaged to be married making out in an area around school out of view.  The layout of abomination is to prosecute illusory grievance without due process to facilitate charityjacking by the Green Party.  They have steady linebackers marching item by item.    Even though there is steady avoidance of admitting that a Cultural Trust is at work, it is a geopolitically coherent one.  The Axis got hold of our Army with the help of John Wayne’s Hollywood and used it to discredit us  by senselessly destructive misadventures.   Studying JFK’s book from 1959 one is struck by the fact that his opposition was framed as Allen Dulles, not Nixon and he refuted over and over Dulles’ claim that the Third World didn’t have the right to be non-aligned, which JFK saw as the inevitable direction of the future.   Now they have ruined our name and are poised to make good on that outcome.  The so-called Illuminati or One Percent may just as well be called The Hole in the Wall Gang.  They are an anti-liberal organism without ethical values or reasonable argument for their domination, however they remain an alliance, and their intention is to operate as an alliance, that given is starkly clear.

       Jacques Maritain explained in Man and the State why democracy is an ethical agreement in distinction to power mad fascism and the personality cults it engenders, much as Herbert Agar had done in A Time for Greatness.   Anti-racism has become a grudge weapon being used by the Ruling Class who would rather have the Axis back, on the terms of equal participation for race tokens of a Darwinian flavor.  In their pea in the shell game the UW Sociologists gurgle pleasantly that the issue is class not race.  This way they can avoid showing that both class and race are serving the Axis.  Instead of Maritain’s formulation:   Nation, Body Politic and State, we have Ruliing Class, loyal Union and scapegoat group excluded.  America as a land that helps people help themselves has been dislocated by a network exclusively driven to cheat, embezzle and commit fraud to get ahead, meanwhile, at their command, we end up with bloodbaths like the one in Syria, and that they feel it is reasonable to bring  back to our shores if we don’t follow them.

        Victims of atrocity are told to unite behind bad faith.  In the abolition of due process it doesn’t really matter how AIDS victims feel about my having the letters of Gail Burstyn.  I’m not responsible for their condition, the source of their existence and support systems and I’m not bound to be agreeable with them about their complicated excuses for going along with the abomination.  They answer with South Africa film, the idea of Xala, spitting on the outcast politician, the sexually immoral white.   Taking this rancid ritual of abuse as their claim and their cue they hide their actual guilt in the same. Sneering that Virginity proves Rape, they protest virginity by commiting rape.  Saying that not knowing what happened proves guilt, they back those who did know.   For them this has ideology power in meaning about the nature of reality.

            Although Lucas Studios, Dyzlexter King, Queen Elizabeth and Microsoft all conspired to use me abominably, Lew Lapham was the real advisor to Administration.  This monster mocked those he claimed to be protecting.   In his prissing about the “tinkling of little bells” he gave away that he knew about Sharon Samuels, Elizabeth Blumenfeld’s cousin, how they tested my hearing after deafening me and then introducing me to Burstyn, as well as the French name for Operation Little Girl: Little Belle.  The scam amounts to service in the military as the only path for the common to achieve privilege in Empire, under the substitution code, a martial law as Marital Law plan called Two Virgins.  The platoon spirit surrounded me with bloodoath about my Kennedy sympathies ranting that they would die before allowing me to have civil rights, poisoning me in the facial nerve and calling me an undesirable.  Esther Waldron of the Falk Medical Library team had a favorite scene in a film, having smashed a white piano the owner cries, “That’s a priceless Steinway,” to which the French sniffs, “Not anymore.”

           The idea of America as a Sabine wife dominates the Axis theory.  Gail Burstyn talks about the Southern meaning of having a crush, and this exposes the complicated child rearing where I was asked to do a palm print and the color was not want I wanted.  New People News worked it out with Trump so that they had Don Kahler ie. Don’t Call Her, in play with Don Timmerman “Don’t I’m her man,” in Milwaukee Catholic Worker.  Martin Sheen is the bridge between Trump and Dyzlexter in the AIDS attack.

         You would think my attempts to warn and the Right to Know Laws of the USA would be insurmountable obstacles for child molesting pornographers from Warhol, but it isn’t true.   The aggressor strategically asks invasive questions they are not entitled to have the answers to and uses that to hustle a voice over they implanted into a  coma, while calling their sport a liar and saying privacy abolishes Right to Know Laws, that they have the right to know all about me, down to selling their child pornography.

         Our grossly destabilized society cannot conceptualize what is at work.   What they can understand is Black grudge.  Mickey Obama and Robin Lipscomb want mansions.  Big Black men scowl down at Bobby Kennedy at the brink of his demise.  Seattle exhibited a luscious Vietnamese girl with a Black husband to convey all you need to know about Cho, Aung San and Mitch Hauckman on Mt. Desert Island, I mean Mitch McConnell and the killers of Saoirse.  They had the party, they are the ones who should pay for the party.  Instead they demand blood from the victim.  WQED advances Hollywood hirelings from 50 years ago who were lying about me all along with the old women-believe-women routine.  The Hole in the Wall Gang are laughing hard at Hollywood’s Galt Gulch.

Amendment Motion:   

       The assassin team were a multi-post-doctorate war council who covered all the territory in the Bible and beyond as you can see so they could blame little Jimmy for didn’t understand them.   Knowing their standard calls, a number of things are now predictable.   They will say the conspicuous set-up by which they demand the set-up be called a set-up be called a set-up or else.   Having heaped humiliation on the object of their demented archetypal mass derision campaign they cannot resist demanding that the object team up with and endorse those who raped his loved one, killed the Kennedys and mutilated him.   Their scam hails from Neva Corporation which we now understands contains voodoo and zombie porn in which the purest images of Japanese femininity are often dragged through the glass darkly by the drivers eyes of Warhol.  

         Thos. Mann’s concept of the holy sinner was used to create a masked girl out of Andrea Swimmer whose sponsored extrusions promote Goya’s disasters of war and mandate the final solution.  In yet another horrid snitty from on high against the huddled masses, the refrain I can’t breathe is part of the exposure index.  Living it up on the rumor that I was an uncontrollable delinquent Police refused to take the writings of the Guttersnipes seriously.   The Administration demands I accept what they did as the final act of their horrid humiliation heaping.

       Shawn Brooks figures throughout this for Obama.  Brooks locked me out of a church when an armed mob showed up to kill me.  I took to hiding in my towel closet and a place called Clem’s Shack.  That’s where the Holocaust new plan wanted me.  Brooks locked me out of the church so I would have to take refuge in their ramshackle church of satan for the laboratory demonstration.   It was God’s Agency, the Grahams, with Hitler now Lazarus because back from the dead with the ruthless prize of the Holy Ghost.

       There are people coping with no one to feed them in those hustles of pornography and if you splice in halfway through their lives you no doubt miss a great deal.   But the system of Brooks and Obama are jeering if you don’t support us in the AIDS attack how about if we just take away your wifey?    They were the ones who told Alpana to say she was living with a roommate which I assumed to be another girl.

        From the index we know that the jinx is getting my father Ry back for Bush from WW2 disputes.  Riback showed the nuke stuff of his at Israeli home.   I told him about my story for a controlling power named Michauck, sort of a cruel Machiavellian force, and Mitch Hauckman was arranged to run Ryan’s Restaurant on the Mt. Desert Island program.

         What we see is that an American Agency, with men like Raymond Burr, took up to defend the victims of Hiroshima in a make up structure of off color secret treaty.  An American Agency is avenging WW2.  At CMU the office is called Alternative Conflict Resolution and the ridiculous sight of Mitch McConnell threatening the USA with zuklear attack is really pretty ridiculous.   It’s just like DD, Lennon’s fat girl in Magical Mystery Tour, heaping up the pitchfork to her plate.    She had a good deep implant one liner, beyond don’t cry over spilt milk, which was the little weezum of Tess, but aimed at JFK, “I would if I could but I can’t so I won’t.”

     Covid had one from Burstyn:  She gets bad headaches but she behaves better.  The girl who introduced me looked just like Carole King in those days, a slot before King Crimson.  There’s only room for YO many archetypes.  Those who aren’t with them get charityjacked.

Summer of the Bummer

               I have been a member of the Clubhouse Movement for 20 years.  For my good conduct and volunteer services well above those expected of a client I was given a poison meal deliberately by Sound Mental Health that infected my whole mouth.  Frankly, I do not believe this would have been done without the blessing of the Administration.  Seattle is IN THE NEWS for how psychotic they are.  This incident took place at the dead center of what they are calling the "CHOP."

       The rioting on the streets touches me in the unusual way of having been used in an early warning of the breakdown of norms in a programmatic crime wave which is being pushed beyond the point of no return.  As a writer who was comfortable in Community College programs, I was a target for bashing.  The sadism involved is shocking.

         Summer of the bummer and I am writing to you in distress.  My name is James MacRyland Crary, a family from 17th century Plymouth Meeting.  Father was an educator on the USS San Jacinto with Bush.  For whatever reason after abandonment I was acid burned on the face as a child.  Courtney Kennedy became concerned enough to write to me after the Green Party murdered Saoirse; they also shot Ortiz, having killed several more people, friends, circle me horrendously with deadly intent, and attacked two more Kennedys when I tried to warn the Kennedys about having witnessed the covid bomb being authored here in Tacoma by a platoon of the Green Division.     

       I am dealing with the criminally insane.      

       For many years I have been a refugee in the homeless community of the United States of America from Neva Pornographic Corporation hustlers in Pittsburgh (Warhol Museum) and Seattle (Sound Mental Health) who merchant child abuse films. Their accomplices in the Veterans Administration call it a behavioral study before and after shock treatments involving bacteriologicals. It was put together by Salk Research Labor team on behalf of George Romero and the holocaust survivors at University of Pittsburgh who forgave Bayer Company for their role in Zyklon B in return for agreement (I have since proven as a former Medical Library Clerk (1984))  to help them in the AIDS attack. My birth was part of a eugenic contract made for Pitt vivisection specialist Bill Peckham, desirous of a sociological experiment pacifying in atrocity by the sacrificial abuse of a white boy. Bush was my father Ryland’s shipmate in WW2 so they could do this and announce a National Trust.  The NAACP were in on the plan.  I have crib memories of being studied by them. I was turned over at the age of nine to the Wattenmakers led by Bernard who, unbeknownst to me, was a psychiatrist in Attica State Prison. His sons organized the gang who force fed me a nerve agent that was used later by assassins who knew it was there and knew I didn’t. They also exposed me to King Crimson’s bellicose screamy meemy album containing “Innocence raped” and “neurosurgeons scream for more at paranoia’s poison door”. William Wattenmaker went into Pitt’s Neurobehavioral Institute where the NAACP protected him by confiscating my papers and framing me in crude homegrown terror campaigns. Together, they targeted my right to marriage in favor of horrible sex trafficking of me from the museum ward.

         Due to the psychological limitations of their audience in the newspaper reading public, the assassins mongering their script, the Texas Schoolbook, also known as the Klondike Schoolbook used the very simplest formulas of alphanumeric encryption, such as 1=A, 2=B. They used one and 8 for AH engineering from 46 to 64 as a turnaround campaign for the Axis. This is in their Klondike Schoolbook code. The script reads, “They tell me I am wrong.” The pen hand of the Council is Gail Carolyn Burstyn, a homophone for Christian Armageddonism who went to Bryn Mawr. She came from a kibbutz in Israel and helped hire men named Ronald, Caspar, Donald and the Pitmans to kidnap, torture and gas me as a very young and traumatized hostage child in a place called Kings Estate. In infamous pornography the Warhol claim I am trying to sell these films myself by declaring victim status.  Their company uses a C in a Star of David as their pornography logo and go by Neva. Neva Mancine’s sister De De (born 4/4 the day they killed Dr. King and indexed to DD the Library of Congress classification system for the study of Nazi Germany) was hired by the Asians in the Axis to seduce me as a production feature of the murder of Martin Luther King, limned in the Klondike Schoolbook. Mancine is like Manson Cinema, or cinema of man.  They wanted a little boy from the ship because of the nickname of the atomic bomb, which was little boy. Neva's agent was a Jewish fat man now at SONY.  This crime is called Little Girl.

        The British confiscated the script by a Fox agent who was married into the family by certified stepfamily confederates of the plan. They already knew it was there. They had brutally pummelled me into a semi-coma and fed me what information they needed to alarm me into public spectacle. Meanwhile, their drama hirelings gave false witness. One such stooge, Cindy Rudy, was an example of name indexing, Sin D Rue D.       

         As a six year old my father told me they never found Hitler’s body and laughed when I pressed him for certainty; so naturally when the internet went on I wanted details. I already had read Wm. Shirer’s Rise and Fall in which he attributed the death of Hitler to witnesses Goebbels, a liar, and Hanna Reitsch, but he didn’t say who she was. The internet explained that Weezler, pardon my contempt, had last been seen with Germany’s ace experimental pilot, Hanna Reitsch. Jim Marrs, a Dallas news reporter, found the flight record of their escape. Hitler lived and conversed with American Intelligence dacoits from gangs like the production team for The Time Tunnel, a serial on American TV, from Mendoza, Argentina a few miles away from where the Israelis agreed to settle for Adolf Eichmann in return for ultimate satisfaction against the United States.      

        The empty seats from the bonus attack we see on TV in the 60 baseball schedule during this summer of the bummer do not seem to bother the players of baseball.  Some normal people would go on strike rather than be poster boys for Adolf Hitler, but not Social Darwinists. When Stalin said, "one man's death is a tragedy a million deaths is a statistic," he set in motion the cosmic ruminations of the British who scammed us with Lennon's deranged script signed by their agent Gail Burstyn to allow those who release AIDS to claim they were defending the true hero of the plan whose Houdini may as well have been like death for those who wanted more addictively. All the same the bonus attack has to be confronted. Just because the Mariners are willing to prance around and demonstrate their loyal pizzazz towards those who murdered our grannies and then ordered us into the streets to protest Biko doesn't mean it should go unnoted.

     The mayhem in Seattle during the summer of the bummer signifies favoring crime, rewarding crime, and characterizing the victim as cruelly humiliated, politicizing in favor of crime.  - acid burn to face*closed for lack of funding

       It may seem irrational or evidence of hysteria from mutilation torture and hate crimes to say that Lennon disappeared as part of a Great Performance campaign of double work to set up a firestorm and power display in the AIDS attack but if that is not what happened, why did they torture and lie about me rather than arrest Gail Burstyn who authored the script?  Why did an attorney associated directly with the Federal Emergency Management Constitution at Pitt, working with Pentagon Disney franchise and Ringo Starr have me in D.C. the night before Hinckley shot Brady?  Why did Reagan come out and wave to me?  Why did his brochure read, "there is no such thing as objective reality only what the jury believes."?  And if you were to follow all of my research, why was there a mesmer of Trump as the man who they called God in the film Network from the year of the script by Gail Burstyn?

      The British were working with Neva all along. They targeted me as a child and developed, through University politics, a voice over system that allowed them to cast me as a rapist, without any sort of victim, through voice overs making allusions to me as someone they held in sexual contempt for being damaged goods and a rejected lover. The summation of these Hollywood ploys was to make any attempt to save American lives from mass murder into the moral equivalent of a rape, vicious semantics easily proven by faculty records, and they punished this accordingly, brutally raping the girl, deaf Jeannie, who crossed the Union thug line and taught me sign language late in life, poisoning me in the mouth and chemically castrating me, obviously without trial, since their complaint concerned a letter to a girl who was still a virgin. After taunting me from her nightly rituals of intimacy our senior year in high school that the starlet of the script by Gail Burstyn, Leslie Sanetta Katz likened to cleansing by a cat, she scorned and taunted me when leaving me unrequited and finding her partner while keeping it from me, sneering, "Why should you get another chance?" I asked her if she was suggesting I should have raped her. Hahahahahaha went up the riot of laughs from her companion Mike Exler (pronounced X-slur). "He'll never get out of that one," Hillary Clinton lewdly closed with prejudice. They lay in wait to set upon every woman I dated from that point forward from high school, leaving me from their hate crimes and attack prostitution a deaf, single, and very broken old man. Some of their crimes cannot be mentioned for reasons of taste, but those which were the most shattering are their favorite ones.                                 

       The fossil fuel giants, seeing their peril if climate change incited rebellion, consulted the eye in the pyramid who all adore.  The Axis renewal have now closed Community Colleges, Community Centers, Starbucks, Deaf Services, History Museums and so forth while dispensing justice delayed over WW2 to our grannies while promoting their globalist black franchise, just as they uploaded as a corporate installation, the Lesbian Magic of Obama, during the AIDS abomination.   Now you can deny this, as presented, but hear me out.  UW military sociology is building an Ark of Kolorz.  They do not care for Dr. King’s non-violence unless it means no one will confront them for atrocity.  They consider it naive and in fact too good to be true.   They plotted unlimited use of John Lennon in a program of mayhem to finish up Hitler’s revenge as Yoko Ono assumes the mantle of Bob Dylan's Honor Queen.        

       Frank Zappa’s Broadway the Hard Way, a warpo world pseudo-dissent rightly calling AIDS an attack (by those who would know) took up their combined dissertation where the Tubes left off in the old song Boy Crazy, resplendent with the same characters announcing the same screed.  This gonzo routine of spoiled white living mocking the squeamish was intended as a psychological program to effectively limit the cause of dissent while they uploaded the plan as a bid for helplessness and malice as the new American standard. This was the debasement of a badly abused hostage child they have since admitted knowing was scripted by Warhol, whom the insiders call, with cult-like self-regard, by the trophy identifier in Pittsburgh, Warhola.       

        The deep game of UW comes from Michel Foucault, a Paris maniac who worked diplomatic leverage between HitlerReagan and Khomeini.  His sadomasochist chic was tuned to the use of the human form (Guy Kitchen) as a statement in the AIDS sacrifice as a mind-statement of Warhola holy war to be experienced by the freak elite.   It outhighernesses everything but the Vietnamese monk who lit himself on fire in Saigon long ago and enlisted the derision of Bobby Seale as effectively as Sean Strub.  Look at Dia of Der Mond who called me Dec. 8, 1980 and then teamed up with Cliff Robertson on Sept. 11, 2001. You can see that this is true at Both Dias were with Robertson. Both Dias worked with Spin Magazine, one at Swid Powell, the other from Rockefeller Plaza.        

         The power of romance in decadent Japanese lore was followed upon throughout the lead up to Hollywood’s hit on JFK through to the deployment of high risk ultimatum in the buddy program secretly called Double Suicide.   You hafta, said the Pitmans when they kidnapped me for Neva and subjected me to chloroform genre. I have documented this extensively, a fact their attorneys are holding in bondage as gold for the attackers themselves, as the Klondike Schoolbook was planned.  an ugly bank robbery from UW Sociology.      

        Zappa lived in Laurel Canyon with HitlerReagan’s partner Errol Flynn, a Nazi double agent even by the admission of our pusillanimous history records online. Houdini lived there, too. Pulling this off was the ultimate insider thrill for Hollywood-rabid. Flynn, whose fast acting namesake Billy Flynn at my Elementary School may be who the double company of the Kelly School van from Flynn Construction which was named after their namesake petition for what Lewis Lapham called, "a priceless forgery" use by Wen and Takei, the latter a contemporary of John Wayne and Melvin Belli in the heist of my name by hiring a stunt driver to recklessly drive at Kellly Elementary and then fraudulently name me, while circling me with trucks marked: CONDEMNED, leading to years of homelessness.  If you want to know how the Daring Doubles Won the War, they beamed up their Captain who only lived twice.  That’s why they never arrested Gail Burstyn.   This has been in the works since King Edward said that Hollywood belonged to the Church of England in the 1920's.  Telltale Clip:   Veronica Lake sings Now You See It

       Meanwhile Ringo and his friends in Hollywood were mongering a Two Virgins Pussyball fight club for race rioting over his trophy date Midori Goto.  Telltale Clip:

      Youtube search Telltale Clip 2  -  aliaslittleboy channel

     From films like Diva and the lyrics of Sgt. Pepper and the White Album we know now that Trump media created an ultimatum to say they were framed while staging Lennon's Double Fantasy escape to secure blind faith and obedient loyalty to foreigners behind the murder of JFK boasting of themselves as the best of the best.  The fact is clear, all those cowardly, despicable allusions to clues and mysteries on those albums were ugly digs at JFK and rubbing in our faces in it as they made sabine women of our Congress.   All this time we worked together the shattered ask, you were lying?  You were setting us up?   Not content with the Kennedy Brothers they went right on and murdered Saoirse and in the name of Biko, you cheered the South African Secret Service and their Green Party pogrom.

        From the conquest of the continent through the Revolutionary War, foreign have vied with us for the loyalty of minorities and sundry. When half of America voided the rights of black people an era of ethnic vying from which we have never escaped entered into the argument for reconstruction and fundamental dignities. There were wars in which advances were made sufficient that morality lost its flavor in favor of a battle for position. The rabid foreign were never confused about that, only Americans were as they curried for identity politics under the stolen Throne of those impeachable wizards of confusion, surfing to power on the death of the Kennedys. Foreign musicians loved the deceit on the multiple tips of their double jointed tongues as they spun their pianos and twinked their Les Pauls, lulling us with the idea that it involved some generational loyalty.

       Speaking of the foreign English in 1938, Thomas Mann wrote, "The fault is ours - though perhaps it is to our credit that we were not politicians enough to see through it. Despite all that had gone before, including the transparently disingenuous and disgraceful comedy of non-intervention, carried out by England in favour of Franco, we would not credit the prospect of such heaped up knavery and manoeuvering. Our simplicity was culpable. What else could it be but hypocrisy, to behave as though one believed in those pulings about "our brothers in the Sudetenland," when everybody knew that it was not a question of the brothers, but of the Skoda works, Czech industry, Rumanian oil, Hungarian grain."

       The girls they wow'ed on Petticoat Junction were Sabines, panting to be taken and to dress their betrayal in the pink hats of Argentinian favor in Monaco.

        "Your time and its news is captured for the Queen to use doot doot doot doot doot doot doooooooooot." - Yes

         You may wonder why the Army has been consistently scornful of the Kennedys.  Why?  Because this isn’t MASH.  Saving a man’s life the way he did may impress Navy Seals, but thanks for the lift.  Seeing Anthony "Onassis the honorary Argentinian" Quinn saying, “Those are our boys,” as the camera in Guns of Navarone cuts to Germans on the steps of the Parthenon is telltale enough but you don’t have to be a sleuth to understand the way the stank, unbathed Hebrew woman and the twin Japanese girls with decay-some chicken bones stalking Jimmy Creary in neurotrauma and homelessness was organized by Clint Eastwood for the Nature God orbitron, he sent me his autograph with a smoking gun that ultimately faces a serious Civil Rights violation in the use of direct brainwave sonar.  That’s why Kaspernick kneels.  These mongerers ain’t about to salute a flag that hasn’t cast out the trash liberals of FDR.  The French we supported in Indochina at the insistence of John Wayne were allies of Japan there, they were Axis, Vichy French.         

        John Lennon is presumed dead.  That means Ringo GITS to rape Saoirse, deaf Jeannie, cover for AIDS and murder our grannies in the bonus attack. He brainwashed a generation to call this two-faced complicity by the misappropriation of the word Love. Do Halliburton own water?

       I am not presently homeless.  I have a Section 8 housing voucher and live in an apartment complex near the hospital seemingly ideally situated for an old timer, with internet, space, rent subsidy, food awards, medical insurance, a landlord who has known me 20 years and honors standing at a Community College where I am one class shy of a Bachelor's degree.  While it is not a given that Massachusetts or even persons loyal to Kennedy would contest the criminals who ferociously ritually molest me in what they admit is a "lifelong process," I do want to move because being where my loyalties are would at least have the benefit to me of showing I followed the course of safe exit before committing to open combat with assassins.  I have no history of violence.  I own no weapons.  I have no desire to be forced into a contest of "principle" with these fight club hardrocks, however, there is a salient civic dimension that has to be addressed.  It may seem escapist to you, but my only real need is to be sure I am rooted where I can say I tried persuasion before defending myself from killers who I suspect plan to present themselves to me when I am boxed in. In the past they have been armed and attacked me blindside. It was totally unprovoked.  Recent messages are dark with the narrative line of 'patience' and 'just you wait."  

      I have been printed in Cineaste Film Quarterly, Chinook Coupon Book and other periodicals regularly for many years.  I am familiar with the acid-like tension that comes from being read by an increasingly encouraged unruly mob we call our society.  I was grossly unprepared for the evil genius of the ravenous people around Yoko Ono coming at me in grade school from Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and still suffer from the mind at work, even grappling with comprehension of those fiends.

      This is personal with me.  I don't care if nobody else realizes Reagan killed JFK. The monsters in Robert Fripp's Army raped the only friend I ever had. She is legally a child.  She has Downs Syndrome.  She is deaf. They have done nothing but make sport of me my entire life.  If I stay here they will insinuate that they are friendly.   

          It surprises me that I am the only one astute enough to notice it and comment, but the wolfpack of Black Lives Matters has little or nothing to do with Black people.  It is an organized bi-racial Federalism in which the martyrs are carefully sifted to exclude anyone white, but that’s not because Black people are the only martyrs, it’s because Black people are the alibi.  Obama being asked to deliver the eulogy for John Lewis was exceedingly telltale, easily as revealing as the troll Martin Sheen portraying the Judge in the film about the Edmund Pettus Bridge.  If you think of Sheen and Obama’s party line as a Moebius strip, a line that continues forever in a loop that never ends, forever one-sided, it is accurate to say also that truth is the side that isn’t there.       

        For the NAACP the fact that I wasn’t the driver at Kelly Elementary School that life destroying day is forever beside the point.  They committed a horrible hate crime to camouflage Obama’s role in mass murder atrocity and that is all there is to it.  One white getting in the way is considered grandstanding.  This mess is from the white mind of Greg Karls around the world, author of the poem World of Ash, neighbor of Romero, and hardboiled Catholic confederate of Gail Carolyn Burstyn, with an army of hustlers of inhuman slavery to whom, in the end, John Lewis was evidently proud to be beholden.  Logic in a pretzel of irrationality, isn’t their strong card, open mic bullying, the Jesse Jackson style way is, and to make it worse actual history, which cannot be accepted, has Jackson clear - America’s Goebbels.  Contrary to his bluster there is nothing whatsoever encouraging about the protests at a time like this.       

       There’s a very dishonorable reason why the NAACP (nevermind the BLM of the Green Party) cannot behold the reality of this fact.   It is because Dyslexter King wasted your Honors Student.  Thanks to Dyslexter the most hostile, anti-American (meaning fascst) scam on the books got the upper hand.   The engineers of the operation in UW Sociology loved his cheap trick.  For him, having a big pile of gold was a new way to see the Promised Land, but more importantly, the cause of Poor People was one of extermination magnanimity.  By the book at the bank is nothing new, but using it to brutalize a deaf child for whatever reason, takes hustle.  The issuance, you do it white boy, go die, was fast on his lips.   The big criminals got the prize not because property is theft but because for all their historic grudge they are as bloodthirsty as human beings come.     

        Take the horrible dishonesty of Pittsburgh, who announced the death of a friend recently as though she were a total stranger (because they hate me) with the words "she would listen as though asking if there more you want to say", a jab they dug with smallness of character at the urgency of my pre-seizure alarm about their program.   Pittsburgh NAACP enjoyed such digs and taunts but their message was to cover for them or else.  The party line by which they performed this gyration with Seattle was the slogan brainstormed for Moebius one-sided bumperstickerheads - they crowed that one who doesn’t accept blame is unworthy of responsibility.  You will notice this wasn’t directed at regional hegemonic black African participants in the trans-Atlantic slave program, it was directed at a white child who was crying in the closet from mutilationists and screaming in the streets of flight from Obama and Sheen’s crude sexual experimentation conjured up from Wattenmaker's refrigerator.        

       Greg Karl used to taunt other people on my block of Winterton into tears so sabotaging my plans to be married was just perfect him, a Karl normality, but the black girl who linguistically anthro’d to me, “one upon a time,” at Central Catholic one evening, inside their premises, shows that the bi-racial identity of Neva’s Two Virgins pussyball outrage clocked to the AIDS attack was chillingly bi-racial pussyball and conceived as compensatory sexual coding by which the flesh traffickers in the black underworld provided the opening for the bonus attack. Justice delayed is covid-19.  It’s not a riddle, it’s other side of the endless one sidedness of Obama stark raving mind. 

       Go spread your ugly rumors, Obama, at Terri-rapin’ Station (WQED) for the lucky rabbit, whydontcha?

       Reason is just buying time when in the plight of reckoning against the power of the criminally insane.   We see from the letters of Gail Burstyn that they were set up as an ongoing argument for a victim with their murderer.  This explains the sadism of the hostage taking but does nothing whatsoever to explain Administration in UW and Pittsburgh, the craven, deranged adoption of the screed, which is clear and present.   In light of this, Obama’s complaint that Trump is threatening our democracy is just a selfish lampoon that his shadow guards struggle mightily with against its recoiling on himself.   Obama has a moebius tongue, forever one sided where truth is on the side never seen.  Forgiving this, the assassins reckon better a Black ridiculous man than a white poacher of all.  

      When there is increasingly nothing to say the advice then be silent is fairly well taken except when silence is bitten by a nerve agent and hurts more than therapy writing.   Soldiers of fortune mock the poet and writer saying that the First Amendment protects nothing and they challenge their prey to prove it otherwise by dropping dead at the railroad tracks like Walter Benjamin fleeing the Third Reich.   Black Lives Matters makes little of education and were this not so we would hear much more about the Reconstruction Era when things at first began to go well.  People don’t study the Weimar Republic much either.  If they did, they would see some of the reasons why those who actively want history to repeat itself are at such an advantage because they do.  They know how to mislead.

      America stands alone against itself because of the above situation of betrayal.  Seattle, for example, has announced that no one has the right to live as an unmolested civilian behaving according to stipulated norms, even adopting the adaptation of the prescribed conditions from Olympia, masking up, for example, the ultimate motive of the power structure is to generate the same ultimatum, which sums up as prove it by dying.  The forcing house of a murderer taking hostages is now upon us far and wide, but it was already in evidence with what has been being done to me.

        It isn’t that I didn’t dare laugh when Judge Pechman and her building ducked for cover from the covid bomb.  I’m not out to laugh at other people’s misfortune even when they do it to me, I’m not out to win an argument by death the way that Pittsburgh’s Nature of Reality Cult are.   It is that because from years of struggling with the criminally insane I have managed to supply a civil sense of decency in the bleakness of despair that was seldom extended and when extended came too often with vicious poison hidden in the hand under the serving tray.

         Belief in due process emboldens non-violence because it means accepting that defeat and miscarriage exist in what can somehow eventually result in a semblance of justice.  Violence is now answering that small mad hope in stalking, devious ways, like threats left in symbol by mail carriers.   When the hit on Saoirse Kennedy was announced by the words “white bitch” it was part of Operation Fool’em.  The Jewish branch of the Green Party took credit, too, while the message got around from the NAACP that she thought she was special.   This feeds miscomprehension of the tabloid method of the anti-race alliance.  Seattle is hardcore that way.  During the Occupy Wall Street set up they supposedly never even considered that they were establishing a precedent for Trump to Occupy The White House, even after being told hundreds of times what was happening with Trump’s franchise over at Warhol Museum.  Why?  Because of the Green Party endorsement.

        The argument, "prove it by dying" that comes from UW soldiers of fortune is put together by a globalist madhouse czar in England named Penis Gabriel whose Burstyn screed is a lower register repetition of German argument with sheepish Jews, then you won’t mind going to heaven.  People are too non-violent, UW chimes.  By poisoning you, they laugh, they are saving you, at least temporarily, from a more caustic, terrible fate they have also devised and want to play with you about.  This signifies the spread of a permanently evil breakdown that amounts to America alone against itself being surrounded by a world demanding it eat shit and die.

       Waiting on the Israelis for Operation:  Middle Sister, the plague betwixt AIDS and Covid that announces their end game at the Magic Mountain a flash riot for permanent control.

        The  rabid led by the raving animal Penis Gabriel allege that their script was psychologically the truth about Jimmy Creary even though the ticket begins with the first issue of The Humanist from January 1964 whose cover photo is a bisected JFK and the contents of which include Robert Anton Wilson.  Further, Jim Marrs took and never returned a photo Kodak dated of me in 1966 in front of a garage door in a Jewish Holocaust Survivor Community on which is spraypainted I Love Sira Siran.  Clearly, a production company with no scruples is demanding license to do phenomenal acts of terrible crime.

     A recent headline asks what’s worse: mask or death?  It might just as easily have asked false face or execution.  In the first war crime the same agency demanded what’s worse sodomy or death.  Seems high risk is for the bonfire of the vanities and social distancing for the Green inheritors, provided, of course, you are loyal to a traitor’s domination.   Pity isn’t safe, that’s basic.  Anyone you try to help is hardwired to turn on you by the playwright.  Turn briefly to human history voided.

       The rabid lisped of what he called justified mail theft, usurpation, by the same wing that skyjacked JFK in Dallas.  Now they want us all charityjacked to the Green Party pogrom.  They advance that they have more moral uses for the money than their victim.  What money?   They are the coordinators of the soothsay.

       The Great Goblin of UW uses Yojimbo exceedingly spitefully.  An online circuit working with Pittsburgh Masonic riff raff, Justin Bieber, and Obama’s hatchetmen in the Marines murdered Saoirse Kennedy to put it in the words of the former Principal of Letsche Academy “to get their attention”.   This is a sad story, Pornography being used by anti-abortion fascists, a role specially designed for or by MisterRogers at WQED.  They ask the question if there is no shadow war where are you going to turn for protection from the secret warriors?  Accordingly, the people who killed Saoirse should be seen as suspects in the disappearances of the Marines precisely because of the shadowplay involved in making it appear as revenge.  That’s how Yojimbo decrees the next slaughter, a one party pendulum twinking the deluded.

       Correctness once reared its ugly head at Rev. Jesse Jackson when a black reporter testified that he uttered, “let’s talk black talk about hymietown.”  Mike Exler, a Maverick, told me, “he showed his true colors.”  Oof.  Zappa sayeth whoosh.  Zappa said save your political correctness for the BBQ at WQED.

       Insistence and repetition are reassertions of power but they don’t make what the rabid are saying true. When Ringo Starr initialized the invention of TV to be sin itself and focused on electric sex while bypassing images of tragedy in the womb they meant WQED to provide the mechanics themselves as sleuths. They brought in Joel Caplan, who has ultrasound images of abortion to back up Gail Burrstyn.   Michael Puma Martino who lit a mailbox on fire was one of MisterRogers’ gardeners at the church.  Nevermind.  By cleverly extruding the TVC-15 Oswald the Rabbit lucky “tape” Ringo Starr got the Branch Davidians to blow up Waco and Oklahoma Federal while McVeigh omoja’d himself a schooler.  This tape is significant not because it shows that I have the same character as JFK but because it shows I have the same assassins, soliders of fortune from the Carousel Club.

         It’s okay to be unhappy, they lisp, but you must accept being put to death.  This is the current situation at Seattle Clubhouse which is doubling as an agency of aggression for this lobby.

         As a baby in arms I was, MisterRogers acted afraid of me, like he wanted to run, apparently aware that I was selected as Rosemary’s NoNo.   He talked quickly to Nancy Moore outside the Mason Lodge at Pitt  They were filming me, as a deaf child, all along, and saving scraps of entertainment I offered as a minstrel show in captivity genre, laced through the big media world of Bieber, Trump and McCartney, tick tock, Night of the Lebo, and watched over by the horrible criminals in American Jewry capable of all this.

           When the Doyle Taliban lashed out at the Kennedys for understanding the fact that the authors of the script were enforcing a justification by freeze framing on the paralyzed mind of a golem neurotoxined for the photographer’s lab to summon up the shock and awe of inner sin, casting the facial nerve poison as Peter Lorre, he was comfortable because Frankliin Graham, backed by Olivers North and Stone, with Hitler back from the dead as Lazarus, had laughed with MisterRogers well-luh, God tapes man’s soul.  So does Pentagon Disney with the help of Bill Gates.

        The psychological level that Penis Gabriel operates on, just once, has to be reported, throughout the cruel shock of the Covid bomb what did their neuroradar emit but “Youssou N’dour is laughing his ass off,” and so on.  Millions dead, funny funny.

          Keeping it brief but how you say? Hey?  Now, that’s a Mentality!

          Mamet’s work, and others like him value authenticity in entertainment, it’s the school of Michael Moorcock where eternals enjoy being mortal and the truth being kept from them as they die.   For the rabid, and of course Pittsburgh, murder court is just a school play, a basketball court.  You don’t need Sean Lennon issuing holy decrees for them to see it that ways.  

       The rabid leer that the exposer was exposed because it was too stupid to keep sex a secret as happier couples do.  From who?  Jealous boyfriend?  Ohhh, I thought maybe you meant the NAACP.  Jealousy it wasn’t, nerve agent it was.

          The best impingements come from David Shapiro who does a boffo little Jimmy routine, squealing with supplication he joneses for acceptance imitating the phrases of his tormentors somehow to fit in.  The maladaptive puppet pines for sentimental vibrations from his loving sister, who is doing exactly as Shapiro devized as a caution.  This gives Trump Family Law control over home movies of a pornographic direction he made for political snuff film lore.

       The rabid aren’t here to find out who put the words in the golem’s mouth anymore than they will investigate the oblique stroke of misfortune that befell young Larry Clum, but the essence is clear, when Pener Gabriel crowed about justified mail theft he was barking that killing JFK was justified usurpation.  All is well under the domination of traitors.

        When the Jewish tyrant and team player Oliver Stone who orchestrated the North Korean bomb threat for Trump with the help of his friend Putin (and it should be pointed out that Stone was always in touch with Wecht and Burstyn about WQED) wants to wax philosophically laconic he disgorges his enthrallment for Nietzsche, as Hitler did, sneering "that which does not destroy me makes me stronger."  What this translates to in reality comes through clearly at the Pittsburgh Post Gazette who engineered the heist with Penis Gabriel but have occasionally toyed with the idea of coming clean.  When they reflect on the legal menace of doing this to a lawful agency, meaning a deafened and destroyed sacrificial American human being, they recoil and declare war against the very idea.

       There is a book from 1963 largely about Gen. Edwin Walker, called The Far Right by the authors Donald and Bernard.  These are index names.  The cover shows four hands pointing to the far Left.  This demonstrates the mindset of the tragedy that the British engineered after Walker and Oswald Mosley's crowd murdered JFK and planted the Texas Schoolbook on me as a child.  They push the Left as lemmings, charityjacking liberalism through outfits like the Greens and UW Sociology.  The original St. Bernard was called The Marion Doctor for contemplations of the Virgin Mary to which Bernard Wattenmaker added contemplations of the Venus Fly Trap.

        Maybe you think it's a coincidence these Trump psychos at the Mariners signed a pitcher named Graveman in Nov. 2019 but I don't. 

         This very unusual letter is necessary because of a legal system stonewall from an unknown tyrannical franchise predating the abomination that grips us.

The Bur’den - an afterwor

I can scarcely omoja what sort of pseudo-intellectual garbage chews through the head of a Dialectical-UWist acting professorial to his warped charges posing as students. Fact checks don’t help against their syphilitic ammunition but reality has a way of setting things right for less momentous matters like public record. When I first came to Seattle it was because at the time Pittsburgh Black Studies vanguards refused to allow classes in other minorities, plain and simple. If I wanted Native Studies, move to Seattle, then Seattle Central dropped that course, too and wouldn’t let me in anyways. Sharper minds were waxing licky chops. The Green Party, announcing Japan’s revenge as immortal brotherhood of grudge and grievance against the little colonial American White to be led by Burma and Trump seized with unification and basketball, making horrible bomb scares, in defamation of the colonial little children who should be sex slaves to Gurdjieff under the strict tutor master Pener Levin of King Kook. No one is allowed to comment but them. As it turns out, in historic records, for all the theft and dishonorable massacre of Natives by criminals in the name of America, the fact of the genocide, smallpox, is that Fort Pitt records show that as genocidal strategy it originated in the mind of a foreign English General, yesteryear’s Robert Fripp and his Machievallian sidekicks. Observation-ing their loyalty, blood oath and death vow, to the genocidal process you’d think this was some unusual activity on their part. Thfo? Don’t call me Injun, commie.

Although for fetish “intrigue” the way Pener Kook’s horde wangled to put Gurdiev before Buckminster Fuller at Oxford is dope from the dens of Fu Manchu correctness eugenicism, the actual minds of British music cunning are, to put it passively, tedious brilliants. How hard is it to outwit a battered deaf child you brought by agency into coma trauma and then prance in wiggling that he should look up to you while he was still a child in the dark about the world? Not very. Ruinously sophisticated, perhaps, but professionally speaking a routine walk in the park for segregationist era toughs. All of it lacks integrity. That is why the witch world is so fierce with their alibi and also very worried. They don’t want it to get around through the barbed wire grapevine of their Hollywood circuitry for being a brutal, comprehensive false witness program.

Knowledge isn’t always power but even when it isn’t sometimes things are just worth knowing. Someone tipped me off that the International Clubhouse Movement (ICM) so easily mistaken for ICM (International Creative Management, ie.Ms.Goto) is a con job at PPG waiting to move in charityjacking when and if I survive old Nancy. That explains the woman Madame Sarah from PPG working with Robin Lipscomb’s neighbor to Michael Tive at SONY whose older sister insisted I call her Sarah Burnhardt while they explained that I didn’t understand happiness is a warm gun. Maybe Eddie Sauerwein who stood out front of the Blumen-Mini Mansion hollering, “I’m Roy Rogers,” understood at least why Caspar Weinberger took a sabbatical to indulge research into mental retardation before going into business with HitlerReagan.

Pusillanimous, cutthroat ingenuity reigns among Dialectical-UW sophists of intrigue. They have it not ich that a very ugly scene in Pittsburgh has Union roots in Seattle but rather that Fenton Bresler’s kitsch shows that Jewish spelling of Squrl Hill reflect nada on Kirshner’s referral to me as a “nice blond boy.” Further HitlerReagan is Holy Ringo Biker’s second favorite celebrity. Lennon being exempt from the Law did not make him a hate object of a Law and Order Candidate, no, instead rather he was beloved and cherished by the British with HitlerReagan as one. So there, commie. As for the pussyball, Maz wudda haddit, thfo we gonna find out now why you didn’t, it’s big mouth time, O’Queery.

Between Lipscomb and Tive was Jeff Kennedy. Jeff was an interesting signifier to have around. For one we have Jeff Task, who witnessed the night that wounded time when DT was gunned down by a Spike Lee type Italian Cartieri in the McBorough where McCarrots are eerie. Jeff Thompson gave me the book Mitsui, a charcoal rendering of the Steel Works, took me to the Jones and Laughlin Fire, I nearly missed soccer for mysterious constipation, built a dam in Japan, and sabotaged my Algebra instruction by breaking out a slide rule. He was a neighbor at Carnegie Tech of Cyril Wecht. JT were the initials of the Siamese orphan neighbor of Leslie Sanetta the fire red Jewess of virginity who learned me sign language and was punishment raped.

The NAACP by the way are making good on psychiatric surveillance porno as a rite of holy war for MisterRogers. Having created this gold mine in the AIDS attack, kiddie porn fueled by erroneous accusations from their Warhol hired starlet, the illusion machine allied to Lennon allowed him to escape because they needed his loss as an exchange token on his own murder of JFK and Viking creeds about that fell attack. The most important character in Dallas that day was the Jap standing under the Nuclear Bunker sign at the Dallas Police Stateion. Killing Saoirse to promote Bob Dylan's ghastly song in the bonus attack made all this too clear

There are two esoteric circles at work, one of whom, Donohue, hails from the transplant surgery cartel of Vienna Circle at Pitt under Aston and Starzl, the organ transplant walrus. The other are Warhol hoodwinkers deeply meditating on the Shamanism of nuclear war over the madcap hustle of Yoko Ono. They call themselves Ayn Rand Queers from Trump holdings at Deutsche Bank, the capitol of which again is Paris. You should have seen Trump, Lennon and the Graham Foundation laugh as the counterculture wept and wailed over the double fantasy satire of Warren Network fake news from the Holy Illusion Machine.

Clint Eastwood, hustling his siamese cat from Marlboro Road in Pittsburgh where the garage in Discovery '66 was spraypainted by Nunu and Shortz, I figure, "I love Sira Siran," and Nancy Moore named our cat Sara Serendippity, is kinda cute. We read from his conveyances no less that a child was attacked blindside by armed men for unmanly behavior. That's kinda cute. He's a nice man, so we hope he's just being agreeable to Patricia Fripp. I must have been six years old when Pittsburgh put a huge rusty nail in a grilled cheese sandwich their Trump Army sent to the table for me. It's hard to credit America's disgrace, symbolized by the initials DG and the role Seattle has played. It took a village to pull off a genocide. Staying open to the right to have an honest opinion pleasures them fine when they have wifey for compense

Dialectical UW-ism occasionally offers the fornication of an understandable recipe. By staginig two extremes the thought processes of everything else get squashed. Either you burn the flag or you goosestep. Recognition that standing for the National Anthem is the more substantive symbol is ruled right out by Monty Python. DG is the symbol of the film-maker who mocked black slaves with the words, aren't you as good as me, mammy?

The murderers just want to sell it to themselves. It's a manly child rape knock out where looks will kill as the gas tank of King's heavenly estate. The unmanly behavior of the shell shocked supported our trooper in Saving Private Ryan who shot a hostage that called his name rankles like nothing so much as Little Jimmy being born by a Naval Lieutenant turned professor under Eisenhower.

The celebrity superstate peddles the sanction of the victim as a Holy HitlerReagan's best bud Lennon kneeling before the shrine of football prerogative. Under the sniffing fly of the accusation Conduct Unbecoming they elevate risk for Ringo the Biker Lord in a food fight ultimatum from child sex slaves who are more manly. Dialectical UW-ists still trying to keep a base of operations in a school of thought find this approach Social Darwinist. What could be a graver tribute to their package of illogical deception than holding the victim loyalty in their own incineration? Dragging others down, yammering you hafta. In her film Rape Yoko Ono glorifies the power of her husband to secure by the deigning gesture of an autograph the blessing of someone he wrecked and abused shamelessly. What good is celebrity if you can't do that?

Naturally Krowhag is a big sale at Kinokuniya Bookstore in Seattle. I can hack the weirdo Mishima's My Friend Hitler, as dreadful gonzo, but finding in Ichiro's Rookie Year the user friendly looking magazine touting a Green Party observation-ing reading by headline: Would We Be Better Off if Hitler Won is so Jap, I mean, real Jap. We, even including the Jews, now. Stand up, sit down one barked at Martin Luther King, who preferred to remain standing, not so the little Jimmy Crearyball who was implanted with a robo-plasm, and sat in a puddle to sink in tears for the Pitmans. A neurobedient implant with the blessing of the ANC and Ben Carson.

Zappa married Gail and uploaded truly violent censoriousness under the rubes of free speech. In the Science Fiction short story Afternoon of a Faun, the agency could read more than lips, they could read minds, they know what you dream. In the first episode of Time Tunnel named Rendezvous With Yesterday, they planned out their illusion machine caper for Hitler's Axis over America. As Geiger said, Caesar had to cross the Rubicon. Lennon and Ono quipped once the actor infamous for partnership with Reagan that was meeting with Hitler while living in Zappa/Houdini Valley of Cali, Errol Flynn, "he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day." Elevated to invisible godhead by the Odessa File's Kennedy Souvenir Shop of Horrors, and chiding the First Amendment as a Death Wish, Zappa loosened the tongue of the neuro-golem while Eastwood tightened the noose.

High risk hazing mandatory social intimacy in time of plague came from Black brilliants and if it wasn't for their Master Trump's example this would be seen at least for grounds of blame if not guilt. But the birds of paradise are crying at the mess God made of earth with live fruitfully and multiply. Jimmy cried just like a sparrow in the examination room of Dr. Broudy, waxing reminescent about Pittsburgh, I know that all is so horrible, but I loved life. The belief that Lennon really died is announced as proof by Warhol and Queer Seattle, under the doctrine of Dialectical UW-ism that WE did the right thing. Neva Corp. put the C in the Star of David as a symbol of conditional copyright

A phrase like The Power of the Powerless was bound to cause serious problems because the Powerful would cite it for the science of revenge in their thirst to prove the crooked eternal that bends towards Machiavelli, just because it's there, announcing their agency by the manly behavior of anonymous threats in talkboards, myuh

Jeff Thompson also took me to Deliverance and that is relevant in an ideological revenge campaign by those who joined Gregory Peck in signifying But Not in Shame with the Asian brides of Douglas MacArthur. Calliing dibs on ass rape is the lewdest humiation and Ringo the Biker is licky chops for more. Starkey may even be in Sturgis with Gister.

Redball - an afterword

The murderers won’t let me stop writing. Defending their crime by offensive the murderers ran a private investigation tactic as an act of war. It translates into the homophone: Share ill Levin. The linebackers tagteam and regroup after every evidence of their slime has been entered into record.

Pitt welched on their deal with my father. They hid the papers, crocodile fingers style, showing I am entitled to tuition remission. They made a mockery of civil processes when they thought they had an accusation. They didn’t advise me of my rights or offer me safeguards as an employee. They never suggested counseling. When they lied to lead me into an arrest trap they hooted that asking to be read my rights was resisting arrest. It was a torture the provincial laugh-in. Their goal was to make off with the Green Party murder of my father.

In 1923 under cover of a big Tokyo earthquake the independent thinker Osugi Sakei was murdered. Although the attackers cruelly intone they were just scaring, fucking with, Creary during AIDS, savagely ravaging me and subjecting me to permanent injuries, claiming to be saving me from hell, we know from the mouth poison and covid bomb, as well as old evidence and testimony, they were lying all along. Yoko Ono had in mind by the strangely pronounced ear doctor at the time of Saoirse elimination as a puppet act of Lennon Theater who was unable to diagnose the endless noise in my ear from the bone loss of the mouth poison that Yoko Ono has in mind Kurosawa’s image of the damned clutching their heads as they waddle around a pit of brimstone. With the patience of the Ronin she and her cult came for our grannies in the end.

Donald J. Trump is the Fudge-the-Deal man. Just like those immigrants he can’t stand the sight of he must look at those creepy cardboard representation of fans and say, I don’t know who they are, I don’t know who they are. But he knew Geffen, Obama and N’dour all along, even if he play he donohue Nyguna Kabugi was with Ford at my father’s tombstone.

Pitt, Trump and Fripp figure if I ever get out of the COVLD have saved John Lennon FORVM then I’m a bigger Houdini than the friendly ghost.

The linebackers remind that more mouth poison or allergenics COVLD be on the bag of potatoes and onions that the office bouncer who so scorned my unusable dryer where they are temp stored could be in wait to lock up the target and victim for UW. More abuse and weird injury is only a special effects radar away. The linebackers come from an Israeli Secret Service I crossed paths with from MIT called Environmental Economics. The idea is Dan Rather who unsaid his first impression by announcing that the shot that killed Kennedy COVLD have come from the front. Do we dare take that chance? The President COVLD be killed so he is to blame.

They put poison in the environment to cover their own negligence and then say it is to prove they would never do that and then they blame the victim. Just because you are paranoid, wrote Gail Burstyn, doesn’t mean they are not out to get you, for time and a half.

It is a form of thought known as Dialectical UW-ism. They announce for Hitler’s revenge by saying America owes the Black Man and the Indians. At the time of his election Obama, eager to get ahead, spurned 1. Research into the Guttersnipes (who he consulted instead). 2. Honesty about Andrea Swimmer who he abetted in high crime. 3. Switching to mass transit, bailing out the thieving auto-barons instead. 4. Allowing me to speak with Ms. Goto, this last of which was his most driving obsession, visible in his face as he glowered alone on the walk to being sworn in. He preferred to making good on Pitt’s obligations to my father speaking instead to the woman in the semi-detached house at 1717 Mur**** Street who tore up the court ordered payment to my father for the Gran Torino.

The killers are invading by a license of Holy War lies. JB, the black man guttersniping court papers as a slipperoo is indexed to Joe Biden’s PR for the Brooks lockout from the church. The private investigation as an act of war came from a gang scornfully talked in public about cutting off people’s water if crossed or brutally deafening the son of a humanist they disapproved of, making up for grouches about blacks being too ambitious by helping them slaughter a sacrificial white. Dialectical UW-ism is also known as psychosophia (love of psychos). They have a cunning contempt for pluralism they liken to polygamy and like extremist Muslims divorcing over rape they spurn, insult and violate a victim of child mutilation by calling be trafficked as a child kinship bonds,demanding the creature they rendered neurobedient by traumatic spotlight prove itself by self-poisoning or else. Despite claiming careful control over the menu of ingredients they leer that the victim COVLD have gotten someone else sick.

When the letters came the postman with a rubber on his thumb chided me for calling it one, as Wattenmaker had schooled me. Mother freaked out when I used the new word he had taught me saying Laura was a homosexual, but didn’t call the Wattenmakers to complain as Cuppy’s parents called us when I told him it never hailed on Mondays. Mother could see he had gotten me to go outside by the way I walked, but didn’t notice when I took to hiding in the towel closet and gnawing my nails bloody? Didn’t get suspicious but only screamed when I managed an odd hours call from a phone booth where I was kidnapped out of state? The whole Province and Bell Labs were watching me file the letters away with the antique napkins

Old Colucci had a 45 in his closet that he never circulated because like the 45 of the woman with a red balloon on half page spreads in old LIFE magazines the apple of his eye had ended his career.

DREAM REVENGE Glee - an afterword

The Taliban is a Pussyball Abacus. This fact is at the root of Seattle’s willingness to close and wreckerball children’s education and annihilate public schools. Don’t get me wrong. I agree we have to take regional leadership over the covid bomb. We have to follow home schooling, but the failsafe of this matter is that Seattle allowed this to happen. This must mean their secret concierge of political truth, the Green Party, were behind it, again.

Insider scholars of bedlam have known since the mid-80’s that Pener Gabriel was in charge of a headhunt storybook impinging an inner galaxy of brainwash ruminations. His hook: Judge not lest you be judged, when Fundamentalists and Jello Biafra types were all hooligan at one another was barbed to conveyance from Warhol, Jimmy Creary will never be one of them until he is dead.

Warhol, a friend of Trump, lived in a heterotopia. The rabid in Pittsburgh play all see Jimmy Creary as the incubus of provincial reality. This means that the Foucault sadism and butchery of kidnap Manson ordeals is the norm that Seattle wants to apply to all children, and those dang public schools breed communism and are colonialist enterprises anyhow. Seattle Green Native American windtalkers for the Axis are the best blood and they know what is right.

Jimmy Creary was a Pittsburgh Public School child whose father was a giant in American post-war education keeping track of, moving, recording and explaining in his books the advances in budgetary allocation throughout the 60’s advocating for minority advancement, however, ahem, he hated the Vietnam War, so Pitt NAACP saw their chance to hop and collar him as a pale white hypocrit insulting the Black veteran.

What that means is Jimmy Creary is not one of the Axis Queer alliance, no public school child is, until they are dead. That’s all the magic tongue of Seattle means in their alliance with Penis Gabriel.

The energy for Seattle’s hogswarsh comes from their claim that Ringo Starr is Medicine Man and Mt. Desert Island was explicable. The argument about the theft of the letters is that if the rabid were putting on a show and avenging Lennon then that explains the whole thing. The problem is that they couldn’t be bothered evaluating what if it wasn’t what was going on. Seattle Queers, even if they don’t have AIDS, use it as their license in saying they are automatically right, when they are wrong, and this is how they set up the covid bomb bonus attack. Now they are bolted and shut up in their old lies because legally so reprehensible for going along with the whole thing that it annihilates any possible credit. They GIT to be to blame for covid because of the suffering of AIDS feeds into the DREAM REVENGE visited upon us through this whole nightmare.

The victims are getting even on other innocent people because they were culled to denounce the idea of innocence for the attackers. Yoko Ono visited her glee upon Jimmy Creary, murderous torture from the office of Amnesty International, rape and murder and mayhem, still going on.

Donald Ostro used to always say, “You think I won’t! You think I won’t! (One point to his credit, he stopped one of the adult kidnappers from molesting me homosexually when I was nearly unconscious.)

The Platoon leer that they know everything, but it’s so un-American. The reason it was possible for the child of a 50’s man to put the trust I did in American Government is that Americans stop before violating the privacy of others. The eye iin the pyramid means gentlemen don’t read other gentlemen’s mail. When Pener Gabriel started impinging for the quah-thing to wear its inside out so the foreign rabid could murder Saoirse and shit, they had in mind abolition of due process and Miranda rights. Seattle mobbed him with enthusiasm for the crime. Was inside out? Not really when you have an impacted neuroplasm programming. This led to Star Trek’s Ming Na Wen, with technology our society still doesn’t admit from Microsoft and NASA ghoulishly gnashing, we must be allowed to listen to the inner soul so that Aaron Dixon can prove that the white is genetically rachist! Rachist! Poison it in duh mouff!

Growing up in a Jewish Holocaust Survivor Community where the JDL arranged this DREAM REVENGE for Yoko Ono by meetings around Juilliard, I am struck by the impingements in places like the singer for racist Deep Purple’s Jesus Christ Superstar, “I wonder how he knew.” I wonder how Cyril Wecht knew that Trump could pull of an American Holocaust. When Jim Child employed me next door to O’Bannon Carpets at the house of Julie Sellers, named in the script, he told me he liked Abby Hoffman for standing up to the HUAC with the words, “Yeah I was a member of the Community Party, fuck you, so what?” Fluxus is a strategy science of turning the whole thing around.

The Croak Ave. Reguester Karona plays this, tap twice. Offended when Japan is not seeeeen as the victim of WW2 she takes pleasure special in applying a fluxus twist of Lennon to FDR’s war moralism: There’s nothing to fear but fear itself. Don’t be afraid to be afraid, she laughs with DREAM REVENGE glee.

How Bout Dat Trump Holocaust - an afterword


   It’s getting hard to stop America’s slide into cruelty and I’ve never been the one to do it on account of being a special feature of the process.  The contemptible way that journalists play along with the new normal is rooted in the abolition of straightforward press practices.   It’s important to reckon the environment where the issue of authorship in the crime’s totality factors.   The attackers, including their dacoits in Seattle, have governmentalized the private residence because they are hostile and always were.  They petition for accountability, wrecking the cover of my new binder for climate change papers, which were manifestly mishandled in a grudge-like way by the union as not necessary expenditure.  It was very necessary but it’s beside the point.  They are stealing and refusing to deliver things very spitefully and intentionally after brutalizing me.


          Trump named himself beneficiary of the takeover plan by virtue of his claim that it wasn’t really him.   They impinge a cognitive switchboard.  Yang and Karl, the latter of whom would smash fireflies through the evening with a wiffle ball bat saying they had no central nervous system, announced that human beings are just things.  He is a disciple of Maj. Gen. Thos. Lane’s verdict that JFK only understood the peace of the flesh, not the peace of the spirit that necessitates evil to do war upon.  We already have robots, they reasoned, they are called human beings, and they sold Bill Gates on this notion.  They have been at war all along.


         All the hokum about Jimmy being a fake derives from the adage that knowledge-is-power.  You have to have certain ideas that make sense for that to take root.  Gail Burstyn complained a great deal about status and metaphor.   The cause of the Axis is that America’s victory is fake, that Jimmy Creary’s status as the son of a Naval hero was fake and so the face behind the face (Yevtushenko) was announcing the true master, after staging an assassination demonstration project in Dallas from which all truths then fall as dominos under the terms of the Nature of Reality, an agreement of sorts between Hitler and Krishnamurti.


         Greg Karl would have something to do with Greta Thunberg because he liked to say of young children they are going to perform for him.  The ancestors are all wise and know what is in the riddlesome hearts of the young.   They pulled a prank with Midori Goto, what Lennon and Gabriel could see would be what Slavoj Zizek might call the sublime object of ideology.  Knowing  who the false front of Lennon would appeal to in a bid to protect the silent weak, they made a bonus attack through the judgment lens as fitness in the Axis.  Gabriel particularly relishes this Beach Boys Nazism as a groovy platform for atrocity.


           We never had much money but to make it a Smash Hit Pittsburgh and Seattle said I do, they called me rich motherfucker when they brandished weapons and attacked me from behind, which Tacoma Community College refers to as them being Street Scholars.  The extreme sadism at work in the WQED camera pranks did not come from my behavior profile, they came from the headhunters at Neva and Warhol.   The self-execution exotica of Michel Foucault is not the reasonable new normal Seattle Times make it out to be, nor should it be covid induced to Elementary Schools, but that is the normal they announce in what was done to me, in the name of African swastikas no less.   This voodoo classism is an issue to this waking moment with Pittsburgh and Seattle.  The people who actually had a ton of money were immune to this stuff.


         The Ideological Svengalism of Ringo Starr challenging America’s claim to World War Two victory incorporates framing themselves as a default to announcing righteousness wronged.   His hoodwink was crummy with Borges, fulfilling Seattle’s obsessive claim that the O’Queery just wanted a virgin, and that is the game throughout, down to covid as an answer to Climate Change, oh, I thought that’s what you wanted, they howl with laughter, but they have never been anything but at war on the environment and the silent weak.


        The index follows slight deviations, Aston to Aston to Atlas but it is representative both of evading restriction, by pseudo-anonymity and yet conspicuous if you know who they are DW as in Griffith 4-7 D-G as in 47 Ronin and the year of the National Security Act, Donald Gruber, as in half of Schliklgruber, Hitler’s paternal family name.  Blumen-mini and Blumen and Blotter stand out in research examples.  By parading all this as the Nature of Reality, Pitt waged war on naive idealism and although Greg Karl impinged the brutal fortissimo over the kicking of Edgar Allen Poe, it was also met with conversion by Geo. Lucas of King’s enigma into a Gigantic, who would, as they do, hurt those who look up to him.


Lainey Schooltree - an afterword

Gangs like King Crimson, who no longer deserve "cult status" now that the bonus attack has revealed their Illuminati imitation as a Hole in the Wall Gang, are limited psychologically because of their Mick Jagger mentality. Every argument reduces to their status in the Trump statue garden. In 1967 when Foucault was delivering on Heterotopia in Paris, HAIR was conceived as a military operation by dacoits allied to Fripp and Bush, with Trump indexing the affair generationally. Dallas, Texas was initialled for Trump and Capital Records was there in 1963 (see ) The idea was to poach the imitative learning sequence of childhood. Anyone who breaks the norms of marriage is mocked and reviled and no one loves more to do the mocking than those cheering on the abridgement, led by the Beatles, who can never be voted out. The result is a peon like Fripp omoja-ing hisself holy after raping a deaf retarded girl and attacking a nerve deafened child blindside for fornication rituals in hostage traumatic neurobedience (golem). To counter the obvious sickeningness of this deranged, mind-shattering cowardice from on high, the eel fetches about, swiveling dogma to the effect that heteropia is the enshrinement of Orwell as a sacred Gurdiev paradism. If that dumbs down to neo-Hitlertronics that's just because it is. Trump's entire political physique is like the Monty Python skit (his allies) about a tape selling popcorn and souvenirs that can be heard prattling on after a bomb goes off in the theater.

Weird True Tales - an afterword

From the look at the way he had a line of black temp labor workers laughing you would think Thomas Francis O'Connor was really good with black people. Part of a Tri-State chain operation he was able to work with mission control at University of Pittsburgh to drive past a black man laying face down with the words, "It's just a n------". The issue for Pitt wasn't him, but my sulking rather than smashing him in the face. Pitt had brought in a Zuklear magnate named James W. Child to example me on the battlefield of his text that "Pacifism is Immoral." To this end he was given much license. He learned me very vocabulary like terms like Escalation Dominance. Meanwhile Pitt African Warriors! Warriors! in Pitt Administration at that time, Were announcing that the ancestors and Elders had found a group of Penis Gabriel Shaman from Yoko Ono's Warhol who could and would magically transform the suffering of AIDS into an exhibition spectrogram of collective satisfaction in the name of John Lennon. Bombs away!

Several points are interesting: FIrst, the woman running the show for Reagan, Ming Na Wen, was an old high school friend of both O'Connor and David Cohen, named in the Burstyn script which she claims they found going through my dining room when no one was around to see them sleuthing. The van of O'Connor's was hired to drive recklessly at Kelly Elementary and could have killed someone. Wen's crowd sent a dispatch to Will Zell to get me up to Mt. Desert Island for what Penis Gabriel wrote to me personally calling: An Experience Park. If it seems strange that Gabriel and his African Mafia, intent on blowing up the United States, were working with the authors of the script in a planned AIDS war game clocked to the attack, it is because it is very strange. Not only was it a fight claim claiming that a Trophy Spoil from Japan, the "World Class" violinist Midori Goto was being conferred by UW Military Monks of Sociology to Obama and the Black Man, as proof of their value to the elite, but Zell himself comes from a crowd of eugenicists who wrote the book Race and Reason, on which the notorious White Power public access Television show is based. Yes, Carleton Putnam lived on Mt. Desert Island. Zell's records gush with admiration for Josef Goebbels, and yet, the Pittsburgh NAACP announced him to be a provincial hero, a mighty minority amalgam of Abira Ali.

Coming back to Pittsburgh, I found that the Black Studies department in Pittsburgh, from places like Kuntu Theater, and WQED TV were pawn-panning off horrible piles of German Nazi swastikas by calling them, "sacred ancient African symbols." This gets deranged beyond description. They actually bragged of Obama's eccentric secret taping for Jaime Carbonell of Neva Corporation sex matter proving that I was held hostage and tortured by brutal pedophiles which they converted into a Death Row ordeal by secret army of union thuggies. Carbonell himself is privately committed to mayhem opposing computer translation and does experiments in purposefully miscommunicating by computer error to prove his point, behind this as allies of Obama is a seven foot tall black man nicknamed for a funeral parlor who threatened to kill me if I left the premises of a brutal pedophile where he had chased me (named Donald, of course) and demanded to be allowed to sleep in our next house, where I forced my mother to move to get away from them, before we moved in. Their partners names are Leni, like Riefenstahl, who made films first of Hitler and then large Black African men, and a man in a Confederate hat they called Duzzledorf.

If you read up on John Shulman's arrest and almost immediate leniency from Pittsburgh, the reason is that he is a partner of O'Connor, Obama and Wen.

By way of a little psychological history. The time is a little remote from when this would have been obvious to everyone who knew me, but the thinking processes at work don't come from my head. I had to get onto what was happening. They sent some things my way, after I had begun to suspect, but I didn't think that way. The metaphor of the first King Crimson album and the horrid way I went deaf were lost on me for a real long time. The assassin team were a multi-post-doctorate war council who covered all the territory in the Bible and beyond as you can see so they could blame little Jimmy for didn’t understand them. There's a word called Aporia which in the OED had a slightly different connotation when it was first used. It's oldest meaning is closer to an uncertainty at what point of departure to use in a complex subject. The idea of a critique being able to keep abreast of complex reality is at work in the dogteam behind the psychological property of convincing the bereaved

The Official Story: A Theory of Tyranny

      In an episode of I Love Lucy, Lucy Recardo deviously hears that a bean dealer has pledged double your money back if they aren’t the best beans the customer ever tasted.  After buying enough to redecorate her house at the end she sits down with only a can of beans handy and cries because they are the best beans she ever tasted, she wants to give everything back.   This is a standard of honesty the attackers claim that I lack.  They have had plenty of opportunity to make the first move by being real about how abominably I have been mistreated.

     According to Lennon’s Taliban his play is too beautiful to throw away. Just forgive and it will just like starting over. It’s enticing.   What does one man’s suffering matter especially when it could inspire the hardest of hearts in the world to do likewise.  If you can forgive, anyone can forgive will be your admission to the kingdom. Imagine forgiveness.  In return this newly enlightened Axis partner will be reformed.

     By stating my case about what I lived through and witnessed I am accused of doing Trump a favor.   I have overstated his villainy and made him the victim.   Forgiving, in other words, exactly what?   The script has never been admitted.   Is this a titanic spectacle in the making, a tyrant’s preparation for his last stand in an ultimatum?   Or a fantasy from the mind of a sick, unpopular man?

     Donald Trump and I had very different mothers despite the script calling me a chosen brother.   His mother treated him as though he could never do wrong.  Mine treated me as though I could never do anything right. She conflated small errors into huge crimes and punished me good by her raucous voice, bringing her fury to fever pitch, a one woman heavy metal band.   When it was suggested I should be medicated without my consent you should have seen the bliss with which she said, “I agree.”

       They say they found this script and it was too pretty to throw away.  Though they are not model men, I should be held in ransom to be or die. In Chinatown today, mid-August 2020 I saw elderly survivors masked up on their daily promenade.   As an infant in a crib at a place they called the Ruskin I was first shown the book, “King of the Golden River,” which I read avidly growing up.  The Cinderella white boy was abused by mean brothers.  When one mean brother saw a thirsty old man he said, “you have had your share of life,” but not Gluck.  Gluck gave his last drops and was later rewarded by the King of Dew.   

        I was slow to understand morality.  I cried when dad made me return a quarter given me at Ben’s for a nickel.  Niles and I found Sunny Dollars 1000 halves, he got the good one and I suggested we trade.  He tore it up. It was a stern rebuke by someone deep.   Would this signify his cult’s willingness to signal a majestic show of mercy and sharing if the chosen of the script would merely forgive?  Am I not the embodiment of mankind after the atom blast, due to being a sport and kin of Bush’s very ship?

       Just keep the promise to forgive.   Given that the script was about their ruthlessness in AIDS and the Covid achievement, after terrible entrapment, geriatricide, the suffering ahead for me personally from injuries and sickness caused by poison, should I tell the motherfuckers to drop dead?      Am I doing them a favor by refusing to enlist

          This was already the mother of all conspiracies, H.G. Wells stuff at its worst.   As the object I found out why the hustlers in law enforcement don’t make good on any of the evidence.  It issues from holding me as a marked man for the terrible precedent of a brainwave resonator.    Rather than allow that to get around, Seattle Times enlisted themselves in observing me, no one doing more than their favorite Youssou N’dour in pulling for Trump in the Reagan Years.   Reagan was always one who made films running Americans down.  A war bride who wanted to sleep with a man she loved before battle he ran down for her moral code.  He depicted the Midwest as weakling.   These enlisters cannot ask the question if little Jimmy, the last to know he was dead, wasn’t handling a script he was unaware of well, why not intervene and do better?    Was self-destruction the only thing they could think of that would help?   How droll.

        To see making admission that I was tortured as a child to be a deal broken is scary.   It means they don’t care anything about the truth.   Chiding me that I am buying into identity crime by my testimony and relevant questions about the I am the Walrus script, they retaliated saying therefore they can use any name they want and interpret any miscarriage in any way that resonates with them, brings sensation from a mentality, stimulates and that the is the picture they scribbled around killing my father and Saoirse.   This comes from a mind and circuit bankrupting themselves as divorced from any search for truth.  They use such wangles as Trump get to do what he wants to get even while functioning as war games printed books with titles like:  Propaganda for the Heart.

       This is very 60’s, good vibrations, this should resonate with you, stuff.    Although they are partners in all this, John Stockwell of the CIA had a lot to say in his evaluation toolbox that could be used to dismantle Robert Fripp.   Fripp believes his has ESP and his music is the telluric current.   One insufficiently awe struck student he blamed when a disciple dropped his guitar.  Like Geo. Schultz who Stockwell derided,the ogre announces judgment without evidence because of his infallible hunch.

          Fripp probably had James Child tell me my poetry was affected rubbish.   Provincially I am enough Pittsburgh native that people who try their hand at the slang get a little uneasy about my yinzer tong.  It’s too real. This is a dangerous situation for Adrian Belew because he is an itinerant fake who sold the idea of Yoko Ono confiscating my language to Poplar Bluff.    I grew up watching the Wild, Wild West and saw a variety of TV shows with variations on Tartuffe, the idea of a villain convincing the good kind of folk of his sincerity getting them to swear, we believe you!  You!   While he laughs behind their backs, saying we have those squatters right where we want them now.

       This was tragic because not only did the superclass mogul scare me into turning back the only letter I received from my grandpa’s best friends Bob and Opal, but it was used to identify the one-cent line by Dialectical UWists who murdered Shannon Harps, too, for Trump and Ono.  Over a penny.  After a long homeless ordeal.

           The sociological malpractice from UW is important to identify in measure for its organization existing before the current attack and the goals at work in limiting our options.    Trump has shut down our immigrant sensibilities by inducing fear and social distancing.

          The dialectic of social distancing is important not only because of the mad variable of disease entering into the prayer of Martin Luther King about a garment of mutuality but because of the cunning of the NAACP in being Reagan’s bodyguard in the first attack.  I’ve editorialized about that.   Arthur Ford is a black man who publishes poetry from all over the country and he says that Blacks are guilty of racism towards white people who mean them no harm.  This is denied by the NAACP because they used me and don’t want a snitch.  That is why the Right to Know Laws were pushed aside about Mt. Desert Island, instead of the perpetrators halted. The moral of John Lennon in the matter is the final call that if you get money your first purchase had better be a weapon.

            If truth were in any way admissible I would have been rescued.   Black Lives Matters stands in the way of truth sometimes, probably not always.  For example, National Boundaries and Media Prerogative had more to do with Greta Thunberg getting through, I think probably, when Black African ecologists don’t get the same airplay.   She is trying her best to speak for an issue that concerns all of us, it isn’t because she is a white supremacist.

            Robert Fripp toured with Frippertronics in a society called Gjurdiev or something. They will unplug your matrix behind your back and then play dumb.   They specialize in hounding people through irregular controls.  They also are trained to be stubborn and enjoy spitefully bringing their rivals to road rage.   Trumpotronics is tyrannytronics.   The similarity of Gabbard to Goddard is all wrapped up in his mindset and spin control, having played his first concert in America at Goddard.

An Investigation 8/13/20

      A book by Daniel Estulin about what he calls Tavistock holds some very important half-truths, which I suppose are better than nothing. He calls the assassination of President Kennedy a ritual act of alchemy and quotes Michael Hoffman in another book about secret societies and psychological warfare, saying that there was an obvious “immediate decline of the American people in the wake of this shocking, televised slaughter. There are many indicators of the transformation.  Within a year…” he describes fashions changing, the emergence of pimps governing schools, and hard drugs among campus rowdies. “A nearly psychedelic wonder seized the American population, an awesome shiver before the realization that whoever could kill a president of the United States in broad daylight and get away with it could get away with anything.”

      In 2001, led by Diamonda Galas, photographed here, the gurus of the City of Seattle attacked us on infamous 911 and secretly they cheered.  Today, in 2020, City of Seattle is de-funding and attempting to close the police department entirely so as to forbid all future investigations.   I already knew from social isolation, trickery, home invasion and terrible cruelty from peers in Pittsburgh, that what I am doing as a journalist has no friends.  All I can find to help me in this eerie situation are books containing half-truths.  Estulin provides material that is like the gift of water to Tantalus.  They say you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink. With Tantalus a man was led terribly thirsty to water and the water forever forbidden.   Estulin closes his book that explores occult lyrics, the use of doubles and the psychedelic dream of a cult generation wondering if anything could stop them from doing absolutely anything, by jerking the water away with the closing of an old repeated lie.

      Spotlighting is illegal in hunting.  One of the attackers behind the terrible crime being levelled at me demonstrated it to me as a child.   His name was Rodd.   His brother opposed the war in Vietnam by turning himself in as an objector to the Draft Board and made history as the first such case.   He is now a climate change protester. In their family tree is America’s foremost expert on the industrial use of fossil fuels, a great advocate.   Estuliin and Fenton Bresler swear by the gospels of an old weird neighbor in a Jewish Holocaust Survivor Community, Cyril Wecht, a godfather of child trafficking in Allegheny County who deliberately disabled me in a cruel Manson ordeal as a little boy.   Bresler is a leader of the view that Lennon was shot as a king like Reagan was.   His cult, behind 911 as shown above, led by Diamonda Galas, a satanist in the 70’s who studied immunogenetics and whose namesake from Spin Magazine’s circle Dia Douwes of the Der Mond crowd, called me on Dec. 8, 1980 to give me their record feed.  These people called Mark Chapman the unnameable one.   Don’t think the British don’t work words to death as cerebral vampires in this game.   Spotlighting works.  If you so much as mention The Beatles all conversation comes to a halt.  People fall transfixed. They are the unnameable ones, the absolute, God.

         The point is that Lennon was God and could do anything.   This gang set out to fool the world, to call JFK’s murder a liberation, to call 911 a protest, getting Seattle to cheer their own exterminators, closing the police, treating investigation to poison in their food.  Lennon used Hollywood systems from Pentagon Disney to stage his assassination for the world to believe his spirit was God in the AIDS attack and now we have the covid bomb to bulwark the evidence.   You wait and wait, because of that spotlight, to even look into it.   Fact is, the attorneys for these men had me in D.C. the day Reagan did the same trickery.  These lawyers work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Pentagon Disney.   They gave me a brochure reading, “There is no such thing as objective reality only what the jury believes.”  They transferred me to the outskirts of Seattle for the covid bomb to kill Saoirse Kennedy, tip me off about it, and threaten a nuclear blast.

         All for Yoko Ono.

The rabid bragged about all of it. They operate from UW and are protected by Microsoft.  They have the same attorneys as the Mariners.   They claim they have another one.

         America is endangered.   We are under attack from above and below as well as from within.  Responsible editorials like this one may be the only thing we have going for us as disillusion with the illusion machine, always claiming progress, falls apart in schools that our children do not dare attend, for more reasons everyday.   Powerful people resent those schools enough to foreclose on them.

       That I have shown what they are doing has no allies.  I was investigating Warhol Museum, a friend of Trump, for their role in the prior AIDS attack which was obvious from the evidence.    The attorney for the Unnameable Ones, a minion of Pener Gabriel, has a strange logic to her mission.   She announces on behalf of child pornographers who butchered me with the help of the University of Pittsburgh as a little boy, that I am guilty because I liked their music.  She cites songs like Starman by Bowie which advocates for drug slavery among children and pedophilia.  Only true surrender to this energy shows fitness, she claims.  Further, as justice, she announces that one of the attackers is himself judge and jury.  To make this work they have grown multiply tipped tongues that dare not speak their own names in English. That I liked them, she declares, is enough to prove that I am evil.

       Refusal to investigate has gotten stranger and stranger.   Their advocacy for a crime is not an investigation. Very like the Beatles, there is another unnameable word: rape.  Their starlet in this operation was in my bed nude for a year but we parted ways her still a virgin.  That isn’t rape.  Pener Gabriel said it was.   He claimed, by planting their Warhol script in my dining room and then using my stepbrother from Fox Media to claim it behind my back that I live in a house divided against myself.   This so-called brother cultivated a band called Spinal Tap.  All along they both knew that the agency of Cyril Wecht had planted a nerve agent in my psyche that you can now see here due to my own superhuman efforts to dislodge it. This was their weapon of taunting:

       Is appeal to the public a legitimate recourse when you don’t have anyone you can trust? Their attorneys hold such an idea in mad hate.  Defending one's own rights while defending the rights of others is nowhere to be found.

       Sadism is not education.   According to Seattle they had the right to support those behind the AIDS attack in using me as a hate object for profit.  Through that shift of focus, pursuant an implant they tried to use as a whip to control me, they deviously slipped the covid bomb and now are closing the police department.

Anti-Green Party Statement


   The unprovoked assassins from Dialectical UWism have long held forth that a deaf person who has never lived above the poverty line is top suspiciously a radical white libertarian of the sort who must be raided and exterminated or the earth will perish from global warming.   However, the atypical alliance the Seattle Green Party enjoy by being supported by the extreme and radical right wing of police administration, as well as the Trump machine belies what really has gone on.  The reality is that you can’t possibly believe you can solve the climate crisis when you allow in cold blood the rape, murder and torture for profit of defenseless persons by the criminally insane.

   The first menace from Dialectical UWism always seems to be the clear and present one, that what you see is what is wrong.  For example, it is easy to get the idea of them subjecting a prey to mutilation in order to generate an injury claim that they can steal.  One way to steal it is by Union predators. The manner of choice is by film rights.  Nothing, however, in this radical mission of Axis revenge is that simple.  Murdering my father after his long career by agents publishing as joint authors, the assassins disabled me deliberately in order to make sure I didn’t have a similar helpful career. They prevented a useful lifetime.

   The murderers, led by Peter Gabriel who is trusted by Donald Trump, has a mind and set of fascist hirelings spinning an endless web of psycho-extensive abuses that was well situated with the internet first went on.  Advertising his NASA society building of the deep web, he wrote to me personally carrying on with comments like, “I have grown web feet!”

    This is the brutal fist that smacks anyone grieving the Kennedys, especially Saoirse, who they also apparently raped.   Lisa Ann Miles, hireling of Midori Goto, initialled for Lennon and McCartney, covering for the viciousness and brazen-ness of Pitt’s torrid hand in the AIDS attack, is as guilty as Bob Dylan in raising the stakes on their putrid so-called Mason films from Asian Cult Cinema and Warhol Museum.   By igniting yammers from Scotland Yard that went on forever, black market conneisseurs like Olivers Stone and North secure snuff movies worth a lot more money on the cult film back room exchanges of Sotheby’s with buyers like Brian Eno.

    When I think that these pieces of shit lured me here with promises of safety as a deaf man and then castrated me so I would be even more humiliated by the murder of Saoirse, I shudder under the weight of disbelief watching them bray so brazenly of the bonus attack.  Why the hell do you think they struck first at Kirkland?   Earth was Kirk’s homeland.  The whole thing operates that ways.

     I was actually bred in captivity for this by a so-called family.

For Biden Ball

The Seattle Clubhouse is a cover for pornographic and trafficking operators using it for re-entry, violent blackmail and Christian judgement to protect control of their harvest by invasion of privacy. It is the strategy of a British-dominated law firm who targeted me when I was a toddler. So much for Christian ethics. The Operation Rescue faction paid for and sponsored mandatory abortion by for example hiring an attack prostitute in Two Virgins eugenic pussyball to become engaged because the Japanese wanted abortion quarantined in a category of Kennedy liberalism in revenge for what he said about them in 1959, voicing his opposition to their normalization of abortion.

losi Conspiracy shows the Republican Party is very shrewd in using the Democrats to enlist such factions as black loyalty to the superstate by cheering elite Black members. Political murder has become as commonplace in America due to the situation in Seattle as it was in post-Weimar Germany. It isn't gangsterism going on, it's a clever manipulation of feudal appearances by one murdering regime. Under cover of racist struggle, the Green Party, building an Ark, are circling their prey with Ten Little Indians Yojimbo, a strategy easy to identify once you understand the meaning of yojimbo, which our police forces don't.

The Pelosi Conspiracy is Clever. By turning resistance to Harris into denigration of Black women, you limit the ability to represent what her role in the Pelosi Conspiracy really must be. Harris can turn the tables in defending pimpery targeting toddler prey by saying the root point is a Dialectical UW-ism race dispute over a Louis-Louis not really Two Virgins Pussyball clocked as a stall to the AIDS attack to give a pass to the Social Darwinists emptying baseball stadiums for the good kind.

Why UW has to be stopped

      The CIA agent John Stockwell stalked me to Allentown in 1987 and spoke at a University on my birthday.   The Trustees of UW and Pitt knew that a deaf man who was tortured was being used as a child from Bush’s ship in the Navy.   CMU made it an international demand for a clockman response to their every bugle reveille as a campaign switchboard where Ming Na Wen incited military and union underlings to demand I prove myself as a voluntary victim of AIDS and when being refused poisoned me in the mouth and had Saoirse Kennedy raped and killed.

       John Lennon had an inconsistency in his presentation.  Although King Crimson claimed they were just doing what he would have if Yoko Ono had been killed while I was pining over Leslie’s rejection,  Lennon himself said that his song Helter Skelter had nothing to do with knifing anybody.  Claiming they are more John Lennon and John Lennon was, Ming Na Wen announces in favor of poor Charlie Manson, poor Dylan and Eric of Columbine and the poor mass killers who have performed the ultimate school shooting with the covid bomb, but never Jimmy Creary.

        In the background of this were cold clues, like SDS’ band Adjusted Americans.  Creary was trying to get re-adjusted after PTSD from Manson ordeals and being treated abominably by the Jewish Community and King Crimson, all of which was designed to stall and give cover the covid bonus bomb.

        It turns out that Carmen Best signifies Jenny’s claim that Carmen Colucci was my best friend, a Durkan candor stall with Kilmer for Merkel.   They did this for Clint and Hillary for the Texas Schoolbook of Clint Hill, now that Paris Hiltons are the nicest spot in the capital of Germany.

Reagan's Hand in Saoirse's Slaying

    In pathos ill-becoming the potential that was lost, the late Texas journalist J. Marrs, who danced at the Carousel Club the night before, and spent much of his life extracting clues from the available sources and evidence material, ended his book with an image of John Kennedy’s voice issuing from his sad grave to question LBJ.  This grotesque desolation befits the Death Valley days that followed, and it leverages a similar despair in being compelled by fate to explain Michael Reagan’s hand in the murder of Saoirse Kennedy.   This schlock doc of Pittsburgh’s insider fascism can’t get enough of it.   With Trump’s help, the re-staged their assassination in Seattle the berserk. The jet set of the ultra-right wing typified by Tulsi Gabbard were creaming in their bedsheets at Saoirse’s demise,publicly laughing and their chorus line was provided, in a hypocritical glee party of Dialectical UW-ism, by the Seattle Left, taking a break from smashing and destroying hard built small businesses forever, in like strawberry fields.

      The Texas Schoolbook was schemed as a despot’s perfect crime by announcing its existence over a bounty to prove that Jimmy Creary was a delinquent child and to cast the issue into the common pot of disgraceful Dialectical UW-ism, a parched mindset, well beyond hypocrisy, with Green Party officials in Pitt’s High Command, too.  None of them could care less about the issues, they are doing it for fun.  Nobody has ever run riot like Donald Trump and his horde from both sides of the aisle.  As the frenzied nuns of Ken Russell tabloid movies did, Seattle Queers barely pause from their orgy of sadism to acknowledge that the Trump their Left poseurs destroy the city to extol was a friend of Warhol, their God.

       This very clever story, stealing their own book, is underwritten by the weird presence of the idea that Lennon faked his own murder.   It is a Mission: Impossible to convince anyone of that, and equally tragically it is a Mission: Impossible to explain the evidence for what is going on any other way.    The newspapers will talk about absolutely anything else but failure to arrest Gail Burstyn.  We are made to understand that Black Lives Matters won’t stand for an honest investigation.

     When I was kidnapped, tortured, in a Manson ordeal by Mancine cinema operators working with Hammer Films, McCartney and King Crimson, Death Camp 7 was playing at the Fulton Mini.  At Fulton School Gellomini punched me in the stomach and Tony Cervi put a sarin in LSD he force fed me in super-tox overdose.  That’s just it, Warhol and Trump cream, the TC acid is DT CIA at TACID in Tacoma James Center because Queerball did it to himself.  They wheeled JFK through Tacoma on the way to Dallas.  TCC school, calling itself Military Friendly in the King Crimson wey sits at Mildred and Pierce streets.  Joan Crawford, the star of the film Mildred Pierce was in Dallas that day to welcome JFK to his starring role in Texas Schoolbook Hammer Films.

         The attackers smuggled me in to Last House on the Left with the help of an usher at Sheridan Square Theater who let them in the Exit door on a rendezvous.  Schugar Bear loomed over me warning me not to run.   He was big like Colin Powell.   At TCC I found a book from 1962 by Colin Cross about Oswald Mosley and Gen.Edwin Walker, the latter of whom was an associate in Dallas of Oswald.  Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling is part of the Holy War overthrow in T-time at Football.   Trump himself is the rotter who wants to engineer the end of the Star-Spangled Banner, and he’s getting close.

     A NY shaman cult of the criminally insane, psychopaths who found each other online with the help of Bob Dylan, men like Steven Lister and Brett Mole, to name a few, were delighted to help Yoko Ono and her pimp from Pittsburgh grade schools Nicholas Dibarno, go on a killing spree.  They used my poem Quarantine as a slogan in the covid attack.  Meanwhile, Military Friendly King Crimson, friends of Colin Powell, circulate old writing like Night of the Lebo, when I was being an entertainer of people I couldn’t escape so they wouldn’t kill me as they had come close to doing.  It’s a game for King Crimson, convince us, they snicker.  To conveyance their blackmail possession of this hostage trope, they used the name Lepus for Brett Mole, just as they used Premiata Forneria Marconi to signify Premature Fornication with Mancine.  In the loop de doo between Michael Reagan’s favorite scenes, Bob Dylan saw an opening to play the Saoirse card.

        The traffickers had a band called Split Lips, notice SPL-I and then all by itself a T, as signifer implicit in Hinkley and Unrue, two presences with Reagan’s attorney when they doubled the money on double fantasy.   Seattle Left have always been faithful souls licky chops at the Trump spoils.

The Zell-Biden Questio

Telling a child about fisting, much less a traumatized and battered child, as Donald Ostro did to hostage Jimmy, is an inappropriate thing to do, yet we know from many run ins with persons of position, overlooking how weird their victim became that they loosely construed me as a special consideration. Since I’m very vulnerable to this deadly disease from underlying issues and poverty, there is I am sure prayer that they will get to hear my parting shot as someone they have announced against all evidence did what happened as a volunteer rather than a hostage.

So how does it come to pass that they did all this inappropriate matter anyway?   Clearly it comes from V.A., Postal Union and Penitentiary brilliants who have at it that they have seen everything and know exactly where the illusions of the world’s misconduct originate.  The situation is replete with military playwrights from the Christian right and the women were complicit.   They stretched the truth while narrating that the quahball was going to perform for them, in other words, act out objectively the reasons their attacks were justified!  Justified!  They present Mt. Desert Island as black comedy against normalizing premarital sex.   Warhol and Graham Foundation working together on sin productions is where Sinfield came in.

Jesus Christ Superstar has a line, “Running every show, he scares me so,” which is very insider with the cameo from that year in Network of Trump and the hand of God.    Alpana’s shocker to me that her roommate wasn’t another girl in school with her, that she crossed me with for Brecher and Brooks in the morning had me going blush, blush and the coppers rapping shocked shocked as the Union engineered the empire’s disfavor as they proceeded in Two Virgins Pussyball with a magic Green doublecross of Ten Little Indians Yojimbo.

The E that Biden uses in his signs I have seen only twice before, once, a ramrod black professional and young woman at CCAC library made a stink about it, showing me how special it was, almost as if mocking my curator notice of King Crimscript in Pener Gabriel’s enclosures to my house.  Then again in South busway Seattle coming in from Tacoma in the region of LOVEVOLVE showcase graffiti and Exterminator signboards.   I presume it alludes to Green equity.

Just one more.

Cultural Competence

       Cultural competence isn't the same as wisdom. Cultural competence is knowing how other people feel in sentimental situations. Wisdom is understanding they don't.

Ten Little Indians Yojimbo

    I'm sure that's what this is, Professor.

When the rabid call their prey racist it has the valid of saying the moon is made of swiss chees

The Bur'den

     I can scarcely omoja what sort of pseudo-intellectual garbage chews through the head of a Dialectical-UWist acting professorial to his warped charges posing as students.  Fact checks don’t help against their syphilitic ammunition but reality has a way of setting things right for less momentous matters like public record.   When I first came to Seattle it was because at the time Pittsburgh Black Studies vanguards refused to allow classes in other minorities, plain and simple.  If I wanted Native Studies, move to Seattle, then Seattle Central dropped that course, too and wouldn’t let me in anyways. Sharper minds were waxing licky chops.  The Green Party, announcing Japan’s revenge as immortal brotherhood of grudge and grievance against the little colonial American White to be led by Burma and Trump seized with unification and basketball, making horrible bomb scares, in defamation of the colonial little children who should be sex slaves to Gurdjieff under the strict tutor master Pener Levin of King Kook.  No one is allowed to comment but them.  As it turns out, in historic records, for all the theft and dishonorable massacre of Natives by criminals in the name of America, the fact of the genocide, smallpox, is that Fort Pitt records show that as genocidal strategy it originated in the mind of a foreign English General, yesteryear’s Robert Fripp and his Machievallian sidekicks.  Observation-ing their loyalty, blood oath and death vow, to the genocidal process you’d think this was some unusual activity on their part.  Thfo?  Don’t call me Injun, commie

         Although for fetish “intrigue” the way Pener Kook’s horde wangled to put Gurdiev before Buckminster Fuller at Oxford is dope from the dens of Fu Manchu correctness eugenicism, the actual minds of British music cunning are, to put it passively, tedious brilliants.  How hard is it to outwit a battered deaf child you brought by agency into coma trauma and then prance in wiggling that he should look up to you while he was still a child in the dark about the world?  Not very.  Ruinously sophisticated, perhaps, but professionally speaking a routine walk in the park for segregationist era toughs.   All of it lacks integrity.  That is why the witch world is so fierce with their alibi and also very worried.  They don’t want it to get around through the barbed wire grapevine of their Hollywood circuitry for being a brutal, comprehensive false witness program

        Knowledge isn’t always power but even when it isn’t sometimes things are just worth knowing.  Someone tipped me off that the International Clubhouse Movement (ICM) so easily mistaken for ICM (International Creative Management, ie.Ms.Goto) is a con job at PPG waiting to move in charityjacking when and if I survive old Nancy.   That explains the woman Madame Sarah from PPG working with Robin Lipscomb’s neighbor to Michael Tive at SONY whose older sister insisted I call her Sarah Burnhardt while they explained that I didn’t understand happiness is a warm gun.  Maybe Eddie Sauerwein who stood out front of the Blumen-Mini Mansion hollering, “I’m Roy Rogers,” understood at least why Caspar Weinberger took a sabbatical to indulge research into mental retardation before going into business with HitlerReagan

          Pusillanimous, cutthroat ingenuity reigns among Dialectical-UW sophists of intrigue.   They have it not ich that a very ugly scene in Pittsburgh has Union roots in Seattle but rather that Fenton Bresler’s kitsch shows that Jewish spelling of Squrl Hill reflect nada on Kirshner’s referral to me as a “nice blond boy.”  Further HitlerReagan is Holy Ringo Biker’s second favorite celebrity.   Lennon being exempt from the Law did not make him a hate object of a Law and Order Candidate, no, instead rather he was beloved and cherished by the British with HitlerReagan as one.  So there, commie.  As for the pussyball, Maz wudda haddit, thfo we gonna find out now why you didn’t, it’s big mouth time, O’Queery

      Between Lipscomb and Tive was Jeff Kennedy.  Jeff was an interesting signifier to have around.    For one we have Jeff Task, who witnessed the night that wounded time when DT was gunned down by a Spike Lee type Italian Cartieri in the McBorough where McCarrots are eerie.  Jeff Thompson gave me the book Mitsui, a charcoal rendering of the Steel Works, took me to the Jones and Laughlin Fire, I nearly missed soccer for mysterious constipation, built a dam in Japan, and sabotaged my Algebra instruction by breaking out a slide rule.  He was a neighbor at Carnegie Tech of Cyril Wecht.   JT were the initials of the Siamese orphan neighbor of Leslie Sanetta the fire red Jewess of virginity who learned me sign language and was punishment raped

        The NAACP by the way are making good on psychiatric surveillance porno as a rite of holy war for MisterRogers.  Having created this gold mine in the AIDS attack, kiddie porn fueled by erroneous accusations from their Warhol hired starlet, the illusion machine allied to Lennon allowed him to escape because they needed his loss as an exchange token on his own murder of JFK and Viking creeds about that fell attack.  The most important character in Dallas that day was the Jap standing under the Nuclear Bunker sign at the Dallas Police Stateion.   Killing Saoirse to promote Bob Dylan's ghastly song in the bonus attack made all this too clear. 

          There are two esoteric circles at work, one of whom, Donohue, hails from the transplant surgery cartel of Vienna Circle at Pitt under Aston and Starzl.  The other are Warhol hoodwinkers deeply meditating on the Shamanism of nuclear war over the madcap hustle of Yoko Ono.   They call themselves Ayn Rand Queers from Trump holdings at Deutsche Bank, the capitol of which again is Paris.   You should have seen Trump, Lennon and the Graham Foundation laugh as the counterculture wept and wailed over the double fantasy satire of Warren Network fake news from the Holy Illusion Machine. 

          Clint Eastwood, hustling his siamese cat from Marlboro Road in Pittsburgh where the garage in Discovery '66 was spraypainted by Nunu and Shortz, I figure, "I love Sira Siran," and Nancy Moore named our cat Sara Serendippity, is kinda cute.  We read from his conveyances no less that a child was attacked blindside by armed men for unmanly behavior.  That's kinda cute.   He's a nice man, so we hope he's just being agreeable to Patricia Fripp.    I must have been six years old when Pittsburgh put a huge rusty nail in a grilled cheese sandwich their Trump Army sent to the table for me.  It's hard to credit America's disgrace, symbolized by the initials DG and the role Seattle has played.  It took a village to pull off a genocide.  Staying open to the right to have an honest opinion pleasures them fine when they have wifey for compense. 

          Dialectical UW-ism occasionally offers the fornication of an understandable recipe.  By staginig two extremes the thought processes of everything else get squashed.   Either you burn the flag or you goosestep.  Recognition that standing for the National Anthem is the more substantive symbol is ruled right out by Monty Python.   DG is the symbol of the film-maker who mocked black slaves with the words, aren't you as good as me, mammy? 

         The murderers just want to sell it to themselves.   It's a manly child rape knock out where looks will kill as the gas tank of King's heavenly estate.   The unmanly behavior of the shell shocked supported our trooper in Saving Private Ryan who shot a hostage that called his name rankles like nothing so much as Little Jimmy being born by a Naval Lieutenant turned professor under Eisenhower. 

          The celebrity superstate peddles the sanction of the victim as a Holy HitlerReagan's best bud Lennon kneeling before the shrine of football prerogative.   Under the sniffing fly of the accusation Conduct Unbecoming they elevate risk for Ringo the Biker Lord in a food fight ultimatum from child sex slaves who are more manly.   Dialectical UW-ists still trying to keep a base of operations in a school of thought find this approach Social Darwinist.  What could be a graver tribute to their package of illogical deception than holding the victim loyalty in their own incineration?   Dragging others down, yammering you hafta.   In her film Rape Yoko Ono glorifies the power of her husband to secure by the deigning gesture of an autograph the blessing of someone he wrecked and abused shamelessly.    What good is celebrity if you can't do that?

            Naturally Krowhag is a big sale at Kinokuniya Bookstore in Seattle.  I can hack the weirdo Mishima's My Friend Hitler, as dreadful gonzo, but finding in Ichiro's Rookie Year the user friendly looking magazine touting a Green Party observation-ing reading by headline:  Would We Be Better Off if Hitler Won is so Jap, I mean, real Jap.   We, even including the Jews, now.   Stand up, sit down one barked at Martin Luther King, who preferred to remain standing, not so the little Jimmy Crearyball who was implanted with a robo-plasm, and sat in a puddle to sink in tears for the Pitmans.   A neurobedient implant with the blessing of the ANC and Ben Carson.

           Zappa married Gail and uploaded truly violent censoriousness under the rubes of free speech.   In the Science Fiction short story Afternoon of a Faun, the agency could read more than lips, they could read minds, they know what you dream.   In the first episode of Time Tunnel named Rendezvous With Yesterday, they planned out their illusion machine caper for Hitler's Axis over America.  As Geiger said, Caesar had to cross the Rubicon.   Lennon and Ono quipped once the actor infamous for partnership with Reagan that was meeting with Hitler while living in Zappa/Houdini Valley of Cali, Errol Flynn, "he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day."  Elevated to invisible godhead by the Odessa File's Kennedy Souvenir Shop of Horrors, and chiding the First Amendment as a Death Wish, Zappa loosened the tongue of the neuro-golem while Eastwood tightened the noose.

          High risk hazing mandatory social intimacy in time of plague came from Black brilliants and if it wasn't for their Master Trump's example this would be seen at least for grounds of blame if not guilt.    But the birds of paradise are crying at the mess God made of earth with live fruitfully and multiply.  Jimmy cried just like a sparrow in the examination room of Dr. Broudy, waxing reminescent about Pittsburgh, I know that all is so horrible, but I loved life.  The belief that Lennon really died is announced as proof by Warhol and Queer Seattle, under the doctrine of Dialectical UW-ism that WE did the right thing.  Neva Corp. put the C in the Star of David as a symbol of conditional copyright. 

         A phrase like The Power of the Powerless was bound to cause serious problems because the Powerful would cite it for the science of revenge in their thirst to prove the crooked eternal that bends towards Machiavelli, just because it's there, announcing their agency by the manly behavior of anonymous threats in talkboards, myuh.

        Jeff Thompson also took me to Deliverance and that is relevant in an ideological revenge campaign by those who joined Gregory Peck in signifying But Not in Shame with the Asian brides of Douglas MacArthur.   Calliing dibs on ass rape is the lewdest humiation and Ringo the Biker is licky chops for more.    Starkey may even be in Sturgis with Gister.    


       The murderers won’t let me stop writing.  Defending their crime by offensive the murderers ran a private investigation tactic as an act of war.  It translates into the homophone:  Share ill Levin.    The linebackers tagteam and regroup after every evidence of their slime has been entered into record.

        Pitt welched on their deal with my father.  They hid the papers, crocodile fingers style, showing I am entitled to tuition remission.  They made a mockery of civil processes when they thought they had an accusation.  They didn’t advise me of my rights or offer me safeguards as an employee.  They never suggested counseling.  When they lied to lead me into an arrest trap they hooted that asking to be read my rights was resisting arrest.  It was a torture the provincial laugh-in.  Their goal was to make off with the Green Party murder of my father.

       In 1923 under cover of a big Tokyo earthquake the independent thinker Osugi Sakei was murdered.  Although the attackers cruelly intone they were just scaring, fucking with, Creary during AIDS, savagely ravaging me and subjecting me to permanent injuries, claiming to be saving me from hell, we know from the mouth poison and covid bomb, as well as old evidence and testimony, they were lying all along.  Yoko Ono had in mind by the strangely pronounced ear doctor at the time of Saoirse elimination as a puppet act of Lennon Theater who was unable to diagnose the endless noise in my ear from the bone loss of the mouth poison that Yoko Ono has in mind Kurosawa’s image of the damned clutching their heads as they waddle around a pit of brimstone.  With the patience of the Ronin she and her cult came for our grannies in the end.

       Donald J. Trump is the Fudge-the-Deal man.  Just like those immigrants he can’t stand the sight of he must look at those creepy cardboard representation of fans and say, I don’t know who they are, I don’t know who they are.   But he knew Geffen, Obama and N’dour all along, even if he play he donohue Nyguna Kabugi was with Ford at my father’s tombstone.

         Pitt, Trump and Fripp figure if I ever get out of the COVLD have saved John Lennon FORVM then I’m a bigger Houdini than the friendly ghost.

         The linebackers remind that more mouth poison or allergenics COVLD be on the bag of potatoes and onions that the office bouncer who so scorned my unusable dryer where they are temp stored could be in wait to lock up the target and victim for UW.   More abuse and weird injury is only a special effects radar away.   The linebackers come from an Israeli Secret Service I crossed paths with from MIT called Environmental Economics.  The idea is Dan Rather who unsaid his first impression by announcing that the shot that killed Kennedy COVLD have come from the front.   Do we dare take that chance?  The President COVLD be killed so he is to blame.

        They put poison in the environment to cover their own negligence and then say it is to prove they would never do that and then they blame the victim.  Just because you are paranoid, wrote Gail Burstyn, doesn’t mean they are not out to get you, for time and a half.

        It is a form of thought known as Dialectical UW-ism.  They announce for Hitler’s revenge by saying America owes the Black Man and the Indians.  At the time of his election Obama, eager to get ahead, spurned 1. Research into the Guttersnipes (who he consulted instead).  2.  Honesty about Andrea Swimmer who he abetted in high crime.  3.  Switching to mass transit, bailing out the thieving auto-barons instead.  4. Allowing me to speak with Ms. Goto, this last of which was his most driving obsession, visible in his face as he glowered alone on the walk to being sworn in.  He preferred to making good on Pitt’s obligations to my father speaking instead to the woman in the semi-detached house at 1717 Mur**** Street who tore up the court ordered payment to my father for the Gran Torino.

         The killers are invading by a license of Holy War lies.  JB, the black man guttersniping court papers as a slipperoo is indexed to Joe Biden’s PR for the Brooks lockout from the church.  The private investigation as an act of war came from a gang scornfully talked in public about cutting off people’s water if crossed or brutally deafening the son of a humanist they disapproved of, making up for grouches about blacks being too ambitious by helping them slaughter a sacrificial white.  Dialectical UW-ism is also known as psychosophia (love of psychos).  They have a cunning contempt for pluralism they liken to polygamy and like extremist Muslims divorcing over rape they spurn, insult and violate a victim of child mutilation by calling be trafficked as a child kinship bonds,demanding the creature they rendered neurobedient by traumatic spotlight prove itself by self-poisoning or else.  Despite claiming careful control over the menu of ingredients they leer that the victim COVLD have gotten someone else sick.

        When the letters came the postman with a rubber on his thumb chided me for calling it one, as Wattenmaker had schooled me.  Mother freaked out when I used the new word he had taught me saying Laura was a homosexual, but didn’t call the Wattenmakers to complain as Cuppy’s parents called us when I told him it never hailed on Mondays.   Mother could see he had gotten me to go outside by the way I walked, but didn’t notice when I took to hiding in the towel closet and gnawing my nails bloody?   Didn’t get suspicious but only screamed when I managed an odd hours call from a phone booth where I was kidnapped out of state?   The whole Province and Bell Labs were watching me file the letters away with the antique napkins.

       Old Colucci had a 45 in his closet that he never circulated because like the 45 of the woman with a red balloon on half page spreads in old LIFE magazines the apple of his eye had ended his career.


      The Taliban is a Pussyball Abacus.   This fact is at the root of Seattle’s willingness to close and wreckerball children’s education and annihilate public schools.  Don’t get me wrong.  I agree we have to take regional leadership over the covid bomb.   We have to follow home schooling, but the failsafe of this matter is that Seattle allowed this to happen.  This must mean their secret concierge of political truth, the Green Party, were behind it, again. 

     Insider scholars of bedlam have known since the mid-80’s that Pener Gabriel was in charge of a headhunt storybook impinging an inner galaxy of brainwash ruminations.  His hook:  Judge not lest you be judged, when Fundamentalists and Jello Biafra types were all hooligan at one another was barbed to conveyance from Warhol, Jimmy Creary will never be one of them until he is dead.

      Warhol, a friend of Trump, lived in a heterotopia.  The rabid in Pittsburgh play all see Jimmy Creary as the incubus of provincial reality.  This means that the Foucault sadism and butchery of kidnap Manson ordeals is the norm that Seattle wants to apply to all children, and those dang public schools breed communism and are colonialist enterprises anyhow.  Seattle Green Native American windtalkers for the Axis are the best blood and they know what is right.

       Jimmy Creary was a Pittsburgh Public School child whose father was a giant in American post-war education keeping track of, moving, recording and explaining in his books the advances in budgetary allocation throughout the 60’s advocating for minority advancement, however, ahem, he hated the Vietnam War, so Pitt NAACP saw their chance to hop and collar him as a pale white hypocrit insulting the Black veteran.   

        What that means is Jimmy Creary is not one of the Axis Queer alliance, no public school child is, until they are dead.   That’s all the magic tongue of Seattle means in their alliance with Penis Gabriel.

         The energy for Seattle’s hogswarsh comes from their claim that Ringo Starr is Medicine Man and Mt. Desert Island was explicable.  The argument about the theft of the letters is that if the rabid were putting on a show and avenging Lennon then that explains the whole thing.  The problem is that they couldn’t be bothered evaluating what if it wasn’t what was going on.  Seattle Queers, even if they don’t have AIDS, use it as their license in saying they are automatically right, when they are wrong, and this is how they set up the covid bomb bonus attack.  Now they are bolted and shut up in their old lies because legally so reprehensible for going along with the whole thing that it annihilates any possible credit.  They GIT to be to blame for covid because of the suffering of AIDS feeds into the DREAM REVENGE visited upon us through this whole nightmare.

          The victims are getting even on other innocent people because they were culled to denounce the idea of innocence for the attackers.  Yoko Ono visited her glee upon Jimmy Creary, murderous torture from the office of Amnesty International, rape and murder and mayhem, still going on.

         Donald Ostro used to always say, “You think I won’t!  You think I won’t!  (One point to his credit, he stopped one of the adult kidnappers from molesting me homosexually when I was nearly unconscious.)

           The Platoon leer that they know everything, but it’s so un-American.  The reason it was possible for the child of a 50’s man to put the trust I did in American Government is that Americans stop before violating the privacy of others.  The eye iin the pyramid means gentlemen don’t read other gentlemen’s mail.   When Pener Gabriel started impinging for the quah-thing to wear its inside out so the foreign rabid could murder Saoirse and shit, they had in mind abolition of due process and Miranda rights.  Seattle mobbed him with enthusiasm for the crime.  Was inside out?  Not really when you have an impacted neuroplasm programming.  This led to Star Trek’s Ming Na Wen, with technology our society still doesn’t admit from Microsoft and NASA ghoulishly gnashing, we must be allowed to listen to the inner soul so that Aaron Dixon can prove that the white is genetically rachist!  Rachist!  Poison it in duh mouff!

          Growing up in a Jewish Holocaust Survivor Community where the JDL arranged this DREAM REVENGE for Yoko Ono by meetings around Juilliard, I am struck by the impingements in places like the singer for racist Deep Purple’s Jesus Christ Superstar, “I wonder how he knew.”  I wonder how Cyril Wecht knew that Trump could pull of an American Holocaust.  When Jim Child employed me next door to O’Bannon Carpets at the house of Julie Sellers, named in the script, he told me he liked Abby Hoffman for standing up to the HUAC with the words, “Yeah I was a member of the Community Party, fuck you, so what?”    Fluxus is a strategy science of turning the whole thing around.

       The Croak Ave. Reguester Karona plays this, tap twice.   Offended when Japan is not seeeeen as the victim of WW2 she takes pleasure special in applying a fluxus twist of Lennon to FDR’s war moralism:  There’s nothing to fear but fear itself.  Don’t be afraid to be afraid, she laughs with DREAM REVENGE glee.

America's slide into cruelty

            It’s getting hard to stop America’s slide into cruelty and I’ve never been the one to do it on account of being a special feature of the process.  The contemptible way that journalists play along with the new normal is rooted in the abolition of straightforward press practices.   It’s important to reckon the environment where the issue of authorship in the crime’s totality factors.   The attackers, including their dacoits in Seattle, have governmentalized the private residence because they are hostile and always were.  They petition for accountability, wrecking the cover of my new binder for climate change papers, which were manifestly mishandled in a grudge-like way by the union as not necessary expenditure.  It was very necessary but it’s beside the point.  They are stealing and refusing to deliver things very spitefully and intentionally after brutalizing me.

          Trump named himself beneficiary of the takeover plan by virtue of his claim that it wasn’t really him.   They impinge a cognitive switchboard.  Yang and Karl, the latter of whom would smash fireflies through the evening with a wiffle ball bat saying they had no central nervous system, announced that human beings are just things.  He is a disciple of Maj. Gen. Thos. Lane’s verdict that JFK only understood the peace of the flesh, not the peace of the spirit that necessitates evil to do war upon.  We already have robots, they reasoned, they are called human beings, and they sold Bill Gates on this notion.  They have been at war all along.

         All the hokum about Jimmy being a fake derives from the adage that knowledge-is-power.  You have to have certain ideas that make sense for that to take root.  Gail Burstyn complained a great deal about status and metaphor.   The cause of the Axis is that America’s victory is fake, that Jimmy Creary’s status as the son of a Naval hero was fake and so the face behind the face (Yevtushenko) was announcing the true master, after staging an assassination demonstration project in Dallas from which all truths then fall as dominos under the terms of the Nature of Reality, an agreement of sorts between Hitler and Krishnamurti.

         Greg Karl would have something to do with Greta Thunberg because he liked to say of young children they are going to perform for him.  The ancestors are all wise and know what is in the riddlesome hearts of the young.   They pulled a prank with Midori Goto, what Lennon and Gabriel could see would be what Slavoj Zizek might call the sublime object of ideology.  Knowing  who the false front of Lennon would appeal to in a bid to protect the silent weak, they made a bonus attack through the judgment lens as fitness in the Axis.  Gabriel particularly relishes this Beach Boys Nazism as a groovy platform for atrocity.

           We never had much money but to make it a Smash Hit Pittsburgh and Seattle said I do, they called me rich motherfucker when they brandished weapons and attacked me from behind, which Tacoma Community College refers to as them being Street Scholars.  The extreme sadism at work in the WQED camera pranks did not come from my behavior profile, they came from the headhunters at Neva and Warhol.   The self-execution exotica of Michel Foucault is not the reasonable new normal Seattle Times make it out to be, nor should it be covid induced to Elementary Schools, but that is the normal they announce in what was done to me, in the name of African swastikas no less.   This voodoo classism is an issue to this waking moment with Pittsburgh and Seattle.  The people who actually had a ton of money were immune to this stuff.

        The Ideological Svengalism of Ringo Starr challenging America’s claim to World War Two victory incorporates framing themselves as a default to announcing righteousness wronged.   His hoodwink was crummy with Borges, fulfilling Seattle’s obsessive claim that the O’Queery just wanted a virgin, and that is the game throughout, down to covid as an answer to Climate Change, oh, I thought that’s what you wanted, they howl with laughter, but they have never been anything but at war on the environment and the silent weak.

        The index follows slight deviations, Aston to Aston to Atlas but it is representative both of evading restriction, by pseudo-anonymity and yet conspicuous if you know who they are DW as in Griffith 4-7 D-G as in 47 Ronin and the year of the National Security Act, Donald Gruber, as in half of Schliklgruber, Hitler’s paternal family name.  Blumen-mini and Blumen and Blotter stand out in research examples.  By parading all this as the Nature of Reality, Pitt waged war on naive idealism and although Greg Karl impinged the brutal fortissimo over the kicking of Edgar Allen Poe, it was also met with conversion by Geo. Lucas of King’s enigma into a Gigantic, who would, as they do, hurt those who look up to him.

Gangs like King Crimson, who no longer deserve "cult status" now that the bonus attack has revealed their Illuminati imitation as a Hole in the Wall Gang, are limited psychologically because of their Mick Jagger mentality. Every argument reduces to their status in the Trump statue garden. In 1967 when Foucault was delivering on Heterotopia in Paris, HAIR was conceived as a military operation by dacoits allied to Fripp and Bush, with Trump indexing the affair generationally. Dallas, Texas was initialled for Trump and Capital Records was there in 1963 (see ) The idea was to poach the imitative learning sequence of childhood. Anyone who breaks the norms of marriage is mocked and reviled and no one loves more to do the mocking than those cheering on the abridgement, led by the Beatles, who can never be voted out. The result is a peon like Fripp omoja-ing hisself holy after raping a deaf retarded girl and attacking a nerve deafened child blindside for fornication rituals in hostage traumatic neurobedience (golem). To counter the obvious sickeningness of this deranged, mind-shattering cowardice from on high, the eel fetches about, swiveling dogma to the effect that heteropia is the enshrinement of Orwell as a sacred Gurdiev paradism. If that dumbs down to neo-Hitlertronics that's just because it is. Trump's entire political physique is like the Monty Python skit (his allies) about a tape selling popcorn and souvenirs that can be heard prattling on after a bomb goes off in the theater.

The way a Federal puzzle is used to camouflage atrocity is best illustrated by pure fact: those who started AIDS led by the cast of HAIR pulled it off by complaining about a couple engaged to be married making out in an area around school out of view.

The layout of abomination is to prosecute illusory grievance without due process to facilitate charityjacking by the Green Party

the cynchron of cant breathe

Weird True Tales

From the look at the way he had a line of black temp labor workers laughing you would think Thomas Francis O'Connor was really good with black people. Part of a Tri-State chain operation he was able to work with mission control at University of Pittsburgh to drive past a black man laying face down with the words, "It's just a n------". The issue for Pitt wasn't him, but my sulking rather than smashing him in the face. Pitt had brought in a Zuklear magnate named James W. Child to example me on the battlefield of his text that "Pacifism is Immoral." To this end he was given much license. He learned me very vocabulary like terms like Escalation Dominance. Meanwhile Pitt African Warriors! Warriors! in Pitt Administration at that time, Were announcing that the ancestors and Elders had found a group of Penis Gabriel Shaman from Yoko Ono's Warhol who could and would magically transform the suffering of AIDS into an exhibition spectrogram of collective satisfaction in the name of John Lennon. Bombs away!

Several points are interesting: FIrst, the woman running the show for Reagan, Ming Na Wen, was an old high school friend of both O'Connor and David Cohen, named in the Burstyn script which she claims they found going through my dining room when no one was around to see them sleuthing. The van of O'Connor's was hired to drive recklessly at Kelly Elementary and could have killed someone. Wen's crowd sent a dispatch to Will Zell to get me up to Mt. Desert Island for what Penis Gabriel wrote to me personally calling: An Experience Park. If it seems strange that Gabriel and his African Mafia, intent on blowing up the United States, were working with the authors of the script in a planned AIDS war game clocked to the attack, it is because it is very strange. Not only was it a fight claim claiming that a Trophy Spoil from Japan, the "World Class" violinist Midori Goto was being conferred by UW Military Monks of Sociology to Obama and the Black Man, as proof of their value to the elite, but Zell himself comes from a crowd of eugenicists who wrote the book Race and Reason, on which the notorious White Power public access Television show is based. Yes, Carleton Putnam lived on Mt. Desert Island. Zell's records gush with admiration for Josef Goebbels, and yet, the Pittsburgh NAACP announced him to be a provincial hero, a mighty minority amalgam of Abira Ali.

Coming back to Pittsburgh, I found that the Black Studies department in Pittsburgh, from places like Kuntu Theater, and WQED TV were pawn-panning off horrible piles of German Nazi swastikas by calling them, "sacred ancient African symbols." This gets deranged beyond description. They actually bragged of Obama's eccentric secret taping for Jaime Carbonell of Neva Corporation sex matter proving that I was held hostage and tortured by brutal pedophiles which they converted into a Death Row ordeal by secret army of union thuggies. Carbonell himself is privately committed to mayhem opposing computer translation and does experiments in purposefully miscommunicating by computer error to prove his point, behind this as allies of Obama is a seven foot tall black man nicknamed for a funeral parlor who threatened to kill me if I left the premises of a brutal pedophile where he had chased me (named Donald, of course) and demanded to be allowed to sleep in our next house, where I forced my mother to move to get away from them, before we moved in. Their partners names are Leni, like Riefenstahl, who made films first of Hitler and then large Black African men, and a man in a Confederate hat they called Duzzledorf.

If you read up on John Shulman's arrest and almost immediate leniency from Pittsburgh, the reason is that he is a partner of O'Connor, Obama and Wen.

Mac Crary

    In Crying Shame: a witness to the covid bomb

Brooks Lucas

      In detective stories you have probably heard of sex traps being used by maniacal Jesus Freaks to humiliate as satanists prey they have tortured.   As a Falk Medical Library clerk in 1984, deaf from childhood kidnapping, I reported being kidnapped and tortured to Amnesty International unaware that they had been set up as a decoy unit by the perpetrators at Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.   The crimes involved are shocking and complicated.  Most of this letter was written before the covid bomb which I witnessed to be a premeditated attack.  I have had to close my website for lack of funding, being old and very poor.  I am revising this letter slightly to include the current misdeed and murder of Saoirse Kennedy about which Courtney has written to me.

       The way I have been humiliated is so heartless and cruel that police administration have double dared me to talk to anyone about it, knowing that the facts will only scare people into reacting by a backlash against me, rather than help, but I feel that the game is written and since no one will defend me, I have to say something, not only for myself, but also for the sort of vulnerable, quiet types who might be targeted next, although there is some truth to the alibi in the study council that they aren’t and couldn’t do this to someone else.

       To be very exact:   for the sort of people who the British incited in defense of Ronald Reagan’s dizzying hatred for liberalism against which I publicly reacted during the AIDS crisis, the allegation that I am to blame for the death of John Lennon is a death sentence.   The police just sit back and let them commit felony holocaust hate crimes towards me and let it go as a lesson in public acceptance of the very strange.  They have already ruined me.   To add chemical castration, public death threats of slasher murder against my friends and family, to the horrible crime of making an American poet deaf is serious enough that they need a strong card of invention, and the government has allowed a small game of token nod towards the distinguished service of my father and grandfather, they have, although put me on the fast track to wrongful death, allowed the game of offering the pittance of permitting me to defend my name.   

        There is a lot that seasoned professionals could do to investigate and contradict the terror hate crimes authored by University professionals, but the sort of persons who might inquire would be detected by college administration and turned out.  University powers are not going to allow proper review of the criminal insanity in their terror campaign.

         The Universities of Pittsburgh and Washington are not going to yield an inch from the claim that I brought a terrible reprisal, which they see as a sociological joke, down on myself by using the word rape in a letter to an unrequited girlfriend.   This short note will examine their claim that  they deployed an exact science of rape in endless jeopardy to punish me, and to incite Lennon’s fanatics with the game of the idea that I should die by means approaching AIDS or worse, in karma macabre.  The reality of the letter has never mattered to anyone but it simply protested her attack on my character and ego for what she said and characterized to have been withholding passion and failure to perform. She was some sort of House of Dolls Jewess for the macabre attorney machine in Pennsylvania from the days when Trump and his horrible Trumpotronic switchboard was still hidden. In other words the letter said the opposite of how it was portrayed by Warhol pornographers and their church allies.

         The Reagan media machine puts forward again and again the idea that if I do not debate their premises, or withdrawn to isolation that I am surrendering and confessing to defeat.  This allows them to milk me for slave labors, one of their happy ends.   They claim that they put me through hell for sport as theater to watch a deviant.   In Illinois I met a man who had a picture of Gaddafi in his closet and when I asked why he shouted at me, “You wouldn’t know if you hadn’t looked!”  That’s their style, that anyone they accuse of the worst lies they can think of must be guilty and they have to drill and drill without end to prove it.  When unleashing covid to the song of their cover girl Greta Thunberg, the Extinction Rebellion released the covert book:  This is Not a Drill.

        Their so-called exact science is pitiless, without cause and very remorseless, but it is science, and their original script even says so.  They burned the nervous system of the human guinea pig, battered me unconscious, smothered me in the horror of being used by violent pedophiles, brutalized my mind with the most unspeakable defilements and then, in their cunning, surrounded the nerve injury with the flinch of feminist disdain.   They said I was icky, and weird and circulated this among their friends.   

         The media says I am the perfect scapegoat because I fell for it.  Let me try to show you what they mean specifically.   Leslie Katz used her vagina as a worm.   She rubbed it on my mouth and chin in nightly ordeals senior year in high school.  The hook was the suggestion of her and her friends that I “blew it”  in that I had a chance to fulfill my love for her.  When I rejected this taunt as rape incitement, by them, I did blow it, I gave them their set up and they will never let go. They had it set up to come taunting and jabbing the impacted neuroplasm,  which was incubating, causing convulsions and seizures heckling, “See!  See!”  Their deviant theater from that point on they could call research and they did of course, to distraction and beyond.

         The reason these ferocious Hitlers will never yield is because of what they did and what they accomplished and what they wanted revenge for.   I was a symbol to Yoko Ono of America’s victory at sea, because of my father, and to the Pittsburgh NAACP of white trolls who they think can get away with anything, and who they should get even with about their bottomless grudge over historic wrongs.   With Lennon as their driving force, “why not make a white into a symbol?” was their thinking.  The British had rock stars on it, for them something that juvenile is a dream come true.   When I say that people are detected with the heart and soul to change America, I think of what was done to Robert F. Kennedy.  Subsequently, when I tried to warn the Kennedys from Tacoma, the letter was followed by Gabbard’s battalion and delivered with the murderous disappearance of two more members of that targeted family who America abandoned. When you realize why he was killed it hurts bad.   People are not encouraged to look at me for what I am, they are kept in the dungeon of the manufactured debate.   It’s very sad.  I am not Spock, you could say.

         To allow what really happened is to be faced with revenge by the Axis, which is what they did.  It was big, it was the script behind the AIDS attack for which they are using me in their bid to make money, a major factor in why I have never been rescued.   We are past Hitler’s revenge now, it is accomplished and it was done nightmarishly, in a stampede created by a slander in which the Pittsburgh NAACP came charging to the rescue of women who are villains against something they hated most:  a white liberal who had a knack for being hated, a jinx in the frame up of America’s Kennedy curses for liberal thinkers and talents.   We may survive what has been done, who knows, but it was a mortal blow and so we may not, that’s very serious.

        The British have convinced our people that the only hope is to go along with it; or have secured our disposition for atrocity in compliance.

Two Victims

Robert Fripp and Jennifer Rubin (Robert Rubin as it appears on the goldfinger standard) were on the same wavelength when it came to confusing things in order to get a strategy done. All the same, even with her calling Goldman’s revealing book toxic, it is hard to see how Ono evaded suspicion as a suspect among the Taliban sybils who believe in Lennon’s death and the call of his spirit to evil ripper warfare. One witness said she appeared to be enjoying the aftermath. So this essay will examine the myth, Fenton Bresler’s warpo world take, N’dosed by McCarrotney.

I want to say from the onset that I can understand the principle of not allowing an unknown person to grandstand and profit at the expense of a total stranger’s life and misfortune. The adjuncts were in place to play it that way in all civility. I had my own life, some serious misfortune I needed help with. The police knew me, so did the Post Gazette. I had made the acquaintance of Fripp and Gabriel. I could have been spoken to by Reagan or Lapham at Pitt News, just as many key figures of fame have spoken with me directly.

The only reason I admitted to seeing the chilling espionage element as a dare, marry Midori and join the Beatles, was because I felt that urgent action was needed to guide us in the AIDS attack and prevent the covid bomb. They didn’t agree at all. What is more, they still had the five aces of Trump up their sleeve.

Framing someone for rape using a virgin to cover for an abomination is playing with fire. Very few people who know me see it for anything but an acid projection of Penis Gabriel’s fabulations. Those who grant that I was upset about Leslie admit now that there was a nerve agent burn that the assassins, not me, were aware of. The Ima JDL quotidian subjects the set up to Administrative disdain beginning with person of interest John Shulman, recently arrested as a major thief in the museum.

The concept that I am the evil twin of Mark Chapman took megaweird attorney Amanda Harcourt and the powers of pull available to Michael Rutherford in order to soothsay. Carmen Colucci used to tell his story that the cement mixer men his father worked with would throw just about anything, bottles, cans, into the mix to take up space. This is the approach that Ono’s favorites in Warhol took with a hostage and traumatized Jimmy Creary. They poured bucketloads of Michael Reagan’s favorite scenes. You would think as Amnesty International squoze the neuroplasm for their soundtrack that the Gandhian principle of first and last dignities would have at least extended to poison crime, not so

Ironically Colucci, who knew I hadn’t understood Gail Burstyn, and was wiretapping for Bell Laboratory in Eastminster District just to make sure, came right out and said they put Lennon’s enigma in my closet to rub it in. Logic is forbidden but, if I hated Lennon why would killing him be rubbing it in? Their point is elusive, because I liked him, therefore I am evil that makes me Chapman’s evil twin and if I would only confess and embrace the men who Warhol sponsored all could be just like starting over.

The scripting is clear. Hitler is The Holy Ghost, and marveling at the perversity, no one else in Seattle or Pittsburgh wants out.

Mac Crary

Dialectical UW-ism

    Masterminds are not intellectuals.   UW and Pitt have long tolerated obscenely brazen torture and murder targeting senior faculty and their families in a psychological prison of popularity designed by Axis - Black - authorities.  Most racism these days is like booze. You don't let anyone drive drunk, but just because you've had one too many doesn't make you an alcoholic.  The sociological malpractice of Dialectical UW-ism casts a long shadow from the Green Party over the covid bomb. Like the criminal stalking its prey, the UWism-ists are murdering profilers.  Their nightmare attack on the psychological well being of Western Civilization is making us deranged, all while flaunting the horrible and dishonorable violence of their fraud.  To be a Dialectical UW-ism-ist is to prance as though caring.   Their real agenda is a search for pigeonholes while masquerading as protectors of freedom of speech.   They do this purposefully in all slime intent sabotage freedom of speech pursuant to making us slaves?

        What could it be but slavery to take a child into lifelong bondage by the trauma caused by violent felons?    What could it be but disregard for the rights of others that gangs were crowded into the streets to spread covid while portraying themselves as  the racially aggrieved?   Why did the Administration of Law Enforcement really kill Geo. Floyd for the will of Pink Floyd in the Axis war party ordeal?   The pigs in Seattle have long worked with Ringo Starr, the druggliest of pimps, and this they shrewdly cast as the nature of reality.   Fripp has been working with Trump since the days that a slaughtering assailant murdered D.T. (Tierno), and there were no tears from Trump or Fripp for the silent weak killed by covid.  Trump and Lennon had already made clear that they didn’t include the elders among real Americans.  Their insouciance about the fear,  trauma, death and suffering is a poor role model.

        A number of bumpersticker heads have faulted my writing as overly substantial, as though some perfect example of what Orwell meant in overlong essayings signifying blather.  They reject out of hand the point value of an obscene crime of state, ultrahigh, in their puppetshow card game over mandatory sodomy in which Saoirse Kennedy was killed by Ming Na Wen’s machine to prove they would never do that.

         There is a reason while substantial writing is ignored, an opening from Axis authorities at UW, by way of Japan.  In the book Fall of Language in the Age of English, the old progenitors of the Axis in Japan seeth that because it is English it is therefore a disgrace. Hating the pale white tongue is critical to escaping Western chauvinism and the white man’s overbearing.  You can just hear the rioter’s yee haw as they destroy family small business in Chinatown.  

       We need to stop intellectualizing ourselves into stereotypes of stupidity.  Humor doesn’t really say that much about race.   Penis Gabriel’s deranged evil bore the signifier Har Court, because he creamed that a white would be crucified to the tune of pre-set scripts, never letting on in his broadcast of mass fabulation that he was using impacted robo-neurology in a traumatized deaf golem held in semi-coma brain refrigeration

       This child raping black sabbath called King Crimson was real all along.