Unless they are the ones who have invented a pretext, the parochial Royalist abhors initruders. From the onset, progressive education has been regarded by those in power as a burden and a risk. These days, even with Biden awaiting his chance in high office, nobody wants to be Mayor of Seattle, and behind that is the proto-legalization of an off-the-books war game that has killed and killed again, led by a Dialectical UW-ism death squad forcing their way into the shadows of pedestrian manipulation, bearing the whip of mayhem forged by the Green Party who helped Trump manage his cruel plans, this fascist turn enjoys the momentum of Japanese pop culture and Texas Queers. All of them fear God, far, far too much, to call full grown armed men attacking a 98 pound deaf child blindside by the name of coward, fear God almost as much as they love sex and money.
If Biden wants to take office without protest from me he should begin by answering questions about his silence during the AIDS attack, and plans for a Covid Nuremberg. I'm angry and anguished by the organized abuse in the volunteer community in Seattle and am recommending people bow out for the evidence that if you try to help them they will only turn on you. Every time I hear that someone competent, liberal, inspired, progressive, hard-working and committed to progress, whether Carmen Best or Jenny Durkan, has seen the light, bowed out and refuses to take anymore from Seattle, I cheer with my whole heart. I strongly advocate anyone with these skills, especially if they have children, to back away slowly and if they manage to get what seems to be a safe distance, to run for it and cover their traces, like Robert Jamieson has done. It is no joke when the criminally insane secure the sanction of their victims, but that is the situation in Seattle, such that while I mourn those who cannot escape, I cheer those who are trying.
The roster of crimes committed by Seattle towards a deaf victim of mutilation torture is long and violent, while completely unprovoked. Although they lied to my face, the pretext by which they lured me here has the benefit of being the truth, they may have encrypted their slum agency for the deaf as AD-was (Aaron Dixon was the Walrus of Carbonell Tape Headquarters) but the slogan Abused Deaf (Persons’) Advocacy Service was real. Jeannie being raped gave them the fight club they needed to say, okay queerbait come get castrated and see if it saves n’you. Their most recent social worker Nik, online, quipped to a transvestite halfway through her war game, “you gonna finish your game?” For the authors of Gail Burstyn’s script, police allowing this monstrosity is deemed excellent.
In truth or dare the Green Party has announced from Paul McCartney’s lair either they be allowed to take the queerbait as a souvenir to hell or they will knock a stolen H-bomb on the Magic Mountain Mt. Rainier. Living by the brutal adage that which does not destroy them makes them stronger, the one thing the Beatles are not entirely prepared for is any credibility attending reports of The Radio.
The Saint of Pittsburgh Mason Lodge of course is none other than Juan. The syphilitic rendering that is all the rage in UW is seen clearly in the nuts and bolts of Sandy’s death by urine tract cancer after I was castrated, because her Pastor was quick to announce the old accusation that Brooks and Pencilboy had proven queerbait with a spy cam entrapment that gave the Black Man dibs on Mz. Go/to. This allowed Mt. Desert Island and proved mutilation abduction of the deaf white suck mere provincial formality. In horror at this Masons! Masonry, the rabid, having chewed carpet to the tune of murdering four more Kennedys from the ripper hatter Post Office Union behind the exampling of Shannon Harps, must not bark up the wrong MOUFF negating what was done to Larry Clum. Seattle, always Poison Crime Central, is in Enossified Wise Owl Glee. Juan may have been civil protest but Youssou N’dour is his Spirit Kluk avenger and they have the iron shield of hate playing on Sheman ole Alexie’s team from North Korea for the Dacoita Building, let’s see ya match dat, dogeyes.
Best two hundred dollars Saul Brecher has ever spent.
Although the Admnistrative subculture of the offending institution sports the slogan: Our Gamer Son Wasted Your Honors Student I’m not the only object who has been put through their practice derby. Far from being the race riot that their monsters contend, Shannon’s attacker was a white in their Union and a Black basketball player was put out of commission by the usual tactics of Andrew Cho, who gloated in Mouff Sociology 101 at TCC about all these affairs. They call it Breakfus as Tiffany stuff, like chew dat goodly wafer Larry Clum for the Ku Faithful while the gleeful sing the Beatles and bark up the wrong MOUFF.
Food Fights means rioters taking food they don’t even need or want from a traumatized multiply disabled senior to calm the demented ego of Trump or Dixon whoever is their Posterman.
So where are these supposed so clearly revealed clues to show this was military sociology working behind the set in HAIR North Korea Neva Pornography? Not that Dr. Broudy or the chest pains of some dead brother on the margins of the we gonna get you set providing groupy love slaves for the High Jewess. Instead we see the caretaking more clearly in Cultural Misappropriation allegations. If you wear the beautiful South Vietnamese dresses when you is a white! That MEANS they git to use your liberal poetry to set off drone machine guns on Yemeni Schoolbuses until you get it sinks in that the Kroke Regonov is de boss, you dig? The Moxy Edukators rule in Voodoo Safari County.
Now it is bad enough that Reagan killed JFK, did his son, lopiing and howling for his favorite scene some more, just bout hafta kill Saoirse, too?
Respectable people say Joe Biden just saved the country, a sentiment with which I entirely agree, but in adding that if there’s anything else keep it to yourself because there’s no place left to run, I need to interject that bi-partisan cahootering is not off the editorial ledger. In the secret war of Joe Bidendorf there’s a problem.
A strong force for Warhol and WQED has always been Magistrate Pechman, fresh from ducking under her desk to escape Ramos Covid after the Inaugural bomb scare, and her ruling that mama Moore didnuh really help Greg Karl and Matt Marcus construct the queerball persona for licky chops Proc and Ono Ventures. The Post Office would rather lisp and leer about justified kiddie porno for Penis Gabriel’s battle of Epstein Forrest than allow for a scholar to rise as an emerging slave to scholar status as an Ono spitball eunuch mouff fulla falafel at the Poesy.
Pittsburgh Masons! Masons! Will continue to groon under the snakelike riddles of the Dacoita Building, while Jericho trumptards scheme to continue the stabbings of the Jmmy C. voodoo doll, their hostage Trump card, the mutilated wannabe-a boyfriend of Ivanka type of too pretty. The genetic nerve agent is gonna prove some white ugly stuff come outta its mouff in times of Ku Clack plague plaque myuh.
This is the real John Lennon just doing to James MacRyland Queerbait what burp in your faces types like Roger Waters dooooo to their stupid fans.
Ondrizek (arrived todays)