There has been a lot of violence trafficked in the United States without calling it Civil War. Biden went to Gettysburg during the covid onslaught, confirming a leadership position that was understated. Despite this gloomy situation, we lack transparent leadership, even maturity. Like the film, “The French Connection,” the whereabouts of the problem are overlooked either until it is too late, or the very last, as in the film’s discovery of “the rocker panels.” In this case, where we do not look is right before our eyes: Hollywood.
A man today a street away put his hand into the small of his back after a meme I made of a Seattle theme trumped up online was changed. It was about Eastwood’s role in all this, and was changed to, “you shouldn’t have tried to (sic.) have me,” and the agent turned around then and glared at me. Aside from the usual dementia in the idea that while I was hostage in trauma at the CIA safehouse of Donald Ostro where I was tortured, sexually molested, brainwashed with British tyrants like Van Der Graaf and taunted piteously, which is where I heard about Flynt, aside from the usual dementia in the absolutely deranged idea that I was behind the shooting of Flynt, I guess because I didn’t like being mutilated by pedophiles which is ideologically opposite King Crimson, aside from that, it was clearly an attempt by Seattle to reorient the brainwave sonar in favor of Fossil Fuel rockers and Trumpytune Beatlemaniacs.
I did a meme I didn’t favor and can’t seem to find although I saw it very recently of Flynt super-imposed on the World Trade bombing with the caption, “De Lawd!” They’re too violent towards me so I largely downplayed it but the mentality is blazened in the Steelers or Pirates choice of Clint Hurdle for scruples manager. The attackers were selling that the Anthrax and now covid were getting Americans over the hurdle of our decimation and although it overrules Attenborough’s hum about sanity and a sense of proportion, I do feel our grannies are entitled to a defense of the dignity and right to life the attacks sheared them of.
It is one thing, the British will rage, to show that Foucault and Strub were suicide pilots in the AIDS attack, another to hold that Flynt sided with those who shot him, but the truth is once one high profile gentleman is tricked, well, from there it is just like Romulans taking over the West Wing.
The business about the hurdle is clear in the New York Yankees Magazine where Ichiro justifies torture and castration by putting the name Mac on his collar and staring gaga as though seeking to grasp a psychedelic doll. Then came covid and his kick-them-out autograph. So, it’s disturbing in the most insane degree and sense of proportion that Seattle queers sided in mania with virological atrocity, using their condition medically to take the world hostage to the Axis Reform Party. The role of the NAACP was even admitted to me.
America has been schooled in the future with a spy cam open house. It’s not your betters just getting to know you.