The perfect crime is to blame the victim and secure society’s blessing for follow-up attacks.  No other possible legacy remains for Yoko Ono’s murder of Saoirse Kennedy under the umbrella of acidheads from the Jewish Defense League.   After using me brutally since gradeschool as a sex object in pirate porno, she worked with Oliver North’s branch of Christian fanatics to have me chemically castrated.  Sean Lennon sees this as a horror story told in honor of his father’s disappearing act for the Rising Sol.   Asia explicitly arrived to America in Dealey Plaza and confiscated our weapons through Trump’s criminal empire worked out with Warhol, Ono and Onassis, an octopus leading to a man they call Casper still alive at the time of the first attack in Argentina.   

       The rabid announced himself as disciplinarian in the high seat of a parochial savage armed with evil at the gates of hell, sniveling on his swivel seat guitar empire.   He put out size DD as a Fulton Gello-mini for the napalm merchants who came to mark us while selling spotted balls for a winning at Marcus Pharmacy, downwind of Donalds Finnegan, Ostro and Gruber.  The psychotics are in domain.  No rational service has been allowed by NP hovering close to the 50 cents room on Jackson overlooked Bush Hotel.  It may have been a long time ago when she says JFK wanted peep but NP still remembers the revulsion and gladly gave Trump failed Impeachment BLESS for the bonus attack.

The allegation certainly isn’t as monstrous as the crime.

     Non of dis is rael  Non of dis, said ze Big friend premature Mancine fornicati.

Index:  Fulton School where Gellomini attacked me for Blumen and blotter.

            Fulton Mini, a XXX downtown.

The reference to North is not inferential from indexology alone, the semiotics of cameo and double in the flash in the pan scene of Platoon makes clear the mentality of the Dictatorial Elders who arranged climate ultimatum for martial law.

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