After 61 years of a stunted life of deafness and other disabilities in America I have learned one important lesson. Power and loyalty most often gain their expression by denial, what one denies defines their loyalty and the standard by which they accuse. Factor in Congress becoming a Tower of Babel where even the same language is spoken but with the meanings managing to be worlds apart. Reconciliation no longer is even a consideration, reconciliation instead means reconciling yourself to the gravity of the loss, the lost potential. Faculty all over the world have fed into this. People have never cared that I was brutally tortured, the indifference is pure spite, they let me know not only that they couldn't care less I was poisoned, about skipped heartbeats, diabetes, gastric disorders and gum disease, all inflicted in hostile poison crimes, but that they have it all set up for their New Anthem: So? So? Yet they call themselves "stakeholders" in my representation,, lickychops over genocide pornography for which I was used after being kidnapped and slaughteringly deafened in a Pittsburgh organized brutal Holocaust simulation experiment while plying me with letters from Israel.  The government never cared enough to investigate or stop lickychops, granting them serial domain under claims of psychiatric spycam.

      I was forcibly deafened as a small child by a martial arts secret society led by an unknown British family and the Israeli Edward Eisen.  This gang was clearly mission statement in the Michigan school shootings by the Crumbley Family.  They pet their weapons in online chat where they publicly bragged after murdering Saoirse Kennedy as a poach.

    For years I have dogged police to help me stop an Executive killer from Warhol named Amanda Harcourt who posed as Amnesty International who evidence shows was a controlling property behind the recent school murder in Pontiac, chosen for the line in her master Penis Gabriel's song about juvenile delinquency, "took me out of Pontiac when I "was just 17" (emphasis added)  Using a snuff film script from British acid Labor, McCartney and Ono are exploiting me while hiding their hand in holocaustal hate crime.  SONY, (Tive/Burstyn/Goto) and Texas Queer created a machine intelligence scam at CMU with the help of NY Times and Lew Lapham, based on  John Shulman’s libels about a neurological disability.  Pittsburgh allowed such evil mayhem in public schools that many school shootings since are just Onotoon banditos celebrating.  Amanda Harcourt mongered that since Lennon was her dearest, and Texas Queers lost their dearests that the Kennedy Curse automatically befalls my loved ones.  They murdered Saoirse Kennedy as free smacks because not one editorialist has the courage to call them out on their pretense, not one.

      This works for Seattle because they mongered Warhol, a Trump partner and mechanic behind Gail Burstyn’s war script:  The Texas Schoolbook from NEVA Pornographic found at the root basis for an entire school of murder being summoned by the British underworld, allied to Russia.

      Visit the Crumbley murder pinball machine the latest twist of Ono to cultivate a page in this horrific screed from their chapterhouse bedlam.

      Crumbley has rumble in it, the word used by Sinfield, McDonald and Wattenmaker. gargoyling their call to poach.  James Crumbley, the dad, works for AutONOmous.  The militia behind it call themselves “Hidden Pun.”  Ian Watt was an expert in Don Quixote,  Ian Wattenmaker in nerve poison.  The script mongered human trafficking as a parochial quest for a virgin.  That they lobbed this tart farce by deception is for them a merry business indeed.

      The war machine of Britain mongers that I was 15 in trauma after torture and had papers they crow about on behalf of their own authors documenting Lennon’s virginity trafficking charade: Two Virgins Pussyball clocked to the AIDS attack.  Don’t be fooled.  If adults are still denying what the letters say it is entirely understandable that it would have been lost on me as a traumatized, deaf, battered hostage child. I made no attempt to hide the letters from anyone.  I put them in a dining room drawer as childhood keepsakes from an Israeli who was working with the NAACP.

       The murderers at CMU, including Cameron Brown of the NY Times are stalking my loved ones and killed Saoirse playing pinball with the issues.   It is a craven, deranged intelligence scam from UW Dialectical predators and snuff film operators posing as Green Party and recovery programs.  People who trust Seattle, like those who trust the Beatles, are sad, horrifying fools.

              The rabid is preying on my poetry and this likely refers to Bruta Cookie Crumbles, an old one about being a rejected lover of a Japanese hottie.

               The rabid is also “Indexing” R. Crumb.   Prior to the Crumbley (“cracking at the seams”) campaign, as  usual glorifying their awful songs,

I received a suspicious note from Quora in tandem with a Tacoma local report that an autistic 18 year old was run down here and figured on it to be dis, While I don't remember what thinking processes led me to think of dis it should be noted that it is dis whose name later came up in chat, then when I tried to run down record of the suspicious Quora email which was about Oxford, probably the bar in Montana, over the Oxford High School shooting when it came through the hotwires, the rabid issued a "NORTON" prompt immediately to ward against security.  A child died at McLaren, pinball score due the Seattle harboring an afflicted by that name.  

       Notice:  Au tonomous au tistic au au au is a gang call by the assassins.

       The revolution will never address the evidence they are acting out for their own killers, nor will they be so asked, since their loyalties are to Ringo Starr and   Michael Reagan, names that immobilize even after hours police detectives.

       Warhol group is finding these crummy people somehow and preying on innocent victims by mongering their loveslavery for songwriters.  The murderers are selling a cultural yarn as veteran folk art, pimping the monger that I should be tried as an adult in a death cult fight club, hence the 15 year old killer ingredient in the pinball display.  Ono, the true author of the letters, mongers this idea to pin revenge for Hiroshima on her prey, a Naval Lieutenant’s little boy.  The rabid have surprises, The Nation Magazine creams for them constantly, “lying through the teeth,” as they love to bray.

       Gweener had been plotting a culture of extermination poachers built on the landslide of victim loveslavery for Lennon’s call of the wild to their lemmings which Seattle took to like Draculas licking hymens from the floor.  The far out vultures on the West Coast, led by Hollywood, gothic in confiscation of victim property, digested every drug their experts said were turn ons, then poisoning them some more for Rx divvies.  The rabid digested every word their experts said, unable to break the chains of mind control by a Hollywood dialogue machine controlling their lopers by dialectical rage, sniveling with rabid black-o lickychops accomplices.  That is the root deception by Asian masterminds, they shift from white killers to black killers from among their stage hands while assuring you of their Green Party sincerity in Germany.

     This hostile de-populating tragedy council planned covid as implacably as they trafficked drug-topians during Vietnam calling my role “the walrus” as they spotted me from the holy war margins to score abortions by with attack prostitutes.

     In Seattle, their murder of three more Kennedys announces their agency as trustworthy stalwarts for Mick Jagger, lapping at the floor in glee.