Our society can ill-afford to live in the state of road rage that we do.  Readers have probably put together by now the way that my well-being was robbed from me (I’ve sunk into weird fatigue) and the manner that Donald J. Trump hid behind the curtain pulling strings during the attack.   He wasn’t putting America first, the Crarys were here at Plymouth Meeting, he was putting himself and DisneyWorld first. Mt. Desert Island, my down and dirty investigation, proved the existence of a plan in the attack.   

      The alibi syndicate is structurally endowed for favoritism towards their anthropology.  The method used repeats often enough to identify them. Gabriel’s epic from NASA and Pentagon-Disney authored the alibi, but in unearthing that Cliff Richardson, who played JFK in the film PT-109 went in a private plane hovering above the WTC on 911 to watch and that his partner Dia Galas who posed with a stiletto outside was also in touch, both Cliff and Dia, with her namesake who called me on Dec. 8, 1980, we establish that unbiased anthropology also confirms that those who proclaimed the right to author the epic in the names of the victims were actually the attackers themselves so the method they are using is potentially very productive in identifying who they are.   It is my view that not prosecuting them is demoralizing. Since their expertise is established to be deceit we need to reactivate the method by which this deceit was found out and led to Richardson, we need to unmask the whole affair.

       The police should be concerned about the serial murders committed by this syndicate as a form of confusion promotion whereby they convince the mistaken that they know what’s going on.  We have seen a lot of history that is only half explained. When Reagan was in power Lucille Ball fell in syncopation with Abby Hoffman and supposedly insightful people deemed this the Poetic Justice ceremony from Hollywood, an idea that continued its production under the eye of negligence in the matter with the series of “Friends” using Donnie Chin and Saoirse Kennedy.  As I have said all along, the same killers killed both. It is called Yojimbo and Yammerman has been calling the tune from Pentagon-Disney with Penis Gabriel.

         Looking at my pap’s obituary we see Donohue on the back with a scribble about injecting people and the German Green Party.  So we do know who. The shootists gave us the name Joe as a false sponsor in the murder of Donnie Chin. We donohue they mean by Joe, and by this they say let’s play a game.   The killers of Donnie Chin knew they were going to kill Saoirse Kennedy all along. It wasn’t a retaliation for anything. It was a production series. These attackers are smart alecs who want to tag and I’ll show you who they are and how they sell their Empire installation.

        The objective facts and by contrast what they want you to believe are to be viewed side by side.   Pitt’s upper tier Law students once told me, “there’s no such thing as objective reality only what the jury believes.”   Pitt has waged war of rapine demanding that this be rubber stamped and have torn their hair with deadly fury that I refuse.   Granted quite a few people can see the violence of Pittsburgh’s fraud but support it. Assuming you don’t support a holocaust process in your name I want you to be able to understand as well as I do what has happened.   When studying anthropology sometimes you have some text and maybe a monument. These fragments help establish, if they match, guideposts that can’t be contradicted. The issue of Cliff Richardson is a good example. But where does the support come from for such acts as the murder of Saoirse Kennedy?  She was drafted into an argument being serialized by Trump through Pentagon-Disney. It is a powerful group of people. They control your home computer if they want like an episode of the Outer Limits.

         Behind your backs these smart alecs have super-cartoonists like Dia Douwes illustrating their mirth by jungle vats reading, “boil them in a pot!”   However, they sell that they are the victims and convinced Dr. Ralph Proctor, somehow, that Gestapo ugly swastikas are sacred African symbols. From there Donald J. Trump got his fondest wish, he found Black Psychologists to call a white liberal child tortured by the KKK by the designation of the empathy canary in the gas mine and they did this openly, AT A SCHOOL, with the NAACP vowing they had the right to strip me of my clothes and dignity, my health and welfare, so that I would be in the plight of the wretched and can tout my views about how they should see it.  These are people who failed to warn, they did nothing honest, people I tried everything to reach and that was the best part for them, to see me cry with disbelief. Peter Gabriel used Amnesty International for absolutely ever morally disturbed and sick act of cruelty and crime his macabre mind could come up with.

          Many hostage taking films have been made where a knife nut takes someone prisoner and treats them mercilessly so they would know how he feels but this is the first time the FBI has been persuaded to do it to our entire society.

           They found something in the endoscopy that is in biopsy.   The assassination of my throat didn’t begin and end with the break-in and poison crime by Randy Tantliger of Pittsburgh Football.   It’s what happened, I have a duty to report it. Jack Karns at Pitt Administration of Justice was party to it. It led to shingles (which is encrypted in Wa-shing-ton in a way that Gabriel has used) and GERD.   There was all along the theme of D.T. (Deep Throat) and Barrett Syndrome, which is what the doctors suspect. Barrett is not only indexed directly to firearms, about which Tantliger brayed with gusto, but also to Syd Barrett.   The leathery dude Pitt hired (Brian Richmond) to work the pedo film theater of Gail Burstyn to NAACP advantage had a shirt that said, “Go for the neck,” when they popped zenker diverticulum while I was drinking a strawberry milkshake with their swallow (spy parlance dictionary term for Rosa).   The reflux was like the hell within, and charmingly I was smitten with Fripp’s coffee addiction, and of course my penpal Clint Eastwood couldn’t speak in his fine film, “Where Eagles Dare,” because his throat was wrapped to fool the Germans, a fact of interest concerning the CIA magnates from Hollywood behind Radio Free Europe and Voice of America who shot Kennedy in the voice box while Reagan was making the film, “The Killers,” with the line, “I’ll do all the talking.”

        “Daddy!  You promised!  You promised!” ~ not from Antigone.  More poetic justice?

         Where do the atrocitarians come from and how were they so effective exploiting the predisposition to favor Civil Rights that exists in our society?   At least one, not saying you, Hoffa, came with a bag, intellect, and a grudge about wrongs visited on a society whom JFK’s killers had dropped so many incendiary bombs that the whole world there went berserk.   He is now a major intellect for the people who did it, with a multicultural alliance that has Seattle star struck with their own destroyers.

         The most controversial thing ever said by an American politician was when Jesse Jackson, who never repeated the sentiment, said about those who violated Union labor, “scabs are people, too.”  The NAACP realize, as I do, that there is a tremendous human presence about the marginalized and excluded, and that there is an appeal for dignity in the grief and humiliation of a sick, black, poor man with absolutely nowhere to turn, a precipitous emotional condition that lends the burden of high anxiety to the elixir of failing health.   The brilliants of DisneyWorld had the answer, for soothsay and vampiric repast, let’s give them a deaf white suck to slay. How English and it was done in broad daylight. My co-workers at my old school had every chance to make a difference in my life by meeting my honesty and my injuries with humanity. They chose Trump and Ben Carson and destroyed me.

             Immigration is a hot button topic.  Many people seem to want to come to America, so many so and some so rich that some of our poor had to be evicted by the attack, and now, having been lied to by the Tojo Representative at the Dakota, she wants to use them and their ingrained hate, which they have no one to humanize with what really happened, for cannon fodder.   The Tojo faction of Yoko Ono rail that the Americans are perverts, that they are the white, that they have manipulated you, and say seek vengeance, it is justice, all incited by the attackers behind the holocaust, the fascists at the Palace in London, plain and simple. They want America to taste defeat by our own hand. By making it appear a provincial dispute, Disney had me looping reports about how I was tortured as a child back to the perpetrators play-acting as “Friends”.  “Why didn’t you tell your parents?” they asked coldly. Did they want my parents murdered?

          Trump synchronized a super-celebrity dispute to a single, deaf American’s right to exist.  He brought in the most brutal black players with their throat slitting gestures that his Hustler money could buy from Hollywood.    While negating the right even of symbolic American bystanders to exist, his fascist foreign experts, posing as UW Marxists, present his cold blooded pseudo-agreement as domestic resolution.   I’ll never understand why the NAACP wanted to be a lampoon of themselves, but they don’t need to read my mind, my mail or sleep with my sister.