When you hear that current students don’t know about the holocaust in Germany you realize they probably also do not know that Leslie Katz was hired by a pornography company with Warhol associates to create a storyline Yoko Ono could use to rob a deaf person.   The storyline  Yoko Ono is selling is that the man she robbed, unprovoked, for no reason, who had never done anything to harm her, is the weird idea that by trying to warn AIDS victims when early information came in that he was trying to make money off of their suffering.  She by contrast moved to block that warning for her sale, and made a lot of money selling John Shulman’s storyline about Leslie Katz.  The Smithsonian left her name out of their article about Shulman’s museum thefts.   Barking mad, the assassin and thief crowed through a fan in chat that her victim was projecting, as though anyone who knew me believes I thought of a word of any of this horror.


           I was told to sleep, as a child, with their starlet and pen hand to prove I was not an anti-Semite and then defamed as a rapist for falling in love with her partner.  Hollywood really crossed the line.

           Of course, Obama’s cosmic Harvard has enlisted droves of special agents from places like the murderous practitioners of Dialectical UW-ism, so in my efforts to warn and advise peers that we are dealing with the criminally insane, I’ve done some research.   If Colin Powell and the NAACP actually were completely sure they could spend a pint of their bloodthirsty race rage grievance defending their role in atrocity they would without much thought but as badly as Trump and his minion Black folk want people to know what they did they also are afraid they could be caught.   So the goal is obviously a fist against testifying cloaked as race accountability.  The NAACP want peep and to keep the pornography they made of a white hate object they helped kidnap, mutilate and torture in the holocaust and rape fortification that Penis Gabriel’s gang doubled up the stakes calling an Experience Park by murdering Saoirse Kennedy.

         Temple University Africologists of course are mad at me.  They don’t like that I profiled Adolf Hitler.  Profiling is a no no.  If they say that Adolf Hitler is an honorary the Black Man what they say goes and you will receive the blessing of evil German swastikas as sacred African symbols or else.   Temple University is so enthusiastic about the African National Congress and their Moxyland confederates that they think America should be ruled by them, or if not exactly them, their honorary Uncle Adolf’s appointed majestic sister Yoko Ono through Warhol and Neva Corporation.  So don’t you go profiling Uncle Adolf.

         One of the reasons this actually happened to me, that the Green Party started tracking down and murdering or marking for death anyone I loved, is that it gets lonely being deaf, so I would go to the poetry readings and the psychopaths would say oh if he is up there getting in everybody’s face he better be able to stand up to the open mic bullies in Seattle’s psychotic fight club.   After molesting me severely with the help of teachers and administrators on campus low enough and willing to poison me in the mouth, presumably for profiling Uncle Adolf, they triggered the neuroplasm they had implanted and laughed, he sure would be more persuasive if he weren’t screaming at us, hahahahaha.

            Cosmic Harvard Obama of course is way beyond that.   Unsurprisingly the stringpullers aren’t black intellectuals at all, but white Administrators and private research scientists as often as not.   Kabbalah Harris is getting into position to play her role in the dirty deal.   You will notice that the fascists in media make light of Sean Connery’s many sexual adventures and still giggle over Mick Jagger.  Not so the torrid death guard who control the Neva Pornography that Ono began making when they kidnapped and tortured me as a child.  They rigged in by way of Robert Anton Wilson’s mentorship of a State of Washington anarchist named Wm. J. Murray who claimed that the individual is insignificant only what they symbolize means anything important (at least to Zubin Mehta).   Penis Gabriel’s gang including the Beatles removed JFK’s immortality with the nose pick of assassination in Dealey Plaza and then he posed with two toothpicks on his nose, a difficult to find image these days. Robert Anton Wilson also appeared in the Jan. 1964 first issue of Humanist Magazine, featuring a bisected JFK on the cover.

        A Catholic Humanist once said to me that abortion for slaves of Boko Harem would only worsen the tragedy.  You assume at least this beknighted Catholic would put the child up for adoption.  Not the thinking of Pittsburgh Catholic’s Karl and his sidekick Yoko Ono on this one.   The way these vipers see it the poor woman should be forced to learn to love a child of Boko Harem slave rape while Penis Gabriel locks her in a room for her refusal while playing his version of In the Mood over and over until she caves in to his band.

          Charity jacking is their division and you don’t need the money anyway, Seattle’s ethnic division has ruled after all you’re no good anymore, your penis is dead and you failed to sign on.   Ono keeps playing her violent Trump card about the warped allegation that I owe her Lennon, monotonously droning her crazy Museum Theft as though her lies are proved by Ruth Ginsberg’s card carrying status as a 007.

          Leslie Katz was hired to put the thought of helter skelter into my head as a display of the suffering caused by the neuroplasm and the way that her taunts of pleasure could sooth.  I refrained.  Although the pornographers bark with ravenous mania that this is the reason REASON they made me an object of kiddie porn and lifelong pornographic headhunting, it was in fact clocked to the AIDS attack to make money killing the sinner.

           Ono figures if they can pull it off why not?  Smithsonian won’t tell.