The so-called Shakespearean pizzazz of equally so-called Masterpiece Theater in the eccentric disgrace authored by British and Israeli society of letters, Penis Gabriel, et alia, behind this cock and bull situation that comes apart at every seam when faced with evidence, is about as Elizabethean as Kyra Schon eating a hoagie covered with chocolate sauce. Both Kyra and Elizabeth have soft spots for the Nazi image.
The script of the walrus was drummed up to depict American leadership as an imitator’s fantasy, the fantasy of Roy Rogers omoja’ning himself King Arthur and the hatred in the bosom of the NAACP for America is so dear that they sided with the Axis in a revenge plan. I wasn’t conscious, but when I came to it was Hank Van Sickle selling it to Rip Van Winkle all the ways to Trumpytune by way of a sickle tattoo at Maxwell House on Mt. Desert Island.
The agility of the plan comes copious with dacoitery, lackluster hustlers riffing off of the schemes as improvisatory garage rock folklore. I’ll cite a few examples of how they do their riffing off the plans and what it means about things around the borders of awareness. Then I’ll explain the actual idea of their framework, while defining their crime.
One example of riffing is the title by Crist, “Alibi of the Scapegoat.” The scapegoat is disabled but the attackers did that to the victim so they call it an alibi. Multiple ventures of riffing come from the Beatles’ piece of the action who agreed, as foreign English, to divide America 50-50 with Israel after decapitating JFK. For starters you might wonder if “they never will be found,” is riffing off the extermination committee’s murder of Roberto Clemente and say well that just disproves everything but does it? Notice the rabid use Clemente for pussyball (the AIDS attack) and the rape of a deaf girl who is learning disabled. The use of riffing is to make the Bible-hypnotizers gawk in all credulity which Louis gears up to twist him his ankle some more, Allah and Voila (what’s that mean, Jaime?) Benedict Anderson morphs by way of smugglers doubling as a recovery program into Penis Anderson for Carrot Day Anderson “tapes,” meanwhile Jaime and Penis Shell donate money to the Green Party overthrow committee and thus become good people among the smugglers.
Dow as in Constantine, stands for Widow. Before he drove a lorrie Penis McCartney learned his secret, that widows are feistier than virgins. Foreign English riffed off his dark achievements with a band called Widowmaker, for Wattenmaker/Attenborough enterprises. Alibi for the Scapegoat is party to Song of the Seagoat and like most banks, the Seagoat, selling your secrets to Nazi Germany, brags of always being on both sides.
The Afternoon of a Faun helps explain. Penny of 1717 MurderDoc Street, a semi-detached unit, crowed in her Gran Torino, acquired by recovery you understand, insisted that Antonio S------- was Jose Greco and simply wuddna “settle for a lesser violin.’ In Faun the spirit of the planet feels you and provides just as you dream, you cannuh no tella no difference. This sort of obsession destroys the mind as Euro bakes it up for more than war.
While they are merchandising for grabs on a piece of the dead, they bark about Fig having shown me some painting techniques, as I did him. I learned how to use detergent instead of soap to clean efficiently. But the art itself went to, Tim Schooler won’t like this, to Lieberman’s pal McVeigh. Tim Schooler doesn’t like being linked to McVeigh in confiscation and smuggling plans from Weird M.U. where Leslie and Mark got their start.