While in Maine, away ago, I spent a long day working carpentry under a porch in an environment of biting flies and the perp who got me to go with him tried to keep my pay, when I asked him what he thought he was doing, he said, skimming, the right word for the Obama’s tabloid rendering editing out how I was tortured and disallowing the true meaning of the letter to Katz pursuant a public castration of a rival of sorts in the sense that my symbolism threatened to outhigherness him if not put to better use as a voodoo dummy, to justify and execute the goals of The White House in the attack, and effectively transfer blame to protect the assassins.
The children protesting climate change are also doing what they should be doing, getting into the public eye, if they have any hope of escaping the shadowy syndicate of Epstein, Inc. at Warhol. We must all work together to make sure their storylines aren’t skimmed by Epstein’s brethren in power. There are several mom and dad charities and working organizations that have become well known for the environment and human causes, like Greenpeace, The Buckminster Fuller Institute, Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children. We need to evaluate what prevents progress, the stopping points, job protection, flying daggers, and adopt a checklist when the stopping point hits and adopt a what’s next then attitude to maximize effectiveness in the ongoing here and now, repudiating gloom, but it’s not my precinct. My work is AIDS Nuremberg.
I realize that Chang Kai-Shek’s lucid take on American weirdos allowed UW scholars to doctor up an Us-or-Them Alliance where the Reds become the children of Lennon’s revenge authored by his bosom buddy Reagan with Fripp and Powell glorifying the plot by killing Kennedys some more or whatever spin you put on the obvious malice in the self-appointed administration of social change playing long knives to give liminal moments to a generation betrayed by a foreign pettiocracy, claiming it Just in Change.