The distance between Cornel West and Donald Trump is not spacious.  Their levels of intolerance border on domestic terror even taken at face value.   Bizarrely accusing me of dialectically tryna break contact with the AIDS victims they bashed me into Seattle with the mercy rape of deaf Jeannie.  ADWAS had a woman named Hoog (often in Olympia, she knew from the evidence I am right about Mt. Desert Island and even said so) whose agency always closed Fridays. Her tract was called Enough but Not Enough.  It was the caprice of a revolutionary council saying, hehn, we’ll see.  When poisoning me in the mouff did nuh absolve me, covid19 was cyclone bombed and we are back to firespitters in the face Death Row.   

     Jay Inslee lured me here and lay in wait with Hans Gadamer, a philosopher of Art from Germany cued to Nasr’s old bedfellow Russell Weigley at Temple U., where the Black Panthers mongered Operation Barbecue.  It seems that poachers are making an Earth salad.

      Truman Show had a special Roger Waters’ type overseer at the end as I recall, Truman Showing the Wall.  This is in jibe with the NASA Theology that dungeon masters my house, uses neuro-electronic surveillance on the satanism of deafness, and seeks to persecute its way to moral cleanliness by Ultrahigh.

       The Beatles were after the brainwaves of America.  Bill Gates delivered.
