The AIDS attack is an infamy that was organized by Tacoma and Pittsburgh to be a government fight club in which assassination has been carried out, the Kennedy mystery solved, and terror inflicted by the government even against children of the liberal enemy, with media vilifying the mutilation wreckage, arranged by fascists like Trump, operating a bi-racial syndicate of elite celebrity players that have included a partnership of Whoopi Goldberg and Ming Na Wen in promoting multimillionaire estate as a vagina monologue from Ellis Girls School.  They engage in coercive sex trafficking and a lobby of murder that pretends to be a schism of territorial plays based on business control. Problem is there aren’t two sides. They are just killing around to make it look that ways. Imagine a double homicide cartel portraying for fun a struggle for power between factions. Keeps the ball rolling, don’t it? A good example was a play they acted out yesterday suggestive of another move similar to the advance operation surrounding the murder of Alina Sheykhet, the same pseudo-Tupac lobby that includes Burstyn confederates at the Tribune Review in Pittsburgh such as Mike Seate.  This lobby portends what they want reported, you report that now you white as a loyalty oath, to show you care about Colin Powell and Trump most of all, give them a false pretext to attack another Kennedy, leave it to the Hollywood beavers, scheming to allege that if you don’t report it you were confederate, but that if you do report it you were accomplice in chapter writing. This is the incredible two-headed Donald Trump hitting all sides while making it appear that there is a struggle involving sides. His ally Putin got good results terrorizing us by actions from North Korea and Iran during which Trump managed to settle a score with the Ukraine.

        Spike ole Lee and Yoko Ono aren’t exactly absolute beginners from the Trump massacre crowd.  Far from being non-violent, Amnesty International itself works coercive sex slavery, blackmail, brutal serial attack upon a journalist, rape, arson, poison, murder, torture, stalking, total surveillance, were behind 911 and the AIDS attack while positioning themselves to claim that they were avenging John Lennon, who pulled a leadership role by a deranged Houdini, lyrically immortalized by his lead viper Penis J. Sinfield in the words, that he “went on but never came back,” in a reference to operation death seed as the pruning knife of the mass hallucination team behind such gears as the Warren Commission’s storyline from Hollywood media riddle machine, a government fight club over the AIDS attack that was planned for murder sports by Tacoma and Pittsburgh.   Seattle agents of this coterie have murdered by axe, ripper attack, poison crimes that violate International Law, and by lying concerning facts of entrapment, inventing crows of racism to cover a holocaust, deranged with petty spite, lewd with rivalry, vulgar with invasion, and literal criminal abduction by thrill kill artists in the forensic assertive dimension of mental health. They openly gloat orgasmically over their kills: Our Gamer Sons Wasted Your Honors Pupil!

        The educational institution is making no attempt to identify these monsters, forget about police and judges, they will run bedbugs through your hair, and in fact barely allows private discussion of the caseload that has been piled up with victims because of the insouciance of the pro-Reagan satirist Lewis Lapham, who weighed in for the fight club by laughing it was all fun and games, murder after murder.   The school tolerates without review graffiti openly extolling the fires in Australia as a Pyrocene Era, apparently in answer to Trump’s rejection as Person of the Year in favor of Greta Thunberg. A trillion of the world’s animals may perish while the Usurper of the Year throws gas bombs on a Middle East tinderbox to promote himself over Impeachment. The women of the school, groaning under their preference for Roman rapists, castrated a victim of their tyrannical manipulation for failure to perform as Donald Trump advertised, a fact that they run circles around by crying how dare you face up to the facts used to hide the AIDS attack government fight club?  They even had the foresight to give me a Social Security number starting 1984 for the nostrum: Love is Hate and Virginity is Rape!

         One of the smoking guns that Obama was in on the AIDS attack all along is the quaint and curious interjection in an article posted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette back in1986 protesting the abomination of Apartheid in South Africa.  It was arranged by Yoko Ono’s attorney Amanda Harcourt, promoting what Neva Corporation billed as an anti-church Louie tryst, a Reagan lackey who Penis Gabriel cleverly slipped my profile as a victim of mutilation torture given to Amnesty International, Harcourt and the Geralds inserted “Mt. Beatty,” in the article as a mis-spell for Mr. Beatty, who I was answering, by forces in Trump’s base (we donohue) who laughed, “If you try to help black people they will only turn on you,” and then used Obama to prove it.   Mt. Beatty was portending the sex crime by the Beatles on Mt. Desert Island where Warhol cynically worked with Zell and Burstyn on a death cult pornographic snuff film now traced to the government fight club in Tacoma. It was historicized openly by South African Secret Service writer Lauren Beukes in a book detected by Michael Bennett, a teacher at the Community College of Allegheny County called Moxyland, so named for Sir McCartney’s ransacking of my beautiful name MacRyland, and encrypted for Mock “C” land, the Neva Pornographic symbol of the CIA where a penny of profit means the gas chamber.   You think I’m wrong? They slashered Shannon Harps over a penny they said should bring the injection needle. Her book, Moxyland, openly gloats of how Penis Gabriel, making it look like he was leading a rebellion, laughingly manipulated the victims to help the corporation that was behind the attack, murdering those who have no further utility to Rosa Clemente and Trump.

          The goal of the signalpathic government AIDS attack fight club is to keep peripheral testimony slick and oily for psychiatric overwatch while promoting Two Virgins Pussyball as a done deal for the ringmaster Obama.  How’d you like a Lennon pornography Japanese sex goddess team of sex thirsty craving superwoman rotweillers to lick your lobes, ‘Nuch? Now you onboard? Kowtow to the new fascist Dictator, kowtow! Or would you rather be orthodox, beloved to Moscow Mitch and churchly?  Penis Gabriel needs to know for the next semester-at-sex roster. Hahahaha, fight club, hahahahaha defsukke! Hahahaha “injecting people!” YOU MUST WANT POISONED IN THE MOUFF!