The entire Axis revolt and reversal of fortune engineered from above that began when Kennedy got hit by their Champ iin the face with a cyber tampering ai for an eye ii with a watten balloon had as its prance the notion of Non Violent deterrence as a mandate of captivity, clear evidence that Japan always hated Article Nine and named their Revolution for it. From then on Bath Amnesty International clocked their ripper mayhem to AI’s death seed or AIDS, a strategic defense initiaTIVE.
The reversal of fortune is an incredible two headed transplant and the Axis leader is teaching those morons in America how to walk, when to cheer, even as he pours boiling oil on us.
What’s with the kneeling? The Old Testament tang haired God last seen schmoozing with Warhol and Epstein? Although I am sympathetic to the view that appreciation of Islam as a cultural trust is the way to reduce friction between our social estates, I’m not into God’s dominion, thank you, I prefer to remain standing at the Spang.
Colin is a heapist.
But to be sure we are invested in Judgement Day. The church is a notorious collection service for brutal pimps. They invented a rig for divorce from free will setting up collection and invasion in the name of pornograpers who helped Lennon trick an older generation with HAIR and hallucinogens. The indications are clear: the Green Party of Lida Kim and dear leader Aaron are the V.A. working on Judgment Day for Lucas Studios.
The anonymous fist of hired poacher services shamelessly scribble between the lines of certifiable ambiguity, but to see a long shot chance of stopping them by showing their spectrum so clearly is better than seeing them prevail without being put into their proper station. Dizzy with intrigue from every Klondike Station, Don Timmerman led the giggles of glee when the satan boy cried with suffering, don’t I’m her man, even as Chow Yun Fat howled with glee and tapes of Mi Yung Joo from Fox retakes yielding Anna and the King. So, Colin wants us to kneel to Chow in the food fight, and they are armed with tang poison right into the mouff.
Penis Golllum of Bath words with Robin Lipscomb and Wen advising Obama of Geffen, Trump’s notorious preparation errand boy. The V.A. brags of its hand in water problems I’ve been planning to report when the address is dry. And bray of Imperial Ethnic jurisdiction and anonymous fist over the privacy of an investigator into the Eugenic Union.